Any future release plans for TurboGears?

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Hugh Taylor

Oct 17, 2022, 5:29:03 PM10/17/22
to TurboGears
I am updating a web application to run with Python 3.10.5, which looks like it is working (still testing it...) with the latest SQLAlchemy 1.3 branch version. I see that an update for the SQLAlchemy 1.4 API changes has been merged to the main branch.

Are there plans for a forthcoming release and/or 3.10/3.11 support?

Alessandro Molina

Oct 26, 2022, 9:14:47 AM10/26/22
Development on TurboGears has slowed down recently due to some personal issues and due to the fact that with version 2.4 the big refactoring to migrate away from Pylons heritage to a more modern infrastructure was completed. Now that my time for opensource work is increasing, I hope to be able to go back to a more reliable release process for TurboGears.

Obviously if there are people interested in getting involved into the project, I'm more than happy to provide any assistance and training so that I don't act as a blocker as much.


On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 11:29 PM Hugh Taylor <> wrote:
I am updating a web application to run with Python 3.10.5, which looks like it is working (still testing it...) with the latest SQLAlchemy 1.3 branch version. I see that an update for the SQLAlchemy 1.4 API changes has been merged to the main branch.

Are there plans for a forthcoming release and/or 3.10/3.11 support?

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