I've got a similar situation with a hidden textbox that does not appear until you have made a criteria selection from a dropdown.
I'm using Microsoft Access with VBA code:
Call browser.FindElement("div", "uiname=Advanced Search, index=1").Click
Call browser.FindElement("div", "class=searchIcon, index=1").Click
' Call browser.FindElement("button", "uiname=Yes").Click
Wait 2, True 'This is a function that pauses program execution for 2 seconds
Call browser.FindElement("input text", "id=fbSearchProperties_25_input").InputText("AP Invoice Number")
Call browser.FindElement("input text", "id=fbSearchConditionType_26_input").InputText("is")
'***** works fine to here **************
core.useHardwareInputEvents = True 'Added this as a result of reading this thread .. not working
Call browser.FindElement("input text", "uiname=Specify value").InputText("108100")
Call browser.FindElement("input submit", "id=searchButton").Click
That "uiname=Specify Value" is the seemingly hidden texttbox that does not appear until you have made a criteria selection from: id=fbSearchProperties_25_input").InputText("AP Invoice Number")
When I use Internet Explorer's element inspector:
<input tabindex="5" class="searchTypedValue typedValueTextBox typedValueInputTextBox" style="width: 426.2px;" type="text" placeholder="Specify value" autocomplete="off" "="">
So how can I set a value (eventually from a variable, but for now a fixed value of "108100")