I've tagged the latest master branch as v0.7.11. This is intended to be the last v0.7.X release before explicit-variants are merged.
New features:
- ^t flag can be used to mark commands with "transient" outputs. These outputs are
removed after all dependent commands have been processed. (See the manual for details if you think this will be useful for you)
- Internal lua version is now 5.4.3
Bug fixes:
- Environment variable changes now show in --debug-logging logs
- Including a lua file from a regular Tupfile no longer breaks updating variables w
ith +=
- tup32detect.exe no longer gets flagged as a virus (
- Tup now detects if it is running inside of Conemu's dependency injection and issues a warning
- Changing external files now correctly re-parses if full_deps=1 (thanks alightr!)
- 'tup varsed' now works inside a 'tup generate' script
- Fixes to the progress bar that sometimes showed a non-zero ending state.
- Argument ordering for partial updates is no longer strict (both 'tup filename -k' and 'tup -k filename' should work to update filename with the keep-going flag enabled).