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A question about the G to ajust the parameter

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Joey Gao

Apr 19, 2024, 4:16:04 AM4/19/24
to TVB Users
Dear developer,
     Here I want to ask a question about the parameters ajustmet. For the global couping G, I find to parameter about this. One is the "coupling" function of the simulation. Another one is the parameter in the models. I think they are totally different. So if I do the travesal, which one should be stable ? And how should this stable value be determined? Thanks !


Apr 19, 2024, 5:18:12 AM4/19/24
to TVB Users


You can choose which one you want to vary, they can be redundant depending on the model in question.



From: <> on behalf of Joey Gao <>
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2024 10:16:04 AM
To: TVB Users
Subject: [RESEAUX SOCIAUX] [TVB] A question about the G to ajust the parameter

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Dear developer,
     Here I want to ask a question about the parameters ajustmet. For the global couping G, I find to parameter about this. One is the "coupling" function of the simulation. Another one is the parameter in the models. I think they are totally different. So if I do the travesal, which one should be stable ? And how should this stable value be determined? Thanks !

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Joey Gao

May 5, 2024, 9:50:55 AM5/5/24
to TVB Users

Dear TVBs,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek guidance regarding the preprocessing and simulation analysis I conducted using the Parkinson's dataset.

To provide some context, I performed preprocessing on the dataset, which involved generating corresponding structural connectivity matrices and functional connectivity matrices. Subsequently, I utilized the reduced Wongwang I&E model for simulation. During parameter tuning, I initially fixed JN and W+ and conducted a systematic search over G and Ji parameters. Following this, I employed the optimal values of G and Ji to perform another search over JN and W+ to ascertain the parameter configuration that best fits the simulated data.

However, upon visualizing the results through heatmaps depicting spatial search, I noticed that the patterns observed were not as distinct as those presented in your research paper. I am reaching out to seek insights into potential factors contributing to this disparity.

I have attached some images illustrating the heatmaps for your reference. Your expertise and guidance in identifying potential discrepancies or areas for improvement would be immensely valuable to me.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to your insights.



May 21, 2024, 5:32:28 AM5/21/24
to TVB Users

hi Joey,

Perhaps you can write out the citations for those figures?  They do show clear trends compared to yours, and the first suspect would be noise, and a second is a plain mismatch between the model and data.  I would suggest reducing the noise level and widening the range of your sweep.



Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2024 3:50:54 PM
To: TVB Users
Subject: Re: [RESEAUX SOCIAUX] [TVB] A question about the G to ajust the parameter

Joey Gao

May 30, 2024, 1:08:23 AM5/30/24
to TVB Users
Here are the citations of those figures, notably in supplementary.
 Monteverdi, A., Palesi, F., Schirner, M., Argentino, F., Merante, M., Redolfi, A., … D’Angelo, E. (2023). Virtual brain simulations reveal network-specific parameters in neurodegenerative dementias.
Monteverdi, A., Palesi, F., Costa, A., Vitali, P., Pichiecchio, A., Ramusino, M. C., … D’Angelo, E. (2021). Subject-specific features of excitation/inhibition profiles in neurodegenerative diseases.

So if you have other new ideas about it? I will try as your suggestion. Thanks.
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