VPN connection unable to use remote IP

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Oct 14, 2016, 6:10:49 AM10/14/16
to tunnelblick-discuss
Hello, i've used tunnelblick with my home vpn connection without a problem for months, but in the last few weeks i'm unable to use it. It'll connect successfully to the server, but the IP address remains the same as the local connection instead of the remote IP. 

First of all, my server runs on a R7000 router, without being able to change its configurations, so i can't simply add push commands. 

I've searched everywhere how can i fix that, adding route-gateway, redirect-gateway and ifconfig without success. I'm only coming here today because i'm out of ideas.

I've edited my ip address to MY.IP and port to PORT for privacy issues

I also noted that i keep getting "write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)" no matter what nameserver i use. 

Well, here is the log with verbose 11 so it's the more detailed as possible. 

*Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.8 (build 4625); prior version 3.6.9beta01 (build 4651); Admin user
git commit b31bedcb9223bf4191dcf0790726a3aec1ef4405

Configuration vpn

"Sanitized" condensed configuration file for /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk:

dev tap
proto udp
remote MY.IP PORT
resolv-retry infinite
redirect-gateway def1
ns-cert-type server
cipher AES-128-CBC
verb 5
[Security-related line(s) omitted]
[Security-related line(s) omitted]
[Security-related line(s) omitted]


Non-Apple kexts that are loaded:

Index Refs Address            Size       Wired      Name (Version) UUID <Linked Against>
  148    0 0xffffff7f83271000 0x14000    0x14000    com.intel.kext.intelhaxm (6.0.1) 8FF2C637-0A5E-367E-B007-5B08655B1E8A <7 5 4 3 1>
  149    3 0xffffff7f83285000 0x58000    0x58000    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv (4.3.28) CA1AC0D6-90C3-6F4D-8A4C-E0B50ACD4A80 <7 5 4 3 1>
  151    0 0xffffff7f832dd000 0x8000     0x8000     org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB (4.3.28) 5857047E-8E67-8EA7-2197-3316F9BD160F <150 149 40 7 5 4 3 1>
  152    0 0xffffff7f832e5000 0x5000     0x5000     org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt (4.3.28) C8C5EB49-ADA4-4E84-5FDE-EC972F2DACC2 <149 7 5 4 3 1>
  153    0 0xffffff7f832ea000 0x6000     0x6000     org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp (4.3.28) 054868A4-D01A-6FB6-E98A-719C9D286798 <149 5 4 1>
  154    0 0xffffff7f832f0000 0x2b000    0x2b000    com.aladdin.kext.aksfridge (1.0.2) DE061DF5-F2B9-27A7-8F9B-C85C930D828E <7 4 1>


There are no unusual files in vpn.tblk


Configuration preferences:

useDNS = 1
-resetPrimaryInterfaceAfterDisconnect = 1
-routeAllTrafficThroughVpn = 1
-runMtuTest = 0
-useRouteUpInsteadOfUp = 0
-openvpnVersion = 
-keepConnected = 1
-loggingLevel = 11
-lastConnectionSucceeded = 1
-tunnelDownSoundName = Blow
-tunnelUpSoundName = Hero


Wildcard preferences:


Program preferences:

placeIconInStandardPositionInStatusBar = 0
launchAtNextLogin = 1
notOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 0
askedUserIfOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 1
tunnelblickVersionHistory = (
    "3.6.8 (build 4625)",
    "3.6.9beta01 (build 4651)",
    "3.6.8 (build 4625)",
    "3.6.5 (build 4566)",
    "3.6.2 (build 4558)",
    "3.6.3 (build 4560)",
    "3.6.2 (build 4558)"
statusDisplayNumber = 0
lastLaunchTime = 498116120.473948
doNotShowConnectionSubmenus = 0
showConnectedDurations = 1
lastLanguageAtLaunchWasRTL = 0
connectionWindowDisplayCriteria = showWhenChanges
maxLogDisplaySize = 10485760
lastConnectedDisplayName = vpn
keyboardShortcutIndex = 1
updateAutomatically = 0
updateCheckAutomatically = 1
updateCheckBetas = 0
updateSendProfileInfo = 0
NSWindow Frame ConnectingWindow = 525 531 389 187 0 0 1440 878 
NSWindow Frame SUStatusFrame = 520 575 400 129 0 0 1440 878 
detailsWindowFrameVersion = 4651
detailsWindowFrame = {{238, 303}, {920, 468}}
detailsWindowLeftFrame = {{0, 0}, {165, 350}}
detailsWindowViewIndex = 0
detailsWindowConfigurationsTabIdentifier = log
leftNavSelectedDisplayName = vpn
AdvancedWindowTabIdentifier = connectingAndDisconnecting
haveDealtWithSparkle1dot5b6 = 1
haveDealtWithOldTunTapPreferences = 1
haveDealtWithOldLoginItem = 1
SUEnableAutomaticChecks = 1
SUScheduledCheckInterval = 86400
SUSendProfileInfo = 0
SUAutomaticallyUpdate = 0
SULastCheckTime = 2016-10-14 05:35:21 +0000
SUHasLaunchedBefore = 1
WebKitDefaultFontSize = 11
WebKitStandardFont = .AppleSystemUIFont
tunnelblickdHash = 004cdba8e08abd144bc48409040bc80e29c12ee9741ed7d73754f51d2547f7ea
tunnelblickdPlistHash = ce400d395d1801b003398461b5420021f4d591822783a04b79b2f43956d28620


Tunnelblick Log:

*Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.8 (build 4625); prior version 3.6.9beta01 (build 4651)
2016-10-14 02:41:16 *Tunnelblick: Attempting connection with vpn using shadow copy; Set nameserver = 2817; monitoring connection
2016-10-14 02:41:16 *Tunnelblick: openvpnstart start vpn.tblk 1337 2817 0 1 0 1066866 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12
2016-10-14 02:41:17 *Tunnelblick: openvpnstart log:
     Loading tap-signed.kext
     OpenVPN started successfully. Command used to start OpenVPN (one argument per displayed line):
          /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Logs/-SUsers-Scristian-SLibrary-SApplication Support-STunnelblick-SConfigurations-Svpn.tblk-SContents-SResources-Sconfig.ovpn.2817_0_1_0_1066866.1337.openvpn.log
          /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
          /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
          /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources

          /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw
          /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw
          /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw

