Simulating BOLD through TVB GUI

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Dominique Hughes

Oct 25, 2023, 2:19:52 PM10/25/23
to TVB Users

I am trying to simulate BOLD data through the TVB GUI with the aim of creating functional connectivity matrices. I am struggling to figure out the details because the documentation that I've found is pretty basic and doesn't include all of the options on the GUI. I have my data ready and in TVB already and I've read papers about methods but I am still struggling to get the outputs I was expecting - maybe I am misunderstanding what exactly TVB is doing when it simulates BOLD data, or maybe I am not setting it up correctly. 

If anybody has any advice about what they have done or could direct me to a more in depth tutorial/documentation about simulating BOLD data, I would really appreciate it. 

Dominique Hughes

Courtiol, Julie

Oct 25, 2023, 2:54:44 PM10/25/23
to TVB Users

Hi Dominique,

In the following paper you can find an example of simulated BOLD signals using TVB (see "Numerical implementation" paragraph):

You can simply use the generic 2D oscillator in your case.

The monitor BOLD is equivalent to the implementation of the BallonWindkessel hemodynamic model, also available with TVB.

Have a first look at the paper for a better understanding.



Best regards,

Dr. Julie Courtiol
Scientific Manager, Brain Simulation Section


Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Berlin Institut of Health
Brain Simulation
Robert-Koch-Platz 4
Charitéplatz 1 | 10117 Berlin | Germany

De : <> de la part de Dominique Hughes <>
Envoyé : mercredi 25 octobre 2023 20:19:52
À : TVB Users
Objet : [ext] [TVB] Simulating BOLD through TVB GUI
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Dominique Hughes

Oct 25, 2023, 3:11:39 PM10/25/23
Hi Julie,

Thanks for the response. Clarifying that the monitor BOLD is equivalent to the Balloon analysis tool is very helpful.

The paper you sent has a similar description to the papers that I have read as well. 

Based on my data/literature research, my advisor and I decided to use the reduced Wong Wang model with excitatory and inhibitory populations. When I simulate BOLD with this model, I get separate time series for both the excitatory and inhibitory population - I thought that I would get a single BOLD response that takes the activity of both populations into account when calculating the signal. I saw it very briefly mentioned on the TVB website (not the documentation, just as part of the general description of what TVB can do) that BOLD response is based on the excitatory population because it is estimated to be based on glutamate release - does this mean that I should just have the BOLD monitor for my excitatory population variable and not the inhibitory population variable when running the simulation?

Dominique Hughes

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Nov 2, 2023, 9:27:51 AM11/2/23
to TVB Users
Hi Dominique,

Yes, exactly. It is the excitatory population that is used to compute BOLD responses.


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