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Bulk Add Issue

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Howard Tanner

May 14, 2024, 11:43:37 AM5/14/24
to TV Rename
I just found this app, and I'm trying to set it up. The Quick Start is excellent - thank you! But I'm having trouble with Bulk Add not identifying my folder structure correctly.

My library for my TV shows and Cartoons has start and (optionally) end years in the folder names. For example:

\Cartoons\Animaniacs [1993-2023]\Season 01 [1993-94]\


\TV\3 Body Problem [2024-]\Season 01 [2024]\

As you can see, if the show is ongoing, I have just a dash after the start year. If the show is ended, I have the end year. If it's just a single year, then there's no dash, like in the season for 3 Body Problem above.

Additionally, some folder names have {tvdb-#####} after the folder name from when I was using Plex and it needed help finding the names. I use Emby now, but I never removed the tvdb hints.

When I try to add my content in Bulk Add, It identifies most folders as FLAT, although a few are correctly identified as Folder per Season. But I can't continue with the Bulk Add since most folders are misidentified.

I have a large video library and renaming everything would be a huge undertaking. In addition, I'd have to reload it all into Emby again if I rename it all. So I'd prefer to fix how Bulk Add identifies the folder structure.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Howard Tanner

May 14, 2024, 12:07:06 PM5/14/24
to TV Rename
I also have a problem with some of my movies. Some are flat, and are identified OK. But others have additional text in their names. For example:

\Movies\Action\Alley Cat [1984] [Remastered]

For these, the name is properly identified, but the year is not.

I also have some collections numbered like this:

\Movies\Action\Kingsman\01 Kingsman - The Secret Service [2014] [Uncut]

For these, the name is wrong and the year isn't found.

Finally, I have some collections numbered and named like this:

\Movies\Collections\Old Movies\1900-29\1916 Sherlock Holmes [6.3 Mystery] - this is the IMDB rating (when I looked at it) and all the genres, separated by a comma

For these, the name is wrong and the year isn't found

I found "Filename Processors". If I set a RegEx rule for my names, will this be used in the Bulk Adds?
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