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Pravin Poudel

Sep 23, 2022, 12:08:04 AM9/23/22

I want to implement the ttk in my web project where I want to get the segmentation output from the contour tree generator filter !!!

I am not able to figure out if there is any package or way I can use ttk in my js project. Can you please help me to get some ideas about this issue !!

Thank you

With Best Regards,

Pravin Poudel

Research Assistant, Computing Elevated Lab, USU
Logan, USA

Jonas Lukasczyk

Sep 23, 2022, 8:18:07 AM9/23/22
to, Pravin Poudel
Hi Pravin,
thank you for your interest in TTK. For a private project I was able to do exactly what you intend to do, so it is definitely possible. In my setup I was running all the computation in paraview and used the ttkWebSocketIO filter to send the result of the computation to the browser via a websocket conenction. In short, the ttkWebSocketIO filter serializes its input vtkDataObject and sends it to the browser, where a small js library called ttkWebSocketIO.js creates a corresponding js object. Have a look at the ttkWebSocketIO standalone examples to get going:

To use the ttkWebSocketIO filter you will need to build ttk with "ttkWebSocketIO on" which depends on this external header-only library:

If you need further assistance do not hesitate to ask.

Jonas Lukasczyk

> On 23.9.22 05:20 CEST Pravin Poudel <> wrote:
> Hi, 
> Iwantto implement the ttk in my web project whereI wantto get the segmentation outputfrom the contourtree generator filter !!!
> I am not able to figure out if there is any package or way I can use ttk in my js project. Can you please help me to get some ideas about this issue !!
> Thank you
> With Best Regards,
> Pravin Poudel
> Research Assistant,Computing Elevated Lab, USU
> +1-4355549628
> Logan, USA
> --
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