Coupling function in the Larter-Breakspear model

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Gianluca Gag

Jul 25, 2023, 5:33:39 AM7/25/23
to TVB Users
Dear TVB community,

I am currently using the Larter-Breakspear model and have a question regarding its implementation in TVB. This model utilizes a hyperbolic tangent coupling function, as described in equation 4.14 in [Sanz-Leon, P., Knock, S. A., Spiegler, A., & Jirsa, V. K. (2015). Mathematical framework for large-scale brain network modeling in The Virtual Brain]. According to this equation, multiplying the structural connectivity (SC) weight matrix by a factor (global coupling constant, G) should have no effect on the simulations (given the term 1/∑ukj ). However, my observations do not align with this, as I am obtaining different results when I multiply the weight matrix by G.

Could you kindly clarify how the hyperbolic tangent coupling function is actually implemented in TVB? (maybe the factor 1/∑ukj  in eq. 4.14 might not be used).

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Julie Courtiol

Jul 25, 2023, 7:03:50 AM7/25/23

Dear Gianluca,

In Eq. 4.14, the coupling function does not depend on the SC weights because of the annulation of the weight terms. Therefore, only the summation of the remote nodes’ activity is computed.
For this reason, when varying the coupling strength, you should obtain different simulation results.

Did I answer you question?


Best regards,

Dr. Julie Courtiol
Scientific Lab Manager, Brain Simulation Section

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Berlin Institut of Health
Brain Simulation
Robert-Kosh-Platz 4
Charitéplatz 1 | 10117 Berlin | Germany

Twitter: @Courtioljulie
LinkedIn: juliecourtiol

Le 25 juil. 2023 à 11:33, Gianluca Gag <> a écrit :

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Gianluca Gag

Jul 25, 2023, 9:31:43 AM7/25/23
Dear Julie,
Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately, perhaps I couldn't understand it fully, and I still have some doubts:

> In Eq. 4.14, the coupling function does not depend on the SC weights because of the annulation of the weight terms.
Ok, according to eq. 4.14 this is what I understand (multiplicative factors cancel out as they are at numerator and denominator)

> Therefore, only the summation of the remote nodes’ activity is computed.
Isn't that in contradiction with your reply? Why should only the remote nodes be relevant here? (What do you mean by summation of remote nodes' activity?)

Thank you again,

Courtiol, Julie

Jul 27, 2023, 2:47:31 AM7/27/23

Dear Gianluca,

Please see Eq. 4.14 below:

For all node k:

The remaining, right most summation contains the variable Vj, which correspond to the activity of other network node.



Best regards,

Dr. Julie Courtiol
Scientific Manager, Brain Simulation Section


Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Berlin Institut of Health
Brain Simulation
Robert-Koch-Platz 4
Charitéplatz 1 | 10117 Berlin | Germany

De : <> de la part de Gianluca Gag <>
Envoyé : mardi 25 juillet 2023 15:31:28
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Objet : Re: [ext] [TVB] Coupling function in the Larter-Breakspear model

thierry nieus

Jul 27, 2023, 5:37:26 AM7/27/23
to TVB Users
Dear Julie,

Thanks for taking care of this issue.

I am working with Gianluca on his project. 

The original 4.14 equation is:
In our work we need to understand how the dynamics of the model change when the coupling coefficients of the connectome are multiplied by a fixed constant (aka Global Coupling coefficient multiplying ukj, e.g. as done in Fig.2 of Deco et al. 2019 ). 

The dynamic of the network indeed changes (also when considering small networks of just 2 or 3 nodes). However when we came back to the literature we found 4.14 which simply tells us that any G multiplying the ujk would have no impact on the gamma(Vk,Vj,ukj) as it would cancel out because it is at the numerator and denominator. 

We are probably missing something there ... Maybe the TVB implementation isn't exactly as in 4.14 ?!

Thanks in advance

Best regards


Jul 27, 2023, 8:56:23 AM7/27/23
to TVB Users


I read the equation as

    Gamma = afferent_input / in_degree = sum( u Q( ... ) ) / sum(u)

While the summations cannot cancel, a global scaling change, call it K, does cancel:

    Gamma = sum( K u Q(...) ) / sum(K u) = K sum(u Q) / (K * sum(u)) = sum(u Q) / sum(u)

From this standpoint, it's the (weighted) in degree normalization in the model that makes it invariant to global connectome changes.

For modeling purposes it is desirable to scale afferent input and not the connectome, i.e.

    Gamma = K sum(u Q) / sum(u)

which may be what you have done when you mention

> dynamic of the network indeed changes (also when considering small networks of just 2 or 3 nodes).

since that would be the simplest thing to implement in TVB, confirmed by the original observation,

> I am obtaining different results when I multiply the weight matrix by G.

and in fact, in the implementation of the tanh coupling function, no in-degree normalization is performed,

so the equation 4.14 applies, but without in-degree normalization.

hopefully that helps,


From: <> on behalf of thierry nieus <>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2023 11:37:11 AM
To: TVB Users
Subject: [RESEAUX SOCIAUX] Fwd: [ext] [TVB] Coupling function in the Larter-Breakspear model

thierry nieus

Jul 27, 2023, 10:12:11 AM7/27/23
Hi Marmaduke and Julie,
Thanks to both of you for your prompt reply and extensive replies.
Now it is much clearer!
Best regards

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