2016-10-14 02:41:16 NOTE: debug verbosity (--verb 11) is enabled but this build lacks debug support.
2016-10-14 02:41:16 NOTE: debug verbosity (--verb 11) is enabled but this build lacks debug support.
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767784 Current Parameter Settings:
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767801   config = '/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767812   mode = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767820   show_ciphers = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767830   show_digests = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767840   show_engines = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767847   genkey = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767851   key_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767855   show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767859 Connection profiles [default]:
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767866   proto = udp
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767874   local = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767882   local_port = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767891   remote = 'MY.IP'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767899   remote_port = PORT
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767908   remote_float = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767916   bind_defined = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767924   bind_local = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767932   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767939   connect_timeout = 10
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767947   connect_retry_max = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767951   xormethod = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767957   xormask = ''
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767961   xormasklen = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767965   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767969   socks_proxy_port = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767973   socks_proxy_retry = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767977   tun_mtu = 1500
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767983   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767991   link_mtu = 1500
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=767998   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768005   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768013   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768021   mtu_discover_type = -1
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768028   fragment = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768036   mssfix = 1450
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768043   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768050 Connection profiles END
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768057   remote_random = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768065   ipchange = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768072   dev = 'tap'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768079   dev_type = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768086   dev_node = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768093   lladdr = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768099   topology = 1
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768106   tun_ipv6 = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768113   ifconfig_local = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768121   ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768128   ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768397   ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768416   ifconfig_ipv6_local = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768426   ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768434   ifconfig_ipv6_remote = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768443   shaper = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768449   mtu_test = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768456   mlock = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768462   keepalive_ping = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768468   keepalive_timeout = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768474   inactivity_timeout = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768480   ping_send_timeout = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768487   ping_rec_timeout = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768493   ping_rec_timeout_action = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768499   ping_timer_remote = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768505   remap_sigusr1 = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768511   persist_tun = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768551   persist_local_ip = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768560   persist_remote_ip = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768567   persist_key = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768573   passtos = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768579   resolve_retry_seconds = 1000000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768585   username = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768592   groupname = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768598   chroot_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768604   cd_dir = '/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768611   writepid = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768617   up_script = '/Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768623   down_script = '/Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768630   down_pre = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768636   up_restart = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768642   up_delay = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768649   daemon = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768655   inetd = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768662   log = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768668   suppress_timestamps = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768674   nice = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768680   verbosity = 11
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768701   mute = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768709   status_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768720   status_file_version = 1
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768727   status_file_update_freq = 60
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768733   occ = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768739   rcvbuf = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768771   sndbuf = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768797   sockflags = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768811   fast_io = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768820   lzo = 7
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768829   route_script = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768847   route_default_gateway = ''
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768860   route_default_metric = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768867   route_noexec = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768875   route_delay = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768882   route_delay_window = 30
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768889   route_delay_defined = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768896   route_nopull = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768903   route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768911   max_routes = 100
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768918   allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768931   [redirect_default_gateway local=0]
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768942   management_addr = ''
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768952   management_port = 1337
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768961   management_user_pass = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768969   management_log_history_cache = 250
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768986   management_echo_buffer_size = 100
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=768998   management_write_peer_info_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769006   management_client_user = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769013   management_client_group = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769019   management_flags = 6
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769025   shared_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769032   key_direction = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769038   ciphername_defined = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769045   ciphername = 'AES-128-CBC'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769051   authname_defined = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769060   authname = 'SHA1'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769066   prng_hash = 'SHA1'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769073   prng_nonce_secret_len = 16
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769079   keysize = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769086   engine = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769092   replay = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769112   mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769121   replay_window = 64
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769128   replay_time = 15
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769134   packet_id_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769140   use_iv = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769147   test_crypto = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769153   tls_server = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769159   tls_client = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769165   key_method = 2
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769172   ca_file = '[[INLINE]]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769178   ca_path = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769184   dh_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769190   cert_file = '[[INLINE]]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769196   extra_certs_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769203   priv_key_file = '[[INLINE]]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769209   pkcs12_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769215   cipher_list = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769221   tls_verify = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769228   tls_export_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769235   verify_x509_type = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769245   verify_x509_name = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769268   crl_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769276   ns_cert_type = 1
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769283   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769290   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769305   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769321   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769328   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769335   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769356   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769391   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769409   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769418   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769426   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769433   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769440   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769447   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769472   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769485   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769493   remote_cert_eku = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769500   ssl_flags = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769522   tls_timeout = 2
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769530   renegotiate_bytes = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769539   renegotiate_packets = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769547   renegotiate_seconds = 3600
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769554   handshake_window = 60
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769562   transition_window = 3600
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769570   single_session = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769577   push_peer_info = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769584   tls_exit = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769591   tls_auth_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769599   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769606   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769613   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769620   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769627   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769635   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769642   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769650   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769659   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769667   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769675   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769681   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769688   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769713   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769722   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769730   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769738   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769747   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769754   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769761   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769768   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769775   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769783   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769790   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769799   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769807   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769814   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769821   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769828   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769835   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769848   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769856   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769863   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769870   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769877   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769884   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769891   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769899   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769906   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769913   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769920   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769927   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769935   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769942   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769950   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769956   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769963   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769969   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769976   pkcs11_pin_cache_period = -1
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769983   pkcs11_id = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=769989   pkcs11_id_management = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770011   server_network =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770021   server_netmask =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770041   server_network_ipv6 = ::
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770049   server_netbits_ipv6 = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770058   server_bridge_ip =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770066   server_bridge_netmask =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770075   server_bridge_pool_start =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770083   server_bridge_pool_end =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770091   ifconfig_pool_defined = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770099   ifconfig_pool_start =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770107   ifconfig_pool_end =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770115   ifconfig_pool_netmask =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770123   ifconfig_pool_persist_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770131   ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq = 600
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770138   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770146   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base = ::
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770154   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770161   n_bcast_buf = 256
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770168   tcp_queue_limit = 64
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770175   real_hash_size = 256
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770183   virtual_hash_size = 256
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770190   client_connect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770197   learn_address_script = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770219   client_disconnect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770230   client_config_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770238   ccd_exclusive = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770246   tmp_dir = '/var/folders/_2/pmfjyq6d2nx_rw76h60644l80000gn/T/'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770254   push_ifconfig_defined = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770263   push_ifconfig_local =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770273   push_ifconfig_remote_netmask =
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770280   push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770289   push_ifconfig_ipv6_local = ::/0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770297   push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote = ::
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770305   enable_c2c = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770312   duplicate_cn = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770319   cf_max = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770326   cf_per = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770333   max_clients = 1024
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770341   max_routes_per_client = 256
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770348   auth_user_pass_verify_script = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770355   auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file = DISABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770363   port_share_host = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770370   port_share_port = 0
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770378   client = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770385   pull = ENABLED
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770392   auth_user_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770402 OpenVPN 2.3.12 x86_64-apple-darwin [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [MH] [IPv6] built on Oct  9 2016
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=770419 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2j  26 Sep 2016, LZO 2.09
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=771419 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
2016-10-14 02:41:16 us=771572 Need hold release from management interface, waiting...
2016-10-14 02:41:16 *Tunnelblick: openvpnstart starting OpenVPN
2016-10-14 02:41:17 *Tunnelblick: Established communication with OpenVPN
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=613989 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=636124 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'pid'
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=636342 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=636563 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state'
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=636717 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'bytecount 1'
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=636794 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=637052 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=637911 crypto_adjust_frame_parameters: Adjusting frame parameters for crypto by 56 bytes
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=637997 LZO compression initialized
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=638116 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1590 D:1212 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:3 ]
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=638218 Socket Buffers: R=[196724->196724] S=[9216->9216]
