wiki tool (was Re: Welcome and interest)

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Brent Allsop

Mar 13, 2010, 2:05:31 PM3/13/10
to, Michael Ferguson

Hi Edward,

The survey wiki system at does not have this spam problem
you mentioned here. No changes can be made to a 'camp' that any
supporters of the camp object to (any proposed camp changes go into
review for one week, and only go live if nobody in the camp objects
during that time). And the survey capability enables people to rank who
they think are the top speakers they would like to see. And you could
configure a canonizing algorithm on the side bar that would only count
votes of transhumanist, and of Students, and even of a particular local
like SLC, if you wanted - anything is possible. In other words, even if
everyone from all over the world participated in the survey, you could
find out definitively who was the most desired speaker according to
transhumanist students in SLC, if you wanted.

As an example of what is possible, see this list topic ranking 'mind
experts' by expert peers that is being used to rigorously and
quantitatively measure 'scientific consensus' on the best theories of

What tool is required to read the TSN Speaker Databse.mdb file that Ben
sent out? Or can someone extract this to a textual format or something?

Personally, I think a great entry for the speaker list would be Steven
Lehar. As you can see from the above list, he is one of the early
leading experts on theories of consciousness, as is being ranked by
expert peers as part of the Consciousness survey Project ( ). The early leading
Representational Qualia Theory of consciousness ( ) which he is one of the leading
proponents of, has profound predictions about the future of
consciousness, what uploading will be like, why the identy problem of
uploading (is my uploaded copy the same as me?) wont be a problem at all
(because of effing of the ineffable), and so on...

Brent Allsop

Edward Miller wrote:
> I don't think the TSN was ever intentionally elitist, but I do think
> this is the healthiest sort of private conversation that can be had.
> All others should probably go to the google group from now on.
> We could do a wiki of the speaker list and do our best to overlap with
> the humanity+ local chapters, so that our materials may be useful to a
> broader audience. Of course we would have to maintain the wiki on a
> pretty regular basis. I have seen many wikis that have gone unlooked
> at for as little as 30 days only to be spammed by bots.
> We could even link it up to google maps API or some other program so
> we could just have a "search nearby" option that presents all the
> speakers to you.
> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Natasha Vita-More
> <> wrote:
> I love Ben's idea. I can go anyhere. I will be at Virginia
> Commonwealth University in a couple of weeks lecturing on
> transhumanism and human enhancement, and scheduled for Italy, UK,
> and Austin universities this spring/summer.
> Nlogo1.tif Natasha Vita-More <>

Ben Hyink

Mar 14, 2010, 6:42:31 PM3/14/10
Interesting ranking idea, Brent.
We could probably do all three - have a ranking list, have a core list of people based on affiliation with Humanity + and merit of their works (Minsky may not be the most popular personality but he merits listing based on his work) and even a really extensive peripheral list including anyone nearby who might not even need an honorarium... The last one is the first to go but I'm loathe to give up on the second format.
The database needs to be read with MS Access, and unfortunately I've learned from Allikats Productions (TV07) it is very hard or impossible to extract the data to an excel spreadsheet or something else easier to use.
"effing of the ineffable", I like that... Maybe it's primarily jargon that separates us...

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