ToscaWidgets Docs

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Paul Johnston

Feb 8, 2009, 3:44:11 AM2/8/09
to TurboGears Docs

I've been doing quite a bit of work to update the ToscaWidgets docs. I
think the work TG2 people have done is great, and I have nicked some
chunks. A few thoughts on how to progress this:

1) Can we remove all the tw stuff from rough docs? This is all in the
main docs now and there's too much out-of-date tw doc on the net.
2) Shortly, almost all the TG2 tw doc will be covered by TW doc (all
except the cookbook). When this is done, can we rejig the build
process, so there's no TW doc in the TG2 source, it's just pulled in
from external? I have no idea how to do this, but I understand sphinx
supports it.
3) The cookbook is good, but a maintainance nightmare - it's not
automatically generated from the doc strings. I will (in the medium
term) be looking at developing the widget browser which would replace
the cookbook. Don't worry - the work isn't lost - we'll fold the text
into docstrings in the widget libraries.

Do check out -
it's much improved and tw.forms is next.


Paul Johnston

Feb 8, 2009, 3:44:11 AM2/8/09
to TurboGears Docs

Mark Ramm

Feb 8, 2009, 11:02:35 AM2/8/09
> 1) Can we remove all the tw stuff from rough docs? This is all in the
> main docs now and there's too much out-of-date tw doc on the net.

> 2) Shortly, almost all the TG2 tw doc will be covered by TW doc (all
> except the cookbook). When this is done, can we rejig the build
> process, so there's no TW doc in the TG2 source, it's just pulled in
> from external? I have no idea how to do this, but I understand sphinx
> supports it.

> 3) The cookbook is good, but a maintainance nightmare - it's not
> automatically generated from the doc strings. I will (in the medium
> term) be looking at developing the widget browser which would replace
> the cookbook. Don't worry - the work isn't lost - we'll fold the text
> into docstrings in the widget libraries.

1) I'll remove the TW rough docs this morning.

2) I would like to have some TG specific TW documentaiton, (how it's
setup/configured in tg, etc) but I think most of the TW docs can come
directly from TW.

3) Yea, I would agree that a good widget browser is better at what the
cookbook currently does that a cookbook.

Iain Duncan

Feb 8, 2009, 12:32:29 PM2/8/09

Paul, you are filling a much needed void, thanks so much!


Paul Johnston

Feb 10, 2009, 2:10:33 AM2/10/09
to TurboGears Docs

Fab - thanks for the action and the appreciation.

The TW docs will cover how to use TW in the major frameworks,
including TG 1 and 2, so I'm hoping there will be little need for TW
docs in the TG docs. Anyway, we can look at this more when the
tw.forms tutorial is complete.

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