2016-10-14 02:41:17 us=638280 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476423677,RESOLVE,,,
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=20065 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1590 D:1450 EF:58 EB:143 ET:32 EL:3 AF:3/1 ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=20481 Local Options String: 'V4,dev-type tap,link-mtu 1590,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,cipher AES-128-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-client'
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=20807 Expected Remote Options String: 'V4,dev-type tap,link-mtu 1590,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,cipher AES-128-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-server'
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=22308 Local Options hash (VER=V4): 'b498be7c'
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=22517 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): '26e19fc0'
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=22752 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=22934 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=23168 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476423678,WAIT,,,
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=23392  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=24494 UDPv4 WRITE [14] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ ] pid=0 DATA 
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=24886 UDPv4 write returned 14
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=25233  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=62134  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=62729 UDPv4 read returned 26
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=63022 UDPv4 READ [26] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ 0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e ] pid=0 DATA 
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=63316 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476423678,AUTH,,,
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=63586 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT, sid=8315dde8 b531c01f
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=63863  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=65761 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=66130 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=66365  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=66678 UDPv4 WRITE [259] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ ] pid=1 DATA 16030100 f0010000 ec0303ee 2fc52c5c 343bc8ed 3f8d9321 ec3e0186 c2397c2[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=66878 UDPv4 write returned 259
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=365997  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=368546 UDPv4 read returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=368817 UDPv4 READ [22] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ 1 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=369049  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=370384 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=371004 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=1 DATA 16030100 31020000 2d030158 006ffe67 eb19a137 2e23dc34 4440a482 dcef435[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=371740  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=372348 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 1 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=372925 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=373485  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=373972 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=374496 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=2 DATA 30818231 0b300906 03550406 13025457 310b3009 06035504 08130254 57310f3[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=375447  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=375562 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 2 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=375678 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=377010  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=377098 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=377201 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=3 DATA 311f301d 06092a86 4886f70d 01090116 106d6169 6c406e65 74676561 722e636[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=378053  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=378151 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 3 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=379041 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=379966  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=380053 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=380593 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=4 DATA 040a1307 6e657467 65617231 10300e06 0355040b 13076e65 74676561 7231103[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=381076  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=381559 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 4 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=382071 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=538366  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=538708 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=538959 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=5 DATA 8d003081 89028181 00c5db9d d5d66204 d4247304 3f3ee8f3 1b0e7fe1 a72dacc[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=541404  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=541614 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 5 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=542548 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=543486  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=543578 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=543701 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=6 DATA b1b4debe ce6377c3 38a23888 7604cc9d 094f99c8 eecf8876 1b0cdb22 aac5ae3[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=544517  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=544630 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 6 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=545489 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=546035  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=546132 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=547000 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=7 DATA 6e53534c 2047656e 65726174 65642053 65727665 72204365 72746966 6963617[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=547132  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=547963 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 7 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=548480 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=549022  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=549593 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=550166 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=8 DATA a18188a4 81853081 82310b30 09060355 04061302 5457310b 30090603 5504081[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=550655  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=551174 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 8 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=551297 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=712919  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=713423 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=717336 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=9 DATA 65746765 6172311f 301d0609 2a864886 f70d0109 0116106d 61696c40 6e65746[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=719077  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=720524 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 9 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=723496 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=723671  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=724582 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=725288 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=10 DATA 939c7f8b 15f3f22a 1f14dc6e 0132eaca 0b55c9cf 72d56666 8ac53090 21212c6[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=726011  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=726653 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 10 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=727255 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=727763  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=727851 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=728725 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=11 DATA 3082036f 308202d8 a0030201 02020900 b94187fe 79d388f0 300d0609 2a86488[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=729212  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=729692 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 11 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=729823 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=731056  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=731597 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=731721 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=12 DATA 65617231 10300e06 0355040b 13076e65 74676561 72311030 0e060355 0403130[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=732610  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=733152 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 12 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=733711 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=889166  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=891182 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=891638 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=13 DATA 3035305a 30818231 0b300906 03550406 13025457 310b3009 06035504 0813025[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=892402  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=893147 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 13 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=893921 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=894633  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=895344 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=896586 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=14 DATA 67656172 311f301d 06092a86 4886f70d 01090116 106d6169 6c406e65 7467656[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=896698  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=898033 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 14 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=898192 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=899396  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=900410 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=901368 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=15 DATA 4e8b6153 32d18723 97aa6307 e6c3cf03 803944d0 e75848de ac1d1187 b161876[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=901495  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=901559 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 15 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=902540 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=902986  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=903081 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=903966 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=16 DATA 81ea3081 e7301d06 03551d0e 04160414 665894ad 386d9bbd d6461f58 183f86d[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=904514  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=905051 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 16 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:18 us=905594 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=198618  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=198946 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=204797 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=17 DATA 55040813 02545731 0f300d06 03550407 13065461 69706569 3110300e 0603550[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=205021  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=205231 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 17 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=205490 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=205626  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=205741 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=205905 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=18 DATA 6e657467 6561722e 636f6d82 0900b941 87fe79d3 88f0300c 0603551d 1304053[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=206018  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=206118 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 18 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=206248 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=206383  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=206552 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=206727 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=19 DATA 64d1161e a7c03a78 d669b3fe 4d3f92bb c9716948 cd12700b bf104dc6 77d2302[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=207644 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=TW, ST=TW, L=Taipei, O=netgear, OU=netgear, CN=netgear, emailAddress=ma...@netgear.com
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=208223 VERIFY OK: nsCertType=SERVER
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=208401 VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=TW, ST=TW, O=netgear, OU=netgear, CN=netgear, emailAddress=ma...@netgear.com
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=208639  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=208809 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 19 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=208975 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=209077  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=209179 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=209395 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=20 DATA 196f9ffd bb8d8c8e 25e9b7b2 b29a92ca e54f63ee 4837b3a0 f524525a ffc84b8[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=209502  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=209571 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 20 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=209647 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=308476  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=308876 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=309324 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=21 DATA dc0f285f 64fb328b 4036c026 e54a1fc9 a718ffbc 819b0001 020080a5 e7361af[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=311081  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=311235 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 21 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=311402 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=311552  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=311686 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=311845 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=22 DATA b4af7f03 73ac1bf6 5f31366c 60105a85 135c80b9 21b0c72c 206e53bc dd5bcf0[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=311993  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=312130 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 22 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=312285 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=313792  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=314000 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=314165 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=23 DATA 21cfc6e9 f62f5ef1 0a2033ee 5838d702 c05bd28c 11b60361 402f88e1 01c4f0e[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=314495  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=314640 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 23 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=314802 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=314946  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=315076 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=315236 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=24 DATA 00870085 30818231 0b300906 03550406 13025457 310b3009 06035504 0813025[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=315384  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=315517 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 24 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=315689 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=427424  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=427710 UDPv4 read returned 55
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=430411 UDPv4 READ [55] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=25 DATA 67656172 311f301d 06092a86 4886f70d 01090116 106d6169 6c406e65 7467656[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=441424  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=442517 UDPv4 WRITE [1200] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 25 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ] pid=2 DATA 16030107 0b0b0007 07000704 00038b30 82038730 8202f0a0 03020102 0201023[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=442799 UDPv4 write returned 1200
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=443711  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=444960 UDPv4 WRITE [985] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ ] pid=3 DATA 69311030 0e060355 040a1307 6e657467 65617231 10300e06 0355040b 13076e6[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=445102 UDPv4 write returned 985
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=552333  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=552584 UDPv4 read returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=552729 UDPv4 READ [22] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ 2 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=555490  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=555711 UDPv4 read returned 85
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=555880 UDPv4 READ [85] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ 3 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e ] pid=26 DATA 14030100 01011603 0100304d 19f87c31 df47b4bc f043ae4d 3cfb1446 f188bf1[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=558506  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=558834 UDPv4 WRITE [388] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 26 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ] pid=4 DATA 17030100 20c6e01d bc096c02 25fadf1c 09b23c41 ccd026de a2ac0ee3 be420b8[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=560037 UDPv4 write returned 388
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=693672  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=693960 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=694355 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=28 DATA 41779f72 4f930dcc a0c5fb34 7fdbca54 4edfbda4 5c779484 bc82f9a9 da6bcd7[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=696445  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=697648 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 28 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=698886 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=700758  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=701342 UDPv4 read returned 126
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=701605 UDPv4 READ [126] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ 4 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e ] pid=27 DATA 17030100 209ce54a 3c1a351a 649cbfc7 7f9c0eee 7951c097 5147f392 4bbdc57[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=703249  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=704844 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 27 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=705043 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=705974  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=706714 UDPv4 read returned 96
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=707512 UDPv4 READ [96] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=29 DATA df3ad4ef 1bd52218 4b1516d7 ad72dd29 4f51e647 253e3561 56c6bd05 3b7632d[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=708673 Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'AES-128-CBC' initialized with 128 bit key
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=708777 Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=708835 Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'AES-128-CBC' initialized with 128 bit key
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=709355 Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=709811  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=709899 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 29 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=710827 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=711362 Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=711857 [netgear] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=886263  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=886849 UDPv4 read returned 85
2016-10-14 02:41:19 us=889236 UDPv4 READ [85] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 0bc0b238 b944d20c da478ee0 4f478ac3 46e01cd5 5d65ddc3 169573af 8ffa8ed[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:20 us=851292  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:20 us=851617 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:20 us=853197 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 842b8832 e82efee7 1495bc69 b5411d37 9cea7c29 c1d29dc8 6b8b570d b8f2c32[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:20 us=853404 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476423680,GET_CONFIG,,,
