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Force Refresh All not working

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Hassan El-Zayyat

Nov 29, 2024, 6:35:53 AM11/29/24
to TV Rename
For some reason TV Rename started with no information today. I renamed the xml file and restarted TV Rename and my shows were back but they were all "not downloaded".
I hit Force Refresh All in Tools but it just brought me back to the main windows.
Picking a show and pressing Control Refresh works for that one show.
I have more than 500 shows. will I have to repeat that for every one?
Can I find and restore the TVDB and Maze data on my computer?
Thanks for any help

Hassan El-Zayyat

Nov 29, 2024, 6:47:44 AM11/29/24
to TV Rename
I found and renamed the TMDB.xml, TheTVDB.xml and TVmaze.xml files and I seem to be back in business. Is there anything else I need to take care of?

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