A problem occurred when checking this computer's current IP address. Please see the console log for details

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Jonathan Griffiths

Jun 6, 2023, 9:22:07 PM6/6/23
to tunnelbli...@googlegroups.com

I get the above message when I try to open a VPN on Tunnelblick. I have had no issues for the past couple of years and suddenly I am getting this message. I haven't changed any settings on my computer. Also, when I open the Console, I have no clue what the message means. Any ideas how I can solve this? I have attached a copy of the console message.

Many thanks,
Tunnelblick error.rtf

Tunnelblick developer

Jun 6, 2023, 10:31:45 PM6/6/23
to tunnelblick-discuss
You need to talk to Trust.Zone. This was probably a problem with their server.

Also, you should consider updating Tunnelblick. The version you are using has security vulnerabilities. You can update using the built-in updater on the "Preferences" panel of Tunnelblick's "VPN Details" window or by downloading and installing the new version from our Downloads page. Either way, your configurations and settings will be preserved.

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