What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 5) -- Wei Jingsheng | 什么样的民主更适合中国(之五) -- 魏京生

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1656-W1197
Release Date: April 6, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 5) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(之五) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 5)
-- Wei Jingsheng
When we talk about free market economy, we have to talk about small government and big society.  In the Han Dynasty BC, the Chinese realized the law of excessive officials disturbing the people.  In the early stages of their economic take-off, the British also realized the connotation of the officialdom disease, which was a vicious circle in which too many officials created government affairs, and in order to cope with the affairs they had to increase the number of officials, creating troubles and burdens for the people and society.  Therefore, the sages from Montesquieu's generation took ancient China as an ideal model and put forward the principle of learning from ancient China's small government and big society.
Can society be managed well if there are too many officials?  Wrong.  There were not many officials in the early years of every dynasty in ancient China, and the officials sent by the state were only sent to the county magistrate level.  Management at that time is often the best time.  After that, redundancy gradually increased, management gradually became chaotic and ineffective, and expenses increased significantly.  So big government does not mean effective governance.
So what is the secret of small government that Montesquieu envied?  That is grassroots autonomy.  In accordance with the unified laws of the country and combined with the specific conditions of the local area or community, managing yourself is the most economical and effective management model.  American democracy originated from local self-government, and the united self-government system is the American Federation.
Since both ancient China and modern Western countries can be established under the effective management of local autonomy, why is there a need for a big government that takes care of individuals and details?  It has to be said that this is the socialist model created by the Bolsheviks who inherited feudal serfdom.  It is a feudal model that manages the people as serfs -- a model that facilitates the establishment of autocratic slavery where a few people rule over the majority.
However, the Chinese people have been accustomed to freedom for more than two thousand years and are not suitable to be serfs.  They are unwilling to accept this model of personal control.  This resulted in a serious conflict between the government and the people.  The local emperors not only had to control how people burned coal for heating, but also how many children they may have.  In order to achieve the targets set by the big leaders, they did not hesitate to smash farmers' rice cookers to make steel, and they did not hesitate to create pollution to achieve GDP.  Their ultimate goal is to maintain the absolute authority of the dictatorship.
Why was local autonomy managed so well in ancient China, and even foreign invaders had to accept the Chinese model when they entered the Central Plains of China?  Why do Americans manage local self-government so well?  Are the Chinese inferior and mentally retarded?  These rumors created by Literati who like to brown their noses in an effort to help the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have indeed paralyzed the IQ of the Chinese people.  A bunch of ignorant Chinese indeed think that they are an inferior race and are not worthy of enjoying the same democracy as others.  They really think that they have inferior Asian values.  These rumors are conducive to the authoritarian rule of the CCP.
The institutional evolution of ancient China stagnated because the autocratic political management model of the market economy could still be maintained, and also because there were no wise people to invent the modern democratic model.  But in an era when the world has evolved into democracy empowered countries, Chinese people with lofty ideals have also quickly caught up with the world trend.  However, the CCP introduced the Soviet-Russian feudal system, interrupting the pace of institutional evolution in China.  It made China regress back to the feudal society of the Zhou Dynasty three thousand years ago, and even more so than its predecessors.
The so-called reform and opening up of Deng Xiaoping was only a half-baked evolution to a semi-market economy, coupled with authoritarian politics.  It also had the tail of a Soviet-style planned economy.  It is worse than the full market economy plus semi-authoritarian politics of the ancient dynasty era in China.  This may be a psychological tendency of the Chinese people who like to watch ancient costumed dramas and envy the ancient people.
Therefore, democratization in China is not about restoring the ancient system, nor is it satisfies with the CCP's half-baked reforms and tinkering.  Rather, it is necessary to introduce Western democratic systems and ensure a truly free market economy on the premise of restoring traditional local autonomy in China.  That is to say, we must take over the torch of establishing a democratic republic at the beginning of the last century, end the autocracy of the CCP, and rebuild a republic in China.
(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)
Original link of this commentary:
To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:
Related screenshot of Wei Jingsheng's commentary on RFA website:
(Written on March 12, 2024 and recorded on March 17, 2024.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on April 5, 2024.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1656-W1197
Release Date: April 6, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 5) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(之五) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 魏京生
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