Hey Tuttlers. I just wanted to let you inner-circle types know that I'm adding some new sponsorship opportunities into the mix and to get some feedback.
I've negotiated with Alastair at the Coach & Horses to bring the cost of the Friday morning session from next week on down to £100 with people paying for their own coffee & croissants. Toby Moores from Sleepydog has also kindly agreed to underwrite these sessions so that if we really can't get a £100 sponsor he will cover it. If you have clients or know someone else who'd support us for just £100 please put them in touch.
In addition, I want to shift the focus onto asking companies to support the creation of content on the blog. I will write a blog post and do a podcast from the cafe every week interviewing a couple of regular members on a subject supplied by a sponsor. The sponsor will get idents pre- and post-interview and get to have their badge/logo on our blog (perhaps for longer than one week).
Having screamed at the TV two weeks running while watching the Apprentice boys make up ridiculous pricing off the top of their head, I thought I'd ask you for your views.
How much do you think is a reasonable amount for a sponsor to pay for asking a question and getting some content out of it? - let me know whether your answer's based on having sold advertising, having bought advertising or if you're just making it up :) (just making it up is ok, but I need to know)
How much do you think is a reasonable amount for a sponsor to pay for just putting their badge on our blog for, say, a month?
If I asked you to be interviewed, what would you want in return?
What else do you think I should know before talking to potential sponsors?
Thank you, my lovelies.
Lloyd Davis
Perfect Path Consulting Ltd
Helping people be brilliant in the knowledge economy
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