2016-10-14 02:41:20 us=853563  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=59101  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=59389 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=61103 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 954da577 535e7c77 a60869ee 5b134841 3a3fcc1d 1a632c08 28a889cd 030a46d[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=61350 SENT CONTROL [netgear]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=61508  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=61840 UDPv4 WRITE [104] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ ] pid=5 DATA 17030100 208ac4b6 a6a587af 36f2df7b 827d11c9 238f34d7 2a0e6938 e635002[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=62058 UDPv4 write returned 104
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=154170  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=154457 UDPv4 read returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=155885 UDPv4 READ [22] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ 5 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e ]
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=156095  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=156236 UDPv4 read returned 114
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=156398 UDPv4 READ [114] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=30 DATA 17030100 2042da25 15c568bd 6a4033f3 cb5f89db 7aa39031 988727b4 57cd6ad[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=156565  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=156700 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 30 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=156865 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=157077  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=157209 UDPv4 read returned 100
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=157476 UDPv4 READ [100] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=31 DATA 9ca24ad8 5814cecc 0a0695cc 83a12a75 437f3598 929e5576 49aaebcf 1eabed7[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=159554 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,route,route-delay 5,redirect-gateway def1,route-gateway dhcp,ping 10,ping-restart 120'
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=159844 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=159970 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=160084 OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=161282 TUN/TAP device /dev/tap0 opened
2016-10-14 02:41:22 us=161707 /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw tap0 1500 1590   init
                                        Start of output from client.up.tunnelblick.sh
                                        NOTE: No network configuration changes need to be made.
                                        WARNING: Will NOT monitor for other network configuration changes.
                                        DNS servers '' were set manually
                                        DNS servers '' will be used for DNS queries when the VPN is active
                                        The DNS servers include only free public DNS servers known to Tunnelblick.
                                        Flushed the DNS cache via dscacheutil
                                        /usr/sbin/discoveryutil not present. Not flushing the DNS cache via discoveryutil
                                        Notified mDNSResponder that the DNS cache was flushed
                                        End of output from client.up.tunnelblick.sh
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=369334  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=369495 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 31 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=369654 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=370676  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=371845 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372072 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA dacfd729 f70a09a0 6fa48cba f27894f5 eacdbcd8 ad297fa8 6e6b8d94 647b7f8[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372201  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372314  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372418 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372515  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372611 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372772 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 43006351 bc2c3043 bae9affe 0faf2f6c 6d2d08df 8a80beaf 85fb7a73 e4c0fba[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372889  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=372988  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373086 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373185  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373285 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373451 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 9dff85c6 b65076f9 eca6e67d 136f871f 6341d177 17dd1ee2 8e10e979 2207754[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373570  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373672  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373770 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373875  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=373984 UDPv4 read returned 101
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=374110 UDPv4 READ [101] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 8f5163ae a00f4006 2ba4b8a3 8789e84e 8bb37ed0 9b4becbd 3a438fb1 b77a648[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=374216  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=374482  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=374627 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=377136  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=377516 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=378291 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 200fd5de 58310bf2 a3ad5bb3 f96a2feb cd64ab5b d447e5b3 b3500b8f 0efdff6[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=378896  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=379546  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=380092 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=380224  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=381307 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=382477 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA cafd549d bad38ba3 d14ab0d4 25b40652 bf123af8 cab5e219 b10f39a3 2d874dc[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=382623  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=383355  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=384581 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=384744  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=384845 UDPv4 read returned 100
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=384970 UDPv4 READ [100] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_CONTROL_V1 kid=0 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f [ ] pid=31 DATA 9ca24ad8 5814cecc 0a0695cc 83a12a75 437f3598 929e5576 49aaebcf 1eabed7[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=385094  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=385181 UDPv4 WRITE [22] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=3ef2b83a 075efd0e [ 31 sid=8315dde8 b531c01f ]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=385289 UDPv4 write returned 22
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=702593  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=702871 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=703121 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 684fbcbd 44180418 3fbac45e 59079b14 296ac43a 7793ff3e 114db458 a4e8fc8[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=705612  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=706758  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:24 us=707032 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=385519  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=386214 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=387835 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA cd19169e 695bb7be 89f29ccc e54073e7 d09f01de 31523c94 dba90b2c 4997823[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=388157  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=388391  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=388546 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=839715  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=840005 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=842824 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 190a2b07 5eab4eb6 76263b71 30da5586 12ca0681 9f204b0d 0bc76769 a42cf09[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=844253  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=844404  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:25 us=844498 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:26 us=758637  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:26 us=758950 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:26 us=760614 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 99c439d1 c75c568e 13139d3a 14f29b08 2a0d21a1 e3eb0bf4 1daf78f3 23a5364[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:26 us=760913  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:26 us=761161  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:26 us=761300 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:27 us=726663  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:27 us=726860 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:27 us=727185 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA c6259a8f 46cbf663 565b5123 faa72cea 70543bba c73996be 98b1d9d6 879cb57[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:27 us=728141  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:27 us=728292  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:27 us=728392 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=737458  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=737996 UDPv4 read returned 117
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=739161 UDPv4 READ [117] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 8e68a503 59d73118 194534fb bef281ee a30edf00 7020f6b2 220ea4d8 0789035[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=739447  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=740421  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=740554 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=752098  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=752216 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=752348 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA c156cdd1 c3b15db5 41eea800 e64bf54c 4f0fc136 bdc355dd c9058469 f6a9d14[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=752420  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=752481  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:28 us=752532 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=432074  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=432331 UDPv4 read returned 117
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=433856 UDPv4 READ [117] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 706adf63 7594b7fe a91c8f99 541c19b3 0c60be55 4424f5b8 e637e1bb d71daaf[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=434102 /sbin/route add -net MY.IP
                                        add net MY.IP: gateway
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=440171 /sbin/route add -net
                                        add net gateway
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=444101 /sbin/route add -net
                                        add net gateway
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=447524 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476423689,ADD_ROUTES,,,
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=447682 /sbin/route add -net
                                        route: writing to routing socket: File exists
                                        add net gateway File exists
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=450517 Initialization Sequence Completed
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=450695 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476423689,CONNECTED,SUCCESS,,MY.IP
2016-10-14 02:41:29 *Tunnelblick: No 'connected.sh' script to execute
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=450803  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=450948  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:29 us=451017 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=46524  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=46990 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=48730 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA c023422e 6bd6886d 477de03b 76dbd25c 41096c5c cb1e8a20 5cbe8a2d 8018c40[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=49073  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=49308  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=49450 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=49583  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=49717 UDPv4 read returned 85
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=49870 UDPv4 READ [85] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 3a0c1994 e9ce576c 98a480a8 1f7e3998 f0c55ed4 df80d289 b2795fad b29b8b0[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=50008  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=50247  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=51735 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=968177  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=968469 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=970146 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 6224a52c 8d424f71 05d80532 9be7bf0d 3ec6cbe7 f3dcf11b a13637be 7c28956[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=970438  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=970574  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:30 us=970694 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:31 us=889611  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:31 us=889918 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:31 us=891519 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 880b430f e5f2e97a d9067eb6 4b696ac9 31b86354 bc51fbdd d328fc7a 76c6dec[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:31 us=891869  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:31 us=892107  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:31 us=892244 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:32 us=811471  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:32 us=811922 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:32 us=812338 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 0b1c7c2c 2ef367e4 6db924ad 15689b69 822789b7 e876b9c9 f57c722f 2fc4cd7[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:32 us=813715  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:32 us=813952  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:32 us=814104 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=118549  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=118905 UDPv4 read returned 117
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=120392 UDPv4 READ [117] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 9fd285dc 7d5b8cec 5c8d1008 a028b2f4 025bc508 b3f97c3b d2d3754b b4f0b4a[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=120701  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=120965  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=121103 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=732959  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=733320 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=735055 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 778801e3 42cdb4f3 b96f0055 e0f259bf 9f37b409 a1990a5c 81806c43 a4a57c8[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=735319  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=735516  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:33 us=735684 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=794267  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=795048 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=796181 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 18224c3f 6061c256 07870402 fdbe0d00 0ae0ff29 affd2919 8f0b271c 234dd9f[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=797256  event_wait returned 3
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=797483 UDPv4 WRITE [69] to [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA ea2a982f 933eb5df 56f787a9 3f44d479 c7cfdb43 7f4e3183 a311c876 a0fc710[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=797628 UDPv4 write returned 69
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=797731  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=797822  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:34 us=797908 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:34 *Tunnelblick: This computer's apparent public IP address ( was unchanged after the connection was made
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=35606  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=35789 UDPv4 read returned 117
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=36009 UDPv4 READ [117] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA eb1b13f7 ab645896 60a4a8c6 c34ac95e 5b24f402 5b7d3f29 0351c7e0 9297725[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=36582  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=36690  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=36798 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=749263  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=749475 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=749736 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA 86d711d4 76117f34 89204ef8 0b6cecea 28129492 5f3b3146 8616c297 6db91c8[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=749990  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=750383  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:35 us=750518 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:36 us=784192  event_wait returned 1
2016-10-14 02:41:36 us=784493 UDPv4 read returned 261
2016-10-14 02:41:36 us=784801 UDPv4 READ [261] from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT: P_DATA_V1 kid=0 DATA c909ba2f 4cc2e095 56fa70f1 f2afef3e 0ee94a10 db2e9a6e 8dc2acdd 84c35e5[more...]
2016-10-14 02:41:36 us=784931  event_wait returned 2
2016-10-14 02:41:36 us=785061  write to TUN/TAP returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:36 us=785178 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 02:41:37 *Tunnelblick: Disconnecting; VPN Details… window disconnect button pressed
2016-10-14 02:41:37 *Tunnelblick: No 'pre-disconnect.sh' script to execute
2016-10-14 02:41:37 *Tunnelblick: Disconnecting using 'kill'
2016-10-14 02:41:37 us=221636  event_wait returned -1
2016-10-14 02:41:37 us=221893 event_wait : Interrupted system call (code=4)
2016-10-14 02:41:37 us=223028 PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_ex_data_free entered - parent=0x7fdf05d06360, ptr=0x0, ad=0x7fdf05d063c0, idx=0, argl=0, argp=0x10194a9c1
2016-10-14 02:41:37 us=223277 PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_ex_data_free entered - parent=0x7fdf05d06960, ptr=0x0, ad=0x7fdf05d069c0, idx=0, argl=0, argp=0x10194a9c1
2016-10-14 02:41:37 us=223358 PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_ex_data_free entered - parent=0x7fdf05e03080, ptr=0x0, ad=0x7fdf05e030e0, idx=0, argl=0, argp=0x10194a9c1
2016-10-14 02:41:37 us=223429 PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_ex_data_free entered - parent=0x7fdf05e03310, ptr=0x0, ad=0x7fdf05e03370, idx=0, argl=0, argp=0x10194a9c1
2016-10-14 02:41:37 us=223485 TCP/UDP: Closing socket
2016-10-14 02:41:37 us=223648 /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw tap0 1500 1590   init
                                        Start of output from client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh
                                        WARNING: No saved Tunnelblick DNS configuration found; not doing anything.
                                        End of output from client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh
2016-10-14 02:41:38 us=290228 /sbin/route delete -net
                                        delete net gateway
2016-10-14 02:41:38 us=295094 /sbin/route delete -net MY.IP
                                        delete net MY.IP: gateway
2016-10-14 02:41:38 us=297643 /sbin/route delete -net
                                        delete net gateway
2016-10-14 02:41:38 us=300417 /sbin/route delete -net
                                        delete net gateway
2016-10-14 02:41:38 us=302829 Closing TUN/TAP interface
2016-10-14 02:41:38 us=303250 /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw tap0 1500 1590   init
                                        Start of output from client.down.tunnelblick.sh
                                        WARNING: Not restoring DNS settings because no saved Tunnelblick DNS information was found.
                                        Flushed the DNS cache via dscacheutil
                                        /usr/sbin/discoveryutil not present. Not flushing the DNS cache via discoveryutil
                                        Notified mDNSResponder that the DNS cache was flushed
                                        Resetting primary interface 'en0' via networksetup -setairportpower en0 off/on...
                                        End of output from client.down.tunnelblick.sh
2016-10-14 02:41:42 us=244568 SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting
2016-10-14 02:41:42 us=246407 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476423702,EXITING,SIGTERM,,
2016-10-14 02:41:42 us=252229 PKCS#11: pkcs11h_terminate entry
2016-10-14 02:41:42 us=252456 PKCS#11: Terminating openssl
2016-10-14 02:41:42 us=252543 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_openssl_terminate
2016-10-14 02:41:42 us=252631 PKCS#11: Removing providers
2016-10-14 02:41:42 us=252721 PKCS#11: Releasing sessions
2016-10-14 02:41:42 us=253236 PKCS#11: Marking as uninitialized
2016-10-14 02:41:43 *Tunnelblick: No 'post-disconnect.sh' script to execute
2016-10-14 02:41:43 *Tunnelblick: Expected disconnection occurred.


