version 4.5.3 won't scan

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Dec 23, 2021, 4:10:03 PM12/23/21
to TV Rename
I have several TV shows in a folder that TV Rename monitors and it is no longer detecting anything in these folders.  The Scan Progress dialogue box pops up and appears to scan as normal, but it does no renaming or moving of files.

Any ideas on what it may be?


Dec 23, 2021, 5:59:35 PM12/23/21
to TV Rename
Further experimentation:  
It used to be that when I put a TV show in a monitored folder, TV Rename would detect it, rename it and move it off the computer onto the NAS where all other video files live.

Now, it does detect when a file is put in the folder and it appears to scan, but in the end it doesn't do anything.

If I go into "schedule" and right click on a show that TV Rename says is missing (from the NAS, but it is sitting in the monitored folder) and I choose "Quick Scan" I get a list where it shows all the episodes.  They all have tick marks next to them, including the one that hasn't yet been moved to the NAS.  The ones already on the NAS have a green, downward pointing arrow.  The one missing from the NAS has an icon looking like a sheet of paper.  If I click on Do Checked, it does what it is supposed to do and moves the files to the NAS.

I've done updates as they become available and have not changed any settings.

Let me know if any more info might help.


Dec 30, 2021, 7:21:13 PM12/30/21
to TV Rename
Have you looked in the log files? It explains what it’s doing in there. 

Maybe try concentrating on one show first -see if it misbehaves for that show?


Jan 7, 2022, 6:42:30 PM1/7/22
to TV Rename

For example, Curb Your Enthusiasm S11E10 does not exist on the NAS (diskstation) and there is a copy in the folder TV Shows to Rename that, well, needs to be renamed and moved over to diskstation.  

I looked at the log, but can't see anything that really points me in the right direction.  I've attached a copy here.  The thing is, TVRename has worked great for years and all of a sudden it doesn't and I'm not sure why.


Jan 14, 2022, 10:11:12 AM1/14/22
to TV Rename
Further troubleshooting:

Putting a video file in the monitored folder triggers TV Rename to do a scan, but after it's done, the scanning window disappears and the files are still there in the monitored folder.

However, if on the schedule tab, I right click on one of the shows that is sitting in the monitored folder, waiting to be renamed and moved, and I choose 'scan "showname"' TV Rename sees the missing files in the monitored folder.  I click on "Do Checked" and the files get renamed and moved as they should.

I would imagine it's a setting somewhere that is affecting this, but I have no clue where it is or how it was changed.


Jan 14, 2022, 8:00:18 PM1/14/22
to TV Rename
When TV Rename finds lots of things it wants to do >1000 it defaults to not do them (just in case there is some sort of large error). You have to manually set the items you'd like to do. (these can be done in bulk via the 'check' button next to 'scan')

When you select an individual show the list of things to do is less than 1000, so they are enabled by default


Jan 14, 2022, 8:01:19 PM1/14/22
to TV Rename
4.5.4 does not have the 1000 item limitation (but some users are finding it doesn't work - we are working on it)


Jan 18, 2022, 9:28:51 AM1/18/22
to TV Rename
I installed 4.5.4 and it appears to have fixed the problem.  For me anyway.  Thanks!


Jan 18, 2022, 6:36:41 PM1/18/22
to TV Rename

Some people reported problems with 4.5.4. Great that you are avoiding them, but 4.5.6 is better!
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