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[Announcement] New release and versioning process

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Gustavo Garcia

Aug 30, 2022, 3:41:36 AM8/30/22
to TURN Server (Open-Source project)

Dear all,

We would like to start using a new release and versioning process.    The idea is to switch to some semantic versioning with a regular release cadence where we would have:

* A new minor version 4.x.0 on a regular cadence (every 2-3 months) including all the new features and improvements since the last version.   We would generate that release after at least 2 weeks without critical changes and no known open issues reported.

* A new patch version 4.x.y for every relevant bug or security fix merged.   This version would be generated from the 4.x.0 branch and wouldn’t include other new features or improvements.

* A new major version 5.x.y only if there is a big refactor or non backwards compatible change.   This is something not planned right now.

That will start with a “clean cut” on 4.6.0 in the next days.

If somebody has any strong reason against this new policy please let us know.

Best regards,

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