Uninstalling Tunnelblick

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Jul 2, 2011, 1:47:06 AM7/2/11
to tunnelblick-discuss
I have a macpro with tunnelblick in my apps. Want to uninstall

Instructions from FAQ say just move from apps to trash

But when I try, message says that could not move because Tunnelblick
is open. Help.


Jul 2, 2011, 6:34:32 AM7/2/11
to tunnelbli...@googlegroups.com
If Tunnelblick can't be moved to the Trash because it is open, then close it, that is, quit Tunnelblick.

To quit normally, click on the Tunnelblick icon at the top of the screen (usually near the Spotlight icon). Then click on "Quit" in the menu that pops down.

If that doesn't work, usually that is because Tunnelblick has a dialog window open and is asking you something. Try this:
  1. Minimize the windows for all other applications on your screen one by one. If you use Spaces, make sure all windows in all Spaces are minimized.
  2. Make sure that there is not a Tunnelblick window open and asking you for something. If it is, answer the question and you should be able to quit Tunnelblick normally.

If that doesn't work, you'll need to do five things: Force-quit Tunnelblick, put it in the Trash, tell the system not to start it when you log in, tell the system not to connect a Tunnelblick configuration when it starts, and restart the computer.

(1) Force-quit Tunnelblick:
  1. Launch /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor
  2. Select Tunnelblick in the list of "Process names"
  3. Click the "Quit" button
  4. Click "Force Quit"
  5. Quit Activity Monitor
(2) Put Tunnelblick in the Trash

(3) Tell the system not to start Tunnelblick when you log in:
  1. Launch System Preferences
  2. Click on "Accounts"
  3. Click on the "Login Items" tab
  4. If Tunnelblick is on the list, click on Tunnelblick to select it (don't put a check in the checkbox, just click on the name "Tunnelblick")
  5. Click the "-" button at the bottom of the list. Tunnelblick should disappear from the list.
(4) If you have set a configuration to start "when computer starts", tell the computer not to do that:
  1. Open a Finder window and navigate to /Library/Launch Daemons (not ~/Library/Launch Daemons)
  2. Move any items with tunnelblick in their names to the Trash. (You will need to provide the username/password of an administrator for the computer.)
(5) Restart your computer.

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