[tulsapython] Learn web programming with CaneyPUGgies

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May 20, 2010, 6:24:14 PM5/20/10
to Tulsa Python
I am forming a web programming club in Caney, KS called CaneyPUGgies
to help people find work or increase their marketable skills.
Although Caney is about 1 hour and 10 minutes from Tulsa, some of the
Tulsa Python User Group may live close enough or have enough interest
to join us for some of our meetings, so I'd like to let you all know
about them.

So, you're all invited to come join the Caney Python Users Group
(CaneyPUGgies) 5-7 PM Wednesdays (bring a sack lunch) starting June 2
at Caney Orthodox Presbyterian Church, at 2nd and Vine in Caney.
CaneyPUGgies will 1) teach themselves framework-style web programming
using Turbogears (see http://turbogears.org) by 2) producing a working
open source web application named Reformed Churches Locator (https://
launchpad.net/reformedchurcheslocator). Membership is free. Your
costs will be your time, a wireless laptop computer with 2+ GB RAM,
and either a 32+ GB bootable flash/USB drive or a Ubuntu installation
on your computer. Your reward will be that after a year of dedicated
effort you may be able to earn money as a web programmer. Both
beginners and experts are welcome.

We'll be using cutting-edge web programming tools and techniques you
could use to make your own Twitter or Facebook (given enough
manpower!). Though in my day job I am pastor of Caney Orthodox
Presbyterian Church, I've worked as a part-time web programmer for 10
years, and have 4 years of experience using Turbogears. My hope is
CaneyPUGgies will give more people a reason to live and work in Caney,
and perhaps even start a new industry here.

Turbogears is a rapid web application framework like Ruby on Rails
which encourages current best practices such as the separation of
concerns into model, view, and controller code, and test-driven
development. It is written in the Python programming language, whose
syntax is fairly easy to learn, but uses other languages and
technologies which are transferable to other languages, so even
someone who doesn't want to learn Python can benefit from
CaneyPUGgies. Because JavaScript is useful in any web application,
TurboGears encourages its use, and Reformed Churches Locator's user
interface will be a single-page application using JQuery (an AJAX/
JavaScript library) or ExtJs (a complete JavaScript GUI toolkit for
creating rich internet applications). TurboGears, like Ruby on Rails,
will introduce you to cutting-edge programming tools & best practices,
including the separation of concerns into model, view, & controller
code to increase maintainability, mapping URLs to controller methods
for cleaner URLs & simpler/clear code organization, an object-
relational mapper (ORM - SQLAlchemy) to simplify database access, a
templating language (Genshi) to allow graphical designers greater
flexibility, reusable widgets with integrated & customizable form
validation (ToscaWidgets) to speed interface development, database
schema migrations to simplify upgrading & downgrading software
versions, and test-driven development to protect against unnoticed
feature regressions in the future. Beyond that CaneyPUGgies will use
a project management system (launchpad.net), version control system
(Bazaar), and perhaps continuous integration and a CSS framework
(Blueprint). It will introduce attendees to Aptana as a web
development IDE, Firebug, and a number of other tools available in
Ubuntu that are useful for web development.

For more information, contact me at (620) 879-2359,
pas...@caneyopc.org, or come to a CaneyPUGgies meeting!

Tim Black

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