"Sanitized" full configuration file

dev tap
proto udp
remote MY.IP PORT
resolv-retry infinite
redirect-gateway def1
ns-cert-type server
cipher AES-128-CBC
verb 5

 [Security-related line(s) omitted]

 [Security-related line(s) omitted]

 [Security-related line(s) omitted]


ifconfig output:

lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff000000 
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
gif0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
stf0: flags=0<> mtu 1280
ether 98:e0:d9:77:ce:0f 
inet6 fe80::1881:964:c7bf:6d20%en0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x4 
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 9a:00:01:36:ee:e0 
media: autoselect <full-duplex>
status: inactive
ether 0a:e0:d9:77:ce:0f 
media: autoselect
status: inactive
ether 9a:00:01:36:ee:e0 
id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 hellotime 0 fwddelay 0
maxage 0 holdcnt 0 proto stp maxaddr 100 timeout 1200
root id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 ifcost 0 port 0
ipfilter disabled flags 0x2
member: en1 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>
       ifmaxaddr 0 port 5 priority 0 path cost 0
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: <unknown type>
status: inactive
ether de:8e:11:18:de:79 
inet6 fe80::dc8e:11ff:fe18:de79%awdl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x8 
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
utun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 2000
inet6 fe80::c969:8314:6d8e:f2d6%utun0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x9 
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun1: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::95fa:68f3:e142:3d7a%utun1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xb 
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun2: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::9a46:be0f:57bf:aa4d%utun2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xc 
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>


Console Log:

