The refund policy

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Mar 16, 2010, 1:58:01 AM3/16/10
to TwiCon Discussion Group
One of the threads on the ning site had a link to the refund policy.
That link now takes you to the FAQ page that no longer has their
refund policy on it. Any thoughts on why? Does anyone have a copy of
the policy?


Mar 16, 2010, 2:03:35 AM3/16/10
to TwiCon Discussion Group
Here is the original post on the forum (it was originally in response
to the venue change in Canada):
Reply by Raven1 on February 16, 2010 at 2:08pm
The contact information was buried on the site. The
organizers of Twicon, Scoggins Management Group, LLC, may be reached
at (336) 230-0015. You can also reach Becky Scroggins through e-mail @ or by utilizing the contact form (http:// The address for the organization
(just in case you need it)is Scoggins Management Group, LLC / 111
Wilson Street, 2nd Floor /Greensboro, NC 27401.

The FAQ ( states 'no
refund,' but I REALLY hope that they would consider the fact that the
venue has just been moved 250 miles from the originally planned city a
mere 4 months before the event as extenuating circumstances. Good

Here is the FAQ page now:

What happened to the refund policy?


Mar 16, 2010, 2:09:52 AM3/16/10
I wonder - would the "no refund" policy be in effect if TwiCon itself made changes to the original plan? 

In example, customers submit their placeholder based on a certain expectation (time, place, price, etc).  I can understand why TwiCon would not refund the money if the customer were to change their mind.  However, if TwiCon were to change something with those original expectations, the placeholder shouldn't be able to still be in effect, as the expectations the customer paid for are no longer being met. 

I just can't believe that a company would be legally allowed to walk away with all of that money.  I sincerely hope there is something done to ensure that no one loses money, and I hope that the company, or whomever was responsible for the company, is held responsible for that money. 


Mar 16, 2010, 6:18:13 PM3/16/10
to TwiCon Discussion Group
OK - I've copied this over from the PTB info, and hope it's useful for
the American market...

So I know that this is closing the stable door after the horse has
bolted somewhat, but I work in insolvency (in the UK, admittedly, but
globalisation has a lot of positives....) and wanted to share a couple
of things:

1) ALWAYS pay by credit card if the value is over $50. You then have
at least some right of recourse to the credit card company - the
amounts covered vary with different card providers, but $50 is a
fairly safe bet. Even if you pay the card off the following day, all
the transaction has to do is show up on your statement for the credit
card insurances to be valid.

2) Customer deposits: this is a massive issue with insolvency.
Theoretically these funds should be ringfenced, in which case they
fall outside of 'corporate' assets and the consumer is protected. If
the company has been trading using these monies, and is now unable to
refund, then there is no reason why you can't seek to petition for
some form of insolvency (ch11 is always better than bankruptcy for the
creditors) on the grounds that they are unable to pay their debts as
they fall due. There is obviously the fact that they have not
provided the service which you have paid for, but you can't always get
that past a court until after the date that the conference was due to
take place, despite the cancellation notices.

I thought everyone should be aware, particularly of point 1. As an
aside, and unrelated to this, gift certificates: there is NO
obligation for these to be honoured in bankruptcy/ch11 - buy them at
your peril, and if you receive, spend them fast!


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