Thank you and some newbie doubts

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Eduardo Mercovich

18.02.2016, 15:42:1318.02.16
Dear Tufte-latex Devs and community.

Thank you very much for your work on this wonderful class.

Being new to latex (and org-mode, my primary authoring environment) I am
very grateful for the simplicity to write and the beauty of the results.

Please forgive me if my questions are quite basic or ignorant, but upon
a few hours of work with the tuftehandout class (and a 99% completed and
beautiful document), a couple of doubts have arisen and I'm not grokking
the right keywords or incantations to find the roots of these little
demons. ;)

= How can I change "Contents" into "Tabla de Contenidos" (or "Índice")
in Spanish? I already added "#+LANGUAGE: es" and "es_ar" in the first
metadata lines, but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

Related, although not the same, using both
"#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS:[a4paper,notoc]" or
"#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper]"
I get a "Contents" title, but without ToC following!
How could I diagnose what's happening?

= When writing a URL in a sidenote, the text is not converted to link.
Tried also surrounding the URL with [[ and ]] (to force the link in
org-mode) without success.

= Where do I have to customize the header so it says "[page|página] N
[of|de] T"? (page N of Total pages) so this customization survives the
new versions? In the same line, if I want to make a slightly custom
opening/title page, where does it goes?

Of course, all or part of this demons could be related to the org-mode
export. Althought I'm barely starting to understand the complexity of it
all, in any case, I believe I may export only the tex file, or maybe
write it by hand to diagnose and then run pdflatex...

My thanks again for sharing your work, and also to Tom for
org-tufte-latex. While triangles are usually not stable, this one seems
made of rock solid usefullness. :)


+ Tufte-LaTeX history file says 3.5.0 / 2009-12-11

+ pdflatex -version gives:
pdfTeX 3.1415926-2.4-1.40.13 (TeX Live 2012/Debian)
kpathsea version 6.1.0
Copyright 2012 Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
Primary author of pdfTeX: Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
Compiled with libpng 1.2.49; using libpng 1.2.49
Compiled with zlib 1.2.7; using zlib 1.2.7
Compiled with poppler version 0.18.4

(yes, quite old, I'm using a Debian stable at the moment).

Thank you very much.

Have a great time...

eduardo mercovich

Donde se cruzan tus talentos
con las necesidades del mundo,
ahí está tu vocación.

Dan Abell

18.02.2016, 17:35:2518.02.16
Dear Eduardo,

It's always really helpful if you provide an MWE, meaning
a "Minimal Working Example", or---as is more usually the
case---an MNWE, a "Minimal Non-Working Example".

Did you try typesetting the example Tufte-Handout?
Did it appear as expected.
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Dan T. Abell :: dabell at txcorp dot com :: 303.444.2452
Tech-X Corp., 5621 Arapahoe Ave, Ste A, Boulder CO 80303 :: 303.748.6894/c 303.448.7756/fx

Eduardo Mercovich

19.02.2016, 09:35:3719.02.16
Dear Dan.

> It's always really helpful if you provide an MWE, meaning
> a "Minimal Working Example", or---as is more usually the
> case---an MNWE, a "Minimal Non-Working Example".

Oh, thank you.
I made a copy of the org document keeping the structure and the features,
but changing the text lo ipsum, and exported to pdf.

Now I have these 4 files: org, tex, pdf, and log (the log of the export
with some warnings).

Since sending them to the list may not be proper, I left them compressed
at (200 Kb).

> Did you try typesetting the example Tufte-Handout?
> Did it appear as expected.

Of course! Thank you for that, it should have been obvious, sorry for
being so short...

The sample-handout.tex is opened by Org with the warning
"tex-last-unended-begin: Couldn't find unended \begin"

So I exported it from the command line with
"pdflatex sample-handout.tex".

The resulting file it's similar to the original that comes with the
package, with some differences:

+ the cite #5 in pg 2 appears only with the text "; and". Cite #6 has no

+ some missing crossreference in the body text in pg 3 ("See the
“Sidenotes” section above" vs "See the “??” section above" and "Figure 2
is an example of the figure* environment and figure 3 is an example" vs
"Figure ?? is an example of the figure* environment and figure ?? is an

+ After the "dimensions" table #1, the locally rendered version lacks
the latex example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

+ There are no references in the end.

So, do I have a too old version? Where do I install a newer one
in Debian to superseed the packaged one?

Thank you very much for your time and attention. :)


Robert Eckl

19.02.2016, 10:56:5619.02.16

i did hope, someone else gives any answer, because i'm only an "experienced" Newbie.

Am 18.02.2016 um 21:41 schrieb Eduardo Mercovich:
Dear Tufte-latex Devs and community.

Thank you very much for your work on this wonderful class.

Being new to latex (and org-mode, my primary authoring environment) I am
very grateful for the simplicity to write and the beauty of the results.

= How can I change "Contents" into "Tabla de Contenidos" (or "Índice")
in Spanish? I already added "#+LANGUAGE: es" and "es_ar" in the first
metadata lines, but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
For german


should do the this. you should use


How you can achive this in org_mode according to "#+LANGUAGE:" i don't know.