2016-10-14 00:01:31 Tunnelblick[556] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 00:01:43 Tunnelblick[556] Converting/Installing /Users/cristian/Documents/vpn.ovpn: Converted OpenVPN configuration
2016-10-14 00:01:49 Tunnelblick[556] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 00:01:49 Tunnelblick[556] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:01:49 Tunnelblick[556] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:01:49 Tunnelblick[556] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:01:49. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /private/var/folders/_2/pmfjyq6d2nx_rw76h60644l80000gn/T/Tunnelblick-D1t6eZ/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:20 to 501:80
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Created secure (shadow) copy of vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:05:09 Tunnelblick[556] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:05:09 Tunnelblick[556] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:05:09 Tunnelblick[556] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:05:09. 2 arguments: 0x2001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:05:09 Tunnelblick[556] Uninstalled configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 00:05:09 Tunnelblick[556] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 00:06:36 Tunnelblick[556] Converting/Installing /Users/cristian/Documents/vpn.ovpn: Converted OpenVPN configuration
2016-10-14 00:06:41 Tunnelblick[556] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 00:06:41 Tunnelblick[556] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:06:41 Tunnelblick[556] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:06:41 Tunnelblick[556] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:06:41. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /private/var/folders/_2/pmfjyq6d2nx_rw76h60644l80000gn/T/Tunnelblick-Nhu9cL/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:20 to 501:80
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Created secure (shadow) copy of vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:08:11 Tunnelblick[556] Sparkle Error: An error occurred while extracting the archive. Please try again later.
2016-10-14 00:08:22 Tunnelblick[556] Sparkle Error: An error occurred while extracting the archive. Please try again later.
2016-10-14 00:16:28 Tunnelblick[556] Sparkle Error: An error occurred while extracting the archive. Please try again later.
2016-10-14 00:17:19 Tunnelblick[33216] Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.8 (build 4625)
2016-10-14 00:17:20 Tunnelblick[33216] Tunnelblick cannot run when it is on /Volumes because the volume has the MNT_NOSUID statfs flag set.
2016-10-14 00:17:26 Tunnelblick[556] SIGTERM (signal 15) received
2016-10-14 00:17:26 Tunnelblick[556] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes
2016-10-14 00:17:27 Tunnelblick[556] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination
2016-10-14 00:17:28 Tunnelblick[33216] Tunnelblick needs to:
                                         • Be installed in /Applications as Tunnelblick
                                         • Change ownership and permissions of the program to secure it
                                         • Secure configurations
2016-10-14 00:17:28 Tunnelblick[33216] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:17:29 Tunnelblick[33216] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:17:28. 1 arguments: 0x0017
                                       Moved /Applications/Tunnelblick.app to the Trash
                                       Copied /Volumes/Tunnelblick/Tunnelblick.app to /Applications/Tunnelblick.app
                                       Removed all 'com.apple.quarantine' extended attributes
                                       Changed ownership of /Applications/Tunnelblick.app and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Need to replace and/or reload 'tunnelblickd'
                                       Replaced /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick.tunnelblickd.plist
                                       Used launchctl to load tunnelblickd
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:17:29 Tunnelblick[33216] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes
2016-10-14 00:17:29 Tunnelblick[33235] Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.8 (build 4625)
2016-10-14 00:17:29 Tunnelblick[33216] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination
2016-10-14 00:17:30 Tunnelblick[33235] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss
2016-10-14 00:17:30 Tunnelblick[33235] Changed permissions from 755 to 700 on /Users/cristian/Library/LaunchAgents
2016-10-14 00:17:30 Tunnelblick[33235] Copied our 'net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick.LaunchAtLogin.plist' into ~/Library/LaunchAgents
2016-10-14 00:17:31 Tunnelblick[33235] Sparkle: ===== Tunnelblick =====
2016-10-14 00:17:31 Tunnelblick[33235] Sparkle: Verified appcast signature
2016-10-14 00:17:44 Tunnelblick[33235] Sparkle: Extracting /Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 4651/Tunnelblick_3.6.9beta01_build_4651.dmg as a DMG
2016-10-14 00:17:47 Tunnelblick[33235] Sparkle: copyItemAtPath:/Volumes/CD580AB2-90B2-407E-A3DC-0790CA8CEB80/.DS_Store toPath:/Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 4651/.DS_Store
2016-10-14 00:17:47 Tunnelblick[33235] Sparkle: copyItemAtPath:/Volumes/CD580AB2-90B2-407E-A3DC-0790CA8CEB80/background toPath:/Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 4651/background
2016-10-14 00:17:47 Tunnelblick[33235] Sparkle: copyItemAtPath:/Volumes/CD580AB2-90B2-407E-A3DC-0790CA8CEB80/Online Documentation.webloc toPath:/Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 4651/Online Documentation.webloc
2016-10-14 00:17:47 Tunnelblick[33235] Sparkle: copyItemAtPath:/Volumes/CD580AB2-90B2-407E-A3DC-0790CA8CEB80/Tunnelblick.app toPath:/Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 4651/Tunnelblick.app
2016-10-14 00:17:49 Tunnelblick[33235] updater:willInstallUpdate: Starting cleanup.
2016-10-14 00:17:49 Tunnelblick[33235] updater:willInstallUpdate: Cleanup finished.
2016-10-14 00:17:49 Tunnelblick[33235] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes
2016-10-14 00:17:49 Tunnelblick[33235] pthread_mutex_trylock( &cleanupMutex ) failed; status = 16, errno = 3
2016-10-14 00:17:49 Tunnelblick[33235] pthread_mutex_trylock( &cleanupMutex ) failed is normal and expected when Tunnelblick is updated
2016-10-14 00:17:49 Tunnelblick[33235] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination
2016-10-14 00:17:54 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.9beta01 (build 4651)
2016-10-14 00:17:54 Tunnelblick[33290] Warning: preferences contain unknown preference 'NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert'
2016-10-14 00:17:54 Tunnelblick[33290] Need to replace and/or reload 'tunnelblickd'
2016-10-14 00:17:58 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to:
                                         • Complete the update
2016-10-14 00:17:58 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:17:59 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:17:58. 1 arguments: 0x0101
                                       Replaced /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick.tunnelblickd.plist
                                       Used launchctl to load tunnelblickd
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:17:59 Tunnelblick[33290] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss
2016-10-14 00:18:00 Tunnelblick[33290] Sparkle: ===== Tunnelblick =====
2016-10-14 00:18:00 Tunnelblick[33290] Sparkle: Verified appcast signature
2016-10-14 00:18:12 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:18:12 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:18:12 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:18:12. 2 arguments: 0x2001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:18:12 Tunnelblick[33290] Uninstalled configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 00:18:20 Tunnelblick[33290] Converting/Installing /Users/cristian/Documents/vpn.ovpn: Converted OpenVPN configuration
2016-10-14 00:18:25 Tunnelblick[33290] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 00:18:25 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:18:25 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:18:25 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:18:25. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /private/var/folders/_2/pmfjyq6d2nx_rw76h60644l80000gn/T/Tunnelblick-lAkIpe/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:20 to 501:80
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Created secure (shadow) copy of vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:20:15 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:20:15 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:20:16 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:20:15. 2 arguments: 0x2001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:20:16 Tunnelblick[33290] Uninstalled configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 00:20:16 Tunnelblick[33290] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 00:20:20 Tunnelblick[33290] Converting/Installing /Users/cristian/Documents/vpn.ovpn: Converted OpenVPN configuration
2016-10-14 00:20:26 Tunnelblick[33290] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 00:20:26 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:20:26 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:20:26 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:20:26. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /private/var/folders/_2/pmfjyq6d2nx_rw76h60644l80000gn/T/Tunnelblick-Td5Vqe/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:20 to 501:80
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Created secure (shadow) copy of vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:23:32 tunnelblickd[33916] Status = 252 from tunnelblick-helper command 'compareShadowCopy vpn'
2016-10-14 00:23:32 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from compareShadowCopy: 252
2016-10-14 00:23:38 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:23:38 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:23:38 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:23:38. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:23:38 Tunnelblick[33290] Created or updated secure (shadow) copy of configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 00:23:56 Tunnelblick[33290] BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
2016-10-14 00:25:20 tunnelblickd[34114] Status = 252 from tunnelblick-helper command 'compareShadowCopy vpn'
2016-10-14 00:25:20 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from compareShadowCopy: 252
2016-10-14 00:25:29 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:25:29 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:25:29 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:25:29. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:25:29 Tunnelblick[33290] Created or updated secure (shadow) copy of configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 00:28:36 Tunnelblick[33290] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 00:28:38 tunnelblickd[34170] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 769 0 1 0 1065843 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3_git_bae1ad7-libressl-2.5.0'
2016-10-14 00:28:41 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 00:29:04 Tunnelblick[33290] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 00:29:06 tunnelblickd[34170] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 769 0 1 0 1065843 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3_git_bae1ad7-libressl-2.5.0'
2016-10-14 00:29:09 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 00:29:26 Tunnelblick[33290] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 00:29:28 tunnelblickd[34170] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 769 0 1 0 1065843 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12-openssl-1.0.2j'
2016-10-14 00:29:31 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 00:41:43 tunnelblickd[34928] Status = 252 from tunnelblick-helper command 'compareShadowCopy vpn'
2016-10-14 00:41:44 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from compareShadowCopy: 252
