[Seasteading] The Thiel Foundation pledges up to $1,000,000 to The Seasteading Institute!

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James Hogan

Jan 28, 2011, 4:26:47 PM1/28/11
to tsi-pre...@googlegroups.com


We're excited to announce that The Seasteading Institute has just secured a $1,000,000 grant for 2011 from the Thiel Foundation.  Below is a copy of the announcement we're sending to our community, also available here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

James Hogan, Senior Director
The Seasteading Institute


We're excited to announce that the Thiel Foundation has renewed their financial support of The Seasteading Institute for 2011, pledging up to one million dollars in additional funding!

Based on the success of last year's $250,000 matching grant program, the Thiel Foundation will be matching the first $500,000 of donations from the seasteading community in 2011. Additionally, The Thiel Foundation is pledging $500,000 in direct grants to The Seasteading Institute, contingent upon performance, during 2011. So if the seasteading community contributes $500,000 or more, the Thiel Foundation will contribute a total of $1,000,000 to The Seasteading Institute.

Thanks to the generous support of the Thiel Foundation and the rest of our donors, 2011 will be another high water mark for the seasteading movement, moving us closer to a future where seastead societies foster experimentation and profound innovation in the world's political systems. By the end of 2011, The Seasteading Institute will have published research enabling prospective seasteaders to navigate the key engineering and legal challenges blocking their way. We will also substantially grow the seasteading movement, generating more press coverage, inspiring future seastead entrepreneurs, and launching a local chapter program.

The Seasteading Institute is hiring!

With our 2011 funding off to a strong start, we are hiring in earnest! Our jobs page lists a number of openings at our Sunnyvale, CA office -- Director of DevelopmentDirector of OperationsLegal Assistant, and Administrative Assistant.

You can help the seasteading movement tremendously by helping connect us with an outstanding candidate for any of these positions. Finding the right people to join our team will be the single biggest factor in our success. Director-level positions offer a $2,500 referral bonus.

We need your help for the Million Dollar Challenge!

We frequently ask for your support -- and that's because we need it to make seasteading a reality.

The Thiel Foundation will double the first $500,000 of 2011 donations from the seasteading community, earning The Seasteading Institute a total of $1,000,000. This gives us an opportunity to broaden our donor base, strengthening the financial foundation of the seasteading movement. We've received over $10,000 in gifts this year already (thank you!), but that leaves us a very long way to go!

Please help us get 2011 off to a strong start -- donate today!

PS: Check out the cover story on Peter