Related, although not the same, using both 
"#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS:[a4paper,notoc]" or
"#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper]"
I get a "Contents" title, but without ToC following!
How could I diagnose what's happening? 

I think, you should rerun latex twice to get the indices.
= When writing a URL in a sidenote, the text is not converted to link.
Tried also surrounding the URL with [[ and ]] (to force the link in
org-mode) without success.

If [[[]] is without success you can use \href{\target}{description}

= Where do I have to customize the header so it says "[page|página] N
[of|de] T"? (page N of Total pages) so this customization survives the
new versions? In the same line, if I want to make a slightly custom
opening/title page, where does it goes?
You can use one of the packages fancyhdr or, my recommendation, scrlayer-scrpage (former scrpage2) with lastpage
and define

    \cfoot{\pagename\ \thepage\ von\ \pageref{LastPage}}

Of course, all or part of this demons could be related to the org-mode
export. Althought I'm barely starting to understand the complexity of it
all, in any case, I believe I may export only the tex file, or maybe
write it by hand to diagnose and then run pdflatex... 
Yes, it's not easy to know, where and how the tools has to be applied.

Have a great time,

Eduardo Mercovich

22.02.2016, 12:29:1322.02.16
Hello Robert.

>> = How can I change "Contents" into "Tabla de Contenidos" (or "Índice")
>> in Spanish? I already added "#+LANGUAGE: es" and "es_ar" in the first
>> metadata lines, but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

> For german
> \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
> should do the this. you should use
> \usepackage[spanish]{babel}
> How you can achive this in org_mode according to "#+LANGUAGE:" i don't
> know.

Thanks a lot! Your answer did the trick.
In orgmode, these instructions are set in the first part of the
document, where the metadata is (the preamble?) as:

#+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage[spanish]{babel}

>> Related, although not the same, using both
>> "#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS:[a4paper,notoc]" or
>> "#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper]"
>> I get a "Contents" title, but without ToC following!
>> How could I diagnose what's happening?
> I think, you should rerun latex twice to get the indices.

orgmode already does this.

But based on the comparison between the pdf that came and the one
typesetted locally, I believe I just have a too old version.

I found "How to install “vanilla” TeXLive on Debian or Ubuntu?" in
which I'll try tomorrow to see if the version is the culprit. :)

>> = When writing a URL in a sidenote, the text is not converted to link.
>> Tried also surrounding the URL with [[ and ]] (to force the link in
>> org-mode) without success.

> If [[[]] is without success you can use \href{\target}{description}

Yes, but the point of using orgmode as authoring environment is that I
don't *have to* to that. ;)

>> = Where do I have to customize the header so it says "[page|página] N
>> [of|de] T"? (page N of Total pages) so this customization survives the
>> new versions? In the same line, if I want to make a slightly custom
>> opening/title page, where does it goes?

> You can use one of the packages fancyhdr or, my recommendation,
> scrlayer-scrpage (former scrpage2) with lastpage and define

I'look into scrlayer-scrpage, thank you. :)

> \cfoot{\pagename\ \thepage\ von\ \pageref{LastPage}}

Great tip.
Again (sorry if it's obvious for everyone except me) I have to find
where do I configure my personal customizations so they are backed up
and survive the new versions...

Anyway, thank you very much for your attention. You gave me a couple of
very useful links. :)

Best regards...

Eduardo Mercovich

22.02.2016, 13:06:4622.02.16
Dear Dan.

> Did you try typesetting the example Tufte-Handout?
> Did it appear as expected.

I installed the last downloadable version of Tufte-latex and installed
system-wide as per the instructions in
(rename ol tufte-latex dir, copy new one, run "sudo texhash").

Everything compiled without errors.

Renamed the included sample-handout.tex to sample-handout.original.tex
and typesetted the example with "sudo pdflatex sample-handout.tex"

Some errors where logged and still, the new compiled pdf looks like my
previous one, with the same reported errors: no ToC, non hyperlinked URLs
in sidenotes, etc.

Maybe there is some other latex-related libraries or classes that are
too old? Does it helps to share the log?

In any case, thanks a lot... :)


Robert Eckl

22.02.2016, 14:00:3522.02.16

Am 22.02.2016 um 18:29 schrieb Eduardo Mercovich:
Great tip. 
Again (sorry if it's obvious for everyone except me) I have to find
where do I configure my personal customizations so they are backed up
and survive the new versions... 

You can invoke  M-x customize-group RET org-export LaTeX and customize org-latex-default-packages-alist or set the values in your .emacs

for example (in the section "custom-set-variables", .emacs should contain only one such instance) :

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
    (("scrartcl" "\\documentclass[11pt]{scrartcl}% Time-stamp: \" \" "
      ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
      ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
      ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
      ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
      ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))
     ("scrreprt" "\\documentclass[11pt]{scrreprt}% Time-stamp: \" \" "
      ("\\part{%s}" . "\\part*{%s}")
      ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
      ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
      ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
      ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))
     ("scrbook" "\\documentclass[11pt]{scrbook}% Time-stamp: \" \" "
      ("\\part{%s}" . "\\part*{%s}")
      ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
      ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
      ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
      ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))
     ("beamer" "\\documentclass[presentation]{beamer}% Time-stamp: \" \"
      ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
      ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
      ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
      ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
      ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}")))))

Another way would be to define in .emacs somthing like

(eval-after-load 'ox-koma-letter
     (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
     (setq org-koma-letter-default-class "my-letter")))

This snippets have to be customized to your configuration and your desires.
The examples surely are not  the best solution, but i hope it helps.

