Beginners , beginners how to

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2008年10月27日 清晨7:25:282008/10/27
收件者:TurboGears Docs
Hello, I am what people call 'newbie', and for that reason I'm asking
for help. I've installed Turbogears with Genshi and SQLalchemist so
far so good (I think it works :d ), I also have been learning Python
Programming (wich I find quite "fun"). But here comes the problems
part, I dont know how to work with the tool (Genshi for example), I
haven't found a beginners tutorial good for me (they start with a good
level of knowledge, and that kind of knowledge I dont have), for
instance how can I put a Hello World function or something else using
Turbogears+genshi (the idea is to program in python and then to put
available online)???

It probably sounds stupit, I know, but for someone that's learning, it
is quite complicated.

I would apreciate any kind of help. Thank You.

you can e-mail me (at)

ps:sorry about my english (If I gave any kind of mistake or sintaxe
error), I dont speack english often.

Felix Schwarz

2008年10月28日 凌晨4:08:572008/10/28
Hi anonymous,

pythonshell wrote:
> I've installed Turbogears with Genshi and SQLalchemist so
> far so good (I think it works :d ), I also have been learning Python
> Programming (wich I find quite "fun").

Fine, hopefully you become successful with TurboGears programming in the end :-)

> for instance how can I put a Hello World function or something else using
> Turbogears+genshi (the idea is to program in python and then to put
> available online)???

Unfortunately, I don't understand your problem exactly (which may be due to my
own english skills .-).

To start with TurboGears 1.0, you should look at:
(Generally Kid is very, very similar to Genshi, Genshi is just easier/more

There is a Genshi tutorial which may help you too.

After you completed the "20 minute wiki" I think you know most of the basic
stuff to start.

If you have more questions, just ask but I think the main TurboGears mailing
list would be better suited for that. And next time, it would be helpful to
see how your code looks so far and what exactly does not work.


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