Hello TVB developer,
I am trying to model brain dynamics in brain tumor patients. I found a demo named educase_TVB_braintumor but the version is too old. At the top, there's a command to import to corr_coeff, "import tvb.analyzers. correlation_coefficient as corr_coeff". But the correlation_correlation module seems have been removed. I try to use correlationcoefficients in the graph. But it seems for other aims.
So how can I use this function in latest version of tvb? Can you give me a demo to settle thes problem to replace these code?
# Compute the functional connectivity with the corrcoef analyzer
corrcoeff_analyser = corr_coeff.CorrelationCoefficient(time_series=tsr)
corrcoeff_data = corrcoeff_analyser.evaluate()
FC = corrcoeff_data.array_data[..., 0, 0]