2016-10-14 00:41:48 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:41:48 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:41:48 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:41:48. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:41:48 Tunnelblick[33290] Created or updated secure (shadow) copy of configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 00:43:42 tunnelblickd[35013] Status = 252 from tunnelblick-helper command 'compareShadowCopy vpn'
2016-10-14 00:43:42 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from compareShadowCopy: 252
2016-10-14 00:43:47 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 00:43:47 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 00:43:47 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 00:43:47. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 00:43:47 Tunnelblick[33290] Created or updated secure (shadow) copy of configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 01:32:22 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 01:32:22 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 01:32:22 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 01:32:22. 2 arguments: 0x2001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 01:32:22 Tunnelblick[33290] Uninstalled configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 01:32:22 Tunnelblick[33290] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 01:32:35 Tunnelblick[33290] Converting/Installing /Users/cristian/Documents/vpn.ovpn: Converted OpenVPN configuration
2016-10-14 01:32:40 Tunnelblick[33290] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 01:32:40 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 01:32:40 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 01:32:40 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 01:32:40. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /private/var/folders/_2/pmfjyq6d2nx_rw76h60644l80000gn/T/Tunnelblick-3jQBSz/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:20 to 501:80
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Created secure (shadow) copy of vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 01:33:08 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 01:33:08 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 01:33:09 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 01:33:08. 2 arguments: 0x2001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       removed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 01:33:09 Tunnelblick[33290] Uninstalled configuration file /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
2016-10-14 01:33:09 Tunnelblick[33290] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 01:33:09 tunnelblickd[35841] Status = 1 from tunnelblick-helper command 'printSanitizedConfigurationFile vpn.tblk 0'
2016-10-14 01:33:09 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from printSanitizedConfigurationFile: 1
2016-10-14 01:33:09 Tunnelblick[33290] Internal failure (1) of openvpnstart printSanitizedConfigurationFile vpn.tblk 0
2016-10-14 01:33:12 Tunnelblick[33290] Converting/Installing /Users/cristian/Documents/vpn.ovpn: Converted OpenVPN configuration
2016-10-14 01:33:18 Tunnelblick[33290] localNameFromDisplayName: 'vpn' is not a known displayName
2016-10-14 01:33:18 Tunnelblick[33290] Tunnelblick needs to perform an action that requires administrator authorization.
2016-10-14 01:33:18 Tunnelblick[33290] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 01:33:18 Tunnelblick[33290] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 01:33:18. 3 arguments: 0x0001
                                            /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Copied /private/var/folders/_2/pmfjyq6d2nx_rw76h60644l80000gn/T/Tunnelblick-7dTUjO/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:20 to 501:80
                                       Copied /Users/cristian/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/vpn.tblk
                                           to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                       Renamed /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk.temp
                                            to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents
                                       Changed permissions from 750 to 755 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
                                       Changed permissions from 740 to 700 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
                                       Created secure (shadow) copy of vpn.tblk
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 01:33:53 Tunnelblick[33290] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 01:33:55 tunnelblickd[35841] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 769 0 1 0 1065330 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12-openssl-1.0.2j'
2016-10-14 01:33:58 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 01:34:56 Tunnelblick[33290] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 01:34:58 tunnelblickd[35879] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 769 0 1 0 1065842 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12-openssl-1.0.2j'
2016-10-14 01:35:01 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 01:35:36 Tunnelblick[33290] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 01:35:37 tunnelblickd[35889] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 769 0 1 0 1065842 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3_git_bae1ad7-libressl-2.5.0'
2016-10-14 01:35:41 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 01:36:40 Tunnelblick[33290] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 01:36:42 tunnelblickd[35899] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 768 0 1 1 1065842 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12-openssl-1.0.2j'
2016-10-14 01:36:45 Tunnelblick[33290] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 01:37:43 Tunnelblick[33290] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes
2016-10-14 01:37:43 Tunnelblick[33290] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination
2016-10-14 01:37:53 Tunnelblick[35924] Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.9beta01 (build 4651)
2016-10-14 01:37:54 Tunnelblick[35924] Warning: preferences contain unknown preference 'NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert'
2016-10-14 01:37:54 Tunnelblick[35924] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss
2016-10-14 01:37:55 Tunnelblick[35924] Sparkle: ===== Tunnelblick =====
2016-10-14 01:37:55 Tunnelblick[35924] Sparkle: Verified appcast signature
2016-10-14 01:38:11 Tunnelblick[35924] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 01:38:12 tunnelblickd[35919] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 768 0 1 1 1065842 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12-openssl-1.0.2j'
2016-10-14 01:38:16 Tunnelblick[35924] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 01:56:41 Tunnelblick[35924] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 01:56:43 tunnelblickd[35966] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 768 0 1 1 1065842 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12-openssl-1.0.2j'
2016-10-14 01:56:46 Tunnelblick[35924] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 02:03:20 Tunnelblick[35924] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes
2016-10-14 02:03:20 Tunnelblick[35924] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination
2016-10-14 02:03:28 Tunnelblick[36043] Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.9beta01 (build 4651)
2016-10-14 02:03:28 Tunnelblick[36043] Warning: preferences contain unknown preference 'NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert'
2016-10-14 02:03:28 Tunnelblick[36043] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss
2016-10-14 02:03:30 Tunnelblick[36043] Sparkle: ===== Tunnelblick =====
2016-10-14 02:03:30 Tunnelblick[36043] Sparkle: Verified appcast signature
2016-10-14 02:03:40 Tunnelblick[36043] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 02:03:41 tunnelblickd[36034] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 768 0 1 1 1065842 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12-openssl-1.0.2j'
2016-10-14 02:03:45 Tunnelblick[36043] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 02:03:51 Tunnelblick[36043] runTunnelblickd: no data available from tunnelblickd socket; sleeping 5.000000 seconds...
2016-10-14 02:03:52 tunnelblickd[36034] Status = 226 from tunnelblick-helper command 'start vpn.tblk 1337 768 0 1 1 1065842 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12-openssl-1.0.2j'
2016-10-14 02:03:56 Tunnelblick[36043] tunnelblickd status from start: 226
2016-10-14 02:17:22 Tunnelblick[36043] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes
2016-10-14 02:17:22 Tunnelblick[36043] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination
2016-10-14 02:17:34 Tunnelblick[36123] Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.9beta01 (build 4651)
2016-10-14 02:17:34 Tunnelblick[36123] Warning: preferences contain unknown preference 'NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert'
2016-10-14 02:17:35 Tunnelblick[36123] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss
2016-10-14 02:17:36 Tunnelblick[36123] Sparkle: ===== Tunnelblick =====
2016-10-14 02:17:36 Tunnelblick[36123] Sparkle: Verified appcast signature
2016-10-14 02:18:09 Tunnelblick[36123] BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
2016-10-14 02:34:53 Tunnelblick[36123] Sparkle: Verified appcast signature
2016-10-14 02:35:05 Tunnelblick[36123] Sparkle: Extracting /Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 99999/Tunnelblick_3.6.8_build_4625.dmg as a DMG
2016-10-14 02:35:08 Tunnelblick[36123] Sparkle: copyItemAtPath:/Volumes/A84FA838-1EA8-4AB5-99F3-14E8B96AFD68/.DS_Store toPath:/Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 99999/.DS_Store
2016-10-14 02:35:08 Tunnelblick[36123] Sparkle: copyItemAtPath:/Volumes/A84FA838-1EA8-4AB5-99F3-14E8B96AFD68/background toPath:/Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 99999/background
2016-10-14 02:35:08 Tunnelblick[36123] Sparkle: copyItemAtPath:/Volumes/A84FA838-1EA8-4AB5-99F3-14E8B96AFD68/Online Documentation.webloc toPath:/Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 99999/Online Documentation.webloc
2016-10-14 02:35:08 Tunnelblick[36123] Sparkle: copyItemAtPath:/Volumes/A84FA838-1EA8-4AB5-99F3-14E8B96AFD68/Tunnelblick.app toPath:/Users/cristian/Library/Caches/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick/org.sparkle-project.Sparkle/Tunnelblick 99999/Tunnelblick.app
2016-10-14 02:35:10 Tunnelblick[36123] updater:willInstallUpdate: Starting cleanup.
2016-10-14 02:35:10 Tunnelblick[36123] pthread_mutex_lock( &unloadKextsMutex ) failed; status = 16, errno = 2
2016-10-14 02:35:11 Tunnelblick[36123] updater:willInstallUpdate: Cleanup finished.
2016-10-14 02:35:11 Tunnelblick[36123] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes
2016-10-14 02:35:11 Tunnelblick[36123] pthread_mutex_trylock( &cleanupMutex ) failed; status = 16, errno = 3
2016-10-14 02:35:11 Tunnelblick[36123] pthread_mutex_trylock( &cleanupMutex ) failed is normal and expected when Tunnelblick is updated
2016-10-14 02:35:11 Tunnelblick[36123] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination
2016-10-14 02:35:15 Tunnelblick[36396] Tunnelblick: OS X 10.12.0; Tunnelblick 3.6.8 (build 4625)
2016-10-14 02:35:15 Tunnelblick[36396] Warning: preferences contain unknown preference 'NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert'
2016-10-14 02:35:15 Tunnelblick[36396] Need to replace and/or reload 'tunnelblickd'
2016-10-14 02:35:19 Tunnelblick[36396] Tunnelblick needs to:
                                         • Complete the update
2016-10-14 02:35:19 Tunnelblick[36396] Beginning installation or repair
2016-10-14 02:35:20 Tunnelblick[36396] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:
                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2016-10-14 02:35:19. 1 arguments: 0x0101
                                       Replaced /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick.tunnelblickd.plist
                                       Used launchctl to load tunnelblickd
                                       Tunnelblick installer finished without error
2016-10-14 02:35:20 Tunnelblick[36396] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-s.rss
2016-10-14 02:35:21 Tunnelblick[36396] Sparkle: ===== Tunnelblick =====
2016-10-14 02:35:21 Tunnelblick[36396] Sparkle: Verified appcast signature
2016-10-14 02:36:31 Tunnelblick[36396] BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked

