Change image for downloaded posters and banners?

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Kolby Gospodinsky

Jun 5, 2024, 11:31:51 AMJun 5
to TV Rename
IS there a way to change the downloaded poster and banner and stuff like that for shows after it scans them since when i add them to kodi i want a different image then the default poster or banner that it gives me when it downloads then. Example it downloads the first poster it sees into the tv show folder but i wnat to be able to change that image same with the banners and stuff is there a way to do that?

Pontus Berg

Jun 11, 2024, 6:08:28 PMJun 11
to TV Rename
I use PLEX and change any picture there. Doesn't Kodi have a similar function?

Steven K

Jun 15, 2024, 1:49:06 PMJun 15
to TV Rename
I don't believe TVR currently presents you with an option to pick the one you prefer if the source offers multiple images.  Not too sure why.  You have to manually add/replace an image in the show folder with the one you want and then select it from within KODI.
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