i'm working on a tgext.pages or tgext.admin like tg2 app.
I can extract and compile messages from my tgext.example but
how can i render those trasnlated messages in the main app where i 'plug' it?
Daniele Favara
> When you edit the .po file for the appropriate language, and compile
> the catalog, if your browser is set to accept the language or you have
> forced the language in the development.ini file, you should be able to
> see the translations
Yes and a *quickstart* project works fine.
> If you are not seeing those extracted messages, then the application
> doesn't have the text within the controller properly written.
The problem i have is that i import in the root controller of the
main app a controller of a tgext i wrote, in the same way as on the
default quickstart project is imported Catwalk (admin).
What i'd need to do is to get translated messages of the imported controller.
Is it clear ? I'm not sure i explained the goal very well .
Many thanks
Daniele Favara
How should be supported translations of tw.apps and tgext.apps ?
> You should be able to test it by adding the respective lines from
> the .po file from myappext.i18n to the .pot and .po file in your
> language file and recompiling the catalog.
> If that is the case, you should be able to change setup.py so that it
> also searches your application in myappext for the catalogs and update
> the .po files for your language.
i'm going to test this, but i'd really love to find a better approach.
If there is any devel reading this mail i'd like to receive
suggestions from him, i'm even available to work on a patch if it's
Daniele Favara