I appreciate any help you guys could provide me.


Tunnelblick developer

Oct 14, 2016, 6:36:55 AM10/14/16
to tunnelblick-discuss, criscl...@gmail.com
Hi. I'm sorry you're having this problem.

Unfortunately, although I know you were trying to be helpful, "log with verbose 11" makes it impossible to see what's going on amidst all the clutter. "verb 3" (the default) is best for almost all situations, including this one. Log levels above 3 aren't really useful for anything except debugging OpenVPN itself, which needs to be done only by OpenVPN developers.

If you can, please re-run this with the log set to "3".


Oct 14, 2016, 8:14:48 AM10/14/16
to tunnelblick-discuss, criscl...@gmail.com
Didn't know sorry, i thought that the more the merrier

Here is the log on verbose 3

-loggingLevel = 3
2016-10-14 09:09:19 *Tunnelblick: Attempting connection with vpn using shadow copy; Set nameserver = 769; monitoring connection
2016-10-14 09:09:19 *Tunnelblick: openvpnstart start vpn.tblk 1337 769 0 1 0 1066866 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.3.12
2016-10-14 09:09:19 *Tunnelblick: openvpnstart starting OpenVPN
2016-10-14 09:09:20 *Tunnelblick: openvpnstart log:
     Loading tap-signed.kext
     OpenVPN started successfully. Command used to start OpenVPN (one argument per displayed line):
          /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Logs/-SUsers-Scristian-SLibrary-SApplication Support-STunnelblick-SConfigurations-Svpn.tblk-SContents-SResources-Sconfig.ovpn.769_0_1_0_1066866.1337.openvpn.log
          /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources
          /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn
          /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/cristian/vpn.tblk/Contents/Resources

          /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw
          /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw
          /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw

2016-10-14 09:09:20 *Tunnelblick: Established communication with OpenVPN
2016-10-14 09:09:20 OpenVPN 2.3.12 x86_64-apple-darwin [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [MH] [IPv6] built on Oct  9 2016
2016-10-14 09:09:20 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2j  26 Sep 2016, LZO 2.09
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
2016-10-14 09:09:20 Need hold release from management interface, waiting...
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'pid'
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state'
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'bytecount 1'
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'
2016-10-14 09:09:20 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts
2016-10-14 09:09:20 Socket Buffers: R=[196724->196724] S=[9216->9216]
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476446960,RESOLVE,,,
2016-10-14 09:09:20 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
2016-10-14 09:09:20 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT
2016-10-14 09:09:20 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476446960,WAIT,,,
2016-10-14 09:09:21 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476446961,AUTH,,,
2016-10-14 09:09:21 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT, sid=39680420 c9fe158a
2016-10-14 09:09:22 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=TW, ST=TW, L=Taipei, O=netgear, OU=netgear, CN=netgear, emailAddress=ma...@netgear.com
2016-10-14 09:09:22 VERIFY OK: nsCertType=SERVER
2016-10-14 09:09:22 VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=TW, ST=TW, O=netgear, OU=netgear, CN=netgear, emailAddress=ma...@netgear.com
2016-10-14 09:09:23 Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'AES-128-CBC' initialized with 128 bit key
2016-10-14 09:09:23 Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
2016-10-14 09:09:23 Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'AES-128-CBC' initialized with 128 bit key
2016-10-14 09:09:23 Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
2016-10-14 09:09:23 Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA
2016-10-14 09:09:23 [netgear] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]MY.IP:PORT
2016-10-14 09:09:24 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476446964,GET_CONFIG,,,
2016-10-14 09:09:25 SENT CONTROL [netgear]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)
2016-10-14 09:09:28 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,route,route-delay 5,redirect-gateway def1,route-gateway dhcp,ping 10,ping-restart 120'
2016-10-14 09:09:28 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
2016-10-14 09:09:28 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
2016-10-14 09:09:28 OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified
2016-10-14 09:09:28 TUN/TAP device /dev/tap0 opened
2016-10-14 09:09:28 /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw tap0 1500 1590   init
                                        Start of output from client.up.tunnelblick.sh
                                        NOTE: No network configuration changes need to be made.
                                        WARNING: Will NOT monitor for other network configuration changes.
                                        DNS servers '' were set manually
                                        DNS servers '' will be used for DNS queries when the VPN is active
                                        The DNS servers include only free public DNS servers known to Tunnelblick.
                                        Flushed the DNS cache via dscacheutil
                                        /usr/sbin/discoveryutil not present. Not flushing the DNS cache via discoveryutil
                                        Notified mDNSResponder that the DNS cache was flushed
                                        End of output from client.up.tunnelblick.sh
2016-10-14 09:09:30 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 09:09:32 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 09:09:35 /sbin/route add -net MY.IP
                                        add net MY.IP: gateway
2016-10-14 09:09:35 /sbin/route add -net
                                        add net gateway
2016-10-14 09:09:35 /sbin/route add -net
2016-10-14 09:09:35 *Tunnelblick: No 'connected.sh' script to execute
                                        add net gateway
2016-10-14 09:09:35 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476446975,ADD_ROUTES,,,
2016-10-14 09:09:35 /sbin/route add -net
                                        route: writing to routing socket: File exists
                                        add net gateway File exists
2016-10-14 09:09:35 Initialization Sequence Completed
2016-10-14 09:09:35 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476446975,CONNECTED,SUCCESS,,MY.IP
2016-10-14 09:09:36 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 09:09:41 *Tunnelblick: This computer's apparent public IP address (LOCAL.IP) was unchanged after the connection was made
2016-10-14 09:09:45 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 09:09:46 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 09:09:46 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 09:09:46 write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)
2016-10-14 09:09:50 *Tunnelblick: Disconnecting; VPN Details… window disconnect button pressed
2016-10-14 09:09:50 *Tunnelblick: No 'pre-disconnect.sh' script to execute
2016-10-14 09:09:50 *Tunnelblick: Disconnecting using 'kill'
2016-10-14 09:09:50 event_wait : Interrupted system call (code=4)
2016-10-14 09:09:50 /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw tap0 1500 1590   init
                                        Start of output from client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh
                                        WARNING: No saved Tunnelblick DNS configuration found; not doing anything.
                                        End of output from client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh
2016-10-14 09:09:51 /sbin/route delete -net
                                        delete net gateway
2016-10-14 09:09:51 /sbin/route delete -net MY.IP
                                        delete net MY.IP: gateway
2016-10-14 09:09:51 /sbin/route delete -net
                                        delete net gateway
2016-10-14 09:09:51 /sbin/route delete -net
                                        delete net gateway
2016-10-14 09:09:51 Closing TUN/TAP interface
2016-10-14 09:09:51 /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.tunnelblick.sh -9 -a -d -f -m -r -w -ptADGNWradsgnw tap0 1500 1590   init
                                        Start of output from client.down.tunnelblick.sh
                                        WARNING: Not restoring DNS settings because no saved Tunnelblick DNS information was found.
                                        Flushed the DNS cache via dscacheutil
                                        /usr/sbin/discoveryutil not present. Not flushing the DNS cache via discoveryutil
                                        Notified mDNSResponder that the DNS cache was flushed
                                        Resetting primary interface 'en0' via networksetup -setairportpower en0 off/on...
                                        End of output from client.down.tunnelblick.sh
2016-10-14 09:09:55 SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting
2016-10-14 09:09:55 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1476446995,EXITING,SIGTERM,,
2016-10-14 09:09:56 *Tunnelblick: No 'post-disconnect.sh' script to execute
2016-10-14 09:09:56 *Tunnelblick: Expected disconnection occurred.


"Sanitized" full configuration file

dev tap
proto udp
remote MY.IP PORT
resolv-retry infinite
redirect-gateway def1
ns-cert-type server
cipher AES-128-CBC
verb 5

 [Security-related line(s) omitted]

 [Security-related line(s) omitted]

 [Security-related line(s) omitted]



Oct 17, 2016, 3:42:38 AM10/17/16
to tunnelblick-discuss, criscl...@gmail.com
Any ideas? :(
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