Tunnelblick Update - asking for password

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C Cohen

Apr 5, 2021, 12:38:07 PM4/5/21
to tunnelblick-discuss
Tunnelblick says it requires no passwords, but I get the following message. I tried entering my MAC user/password but it doesn't work.  Also tried my VPN user/pass.  No dice either.  Help?  Thank you!Tunnelblick.png

Tunnelblick developer

Apr 5, 2021, 1:01:06 PM4/5/21
to tunnelblick-discuss
Tunnelblick is asking for the username and password of a computer administrator for your Mac.

It can be and usually would be the same ones that were used to install Tunnelblick in the first place, and to install the update that you apparently recently made.

There are two situations, and two slightly different dialog windows you would see for each one.
  1. Usually you are logged in as a user who is an administrator, so you'll see the dialog you showed, but with your username filled in.

  2. If you are logged in as a standard (non-administrator) user, both the username and password fields will be empty, and the message "Enter your password to allow this" (which is supplied by macOS, not Tunnelblick) will change to be something like "Enter the username and password of an administrator to allow this".

The first user created on a Mac is always an administrator, and most people never create another user, so this second situation occurs only rarely..

C Cohen

Apr 5, 2021, 1:08:41 PM4/5/21
to tunnelblick-discuss
Yes, that would be my Apple ID/pass, which I have tried multiple times.  I don't have a separate administrator access.  The field was populated in the box in the image but I deleted it for security reasons on this post (plus it wasn't correct anyway).  I just tried to uninstall the software only to get the same request for credentials!  I really need to log in for work and since we are a small business, we don't have an IT dept that I can call.  I downloaded the software and set up my VPN a year ago on my own and it was working great until today.  So, I am familiar enough with computers to troubleshoot. Just need some guidance on this issue.  Any suggestions?  Thanks again!

Tunnelblick developer

Apr 5, 2021, 1:21:48 PM4/5/21
to tunnelblick-discuss
Your username on the computer is NOT your Apple ID. They are two separate things.

Your username is the name that was used when you first started using your computer. As an early step in setting up your computer, macOS asks for your first and last names. (Or maybe it asks for your Apple ID and then gets your first and last names by looking them up in Apple's database.)

If you used the first name "John" and the last name "Smith", the long form of the name would be "John Smith", and the short form would be "johnsmith".

Cancel the dialog and try to launch Tunnelblick again. macOS will present the dialog with the username filled in (in our example, it would say "John Smith"). Leave that alone and type in your password.

  • If you are lucky, that password will work, and you can proceed.

  • If you are unlucky, you have changed the password since creating the account on your computer. Try old passwords if you can remember them.

C Cohen

Apr 5, 2021, 1:51:11 PM4/5/21
to tunnelblick-discuss

Well, THANK YOU!  I thought I had already left the "firstname, lastname" in place and just entered the password as you suggested.  I tried SO many variations.  I just tried again and entered the MAC password, and it worked!  YES!  Thanks again!!

Tunnelblick developer

Apr 5, 2021, 2:06:39 PM4/5/21
to tunnelblick-discuss
You're welcome. I'm glad you got it working.

Years ago it wasn't confusing -- before Apple ID existed. But now it should be clearer (or macOS should see that you entered and Apple ID, and deal with it more appropriately.

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