This is regarding Porting Cassovary from Scala 2.9 to 2.10.
We have made the following changes to cassovary:
1) Migrated from Scala actors to akka actors, which are used in SynchronizedDynamicGraphSpec.scala, because scala-actors is not a part of 2.10 anymore and is replaced by akka-actors
2) Changed net.lag logging to util.logging
3) Changed the library dependencies in project build to suit scala 2.10
The project builds successfully with 2.10 and all the test cases are successful but the issue which we encountered is that while maintaining backward compatibility scala 2.9.2 uses akka 2.0 version and scala 2.10 uses akka 2.1, so Await is present in scala.concurrent.duration in scala 2.10 and in akka.dispatch in scala 2.9.x .
So, we would like the community to point us to the right direction. Is there a way around for this? Are we missing something?