Cu, Robert

Eduardo Mercovich

22.02.2016, 17:11:2622.02.16
Dear Dan.

> Did you try typesetting the example Tufte-Handout?
> Did it appear as expected.

After the partial previous install of only the tufte-latex class I
reinstalled the complete Texlive package following instructions from

It took a couple hours, compiled without errors, added it to the path
and checked with "pdflatex -version", getting:

pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015)
kpathsea version 6.2.1
Copyright 2015 Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
There is NO warranty. Redistribution of this software is
covered by the terms of both the pdfTeX copyright and
the Lesser GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file
named COPYING and the pdfTeX source.
Primary author of pdfTeX: Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
Compiled with libpng 1.6.17; using libpng 1.6.17
Compiled with zlib 1.2.8; using zlib 1.2.8
Compiled with xpdf version 3.04

So it seems that Texlive is complete and running.

However, typesetting the sample-handout.tex gives me the same errors
reported before: no ToC, no URL in sidenotes, lacking bibliography.

I'm out of ideas here except that there is probably something old or
lacking in the rest of the system?

I'm starting to understand the subtleties of Latex to PDF, but to make
that at the same time that this troubleshooting seems not easy. :)

In any case, thank you a lot for your time and kind help...

Best regards.

Eduardo Mercovich

23.02.2016, 13:59:1323.02.16
Hi Robert. Eckl <> writes:

>> Again (sorry if it's obvious for everyone except me) I have to find
>> where do I configure my personal customizations so they are backed up
>> and survive the new versions...

> You can invoke M-x customize-group RET org-export LaTeX and customize
> org-latex-default-packages-alist or set the values in your .emacs
> for example (in the section "custom-set-variables", .emacs should contain only one such instance) :
> [...]

Ah, thank you very much.
Now I'll focus on understanding what is happening with the typesetting
of the tufte class and then I'll customize those bits. :)

I'm searching for "troubleshooting latex" and reading.

Thank you again, have a great time... :)

Robert Eckl

23.02.2016, 14:30:0923.02.16

Am 22.02.2016 um 19:06 schrieb Eduardo Mercovich:
> Dear Dan.
> [...]
>> Did you try typesetting the example Tufte-Handout?
>> Did it appear as expected.
> I installed the last downloadable version of Tufte-latex and installed
> system-wide as per the instructions in
> (rename ol tufte-latex dir, copy new one, run "sudo texhash").
> Everything compiled without errors.
> Renamed the included sample-handout.tex to sample-handout.original.tex
> and typesetted the example with "sudo pdflatex sample-handout.tex"
> (twice).
I tried this, and found the message

You should run BibTeX to get citations right, {5} pages

bibtex sample-handout

After this i did run LaTeX again, IIRC twice and all seems to be fine.
I think you missed to run BibTex


Eduardo Mercovich

25.02.2016, 11:27:5225.02.16
Dear Robert.

>> [...]
>>> Did you try typesetting the example Tufte-Handout? [...]

>> I installed the last downloadable version of Tufte-latex [...]
>> Renamed the included sample-handout.tex to sample-handout.original.tex
>> and typesetted the example with "sudo pdflatex sample-handout.tex"
>> (twice).
>> I tried this, and found the message
>> You should run BibTeX to get citations right, {5} pages
>> bibtex sample-handout
>> After this i did run LaTeX again, IIRC twice and all seems to be fine.

> I think you missed to run BibTex

Ah, thanks for the learing, I never run before this by hand.

So I did (in the original dir, with 'sudo' 1st):
$pdflatex sample-handout.tex
$bibtex sample-handout.aux
$pdflatex sample-handout.tex

Visually compared, both seems to be the same. The size differs in a
pinch (114.216 vs 114.277 the newly typesetted), so I assume it's not a
serious difference. :)

Now we're on track... :)

Now that we know we have a working tufte-latex installation, the only
remaining issue is to check what happens in the chain org-mode > tex >
pdf. But that is something for another list.

Thank you all for the lessons. :)

Have a great time...

Eduardo Mercovich

10.03.2016, 14:53:3810.03.16
Dear Robert.

> Now that we know we have a working tufte-latex installation, the only
> remaining issue is to check what happens in the chain org-mode > tex >
> pdf. But that is something for another list.

Just for completeness sake, and if someone else pokes by chance in the
same hole, the problem was the lack of a setting in org-mode that made
in export the tex file with a syntactic glitch: an asterisk before the
brace in sections, like this: \section*{Some text goes here}

To avoid it, the only needed thing is to add to the start of the file in
#+OPTIONS: num:t

Now links and ToC are perfect. :)

Again, congratulations for a wonderful class.

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