Hi all,
In the absence of Alex's adapter I have made my own version.
I mounted a module "Arduino MEGA2560 Pro Embed ATmega2560 16AU
Compatible Board CH340G" in sockets on Veroboard, on spacers above the
OMC, and jumpered from there to a plug to the OMC 644 socket.
A connector was mounted one one edge of the Veroboard to connect to the
adapter, which came with Full graphics display/controller, this provides
the two expansion ports to drive the graphics/controller (note the pin
allocations on these ports are different to those proposed by Alex).
The result is not pretty, if you look closely, but it works without
problems. Providing standalone graphical display and control, reading
either the OMC or controller SD card; plus normal control from
Pronterface on the laptop.
It was quite a fiddly exercise and a better alternative would be for
someone with PCB design expertise to make a PCB to replace then
Veroboard. This arrangement avoids the need for microscopic soldering
skills and remove the need for any high frequency connections to the OMC.
An alternative arrangement I considered was a kickstarter project which
mounted a 2560 with crystal etc on a daughter board that brings out all
the connections to pins but I could not find anyone actually selling one.
I now have to delve into all the additional settings now available to
get the best of the setup.
Thanks to Bob for his help an encouragement.
John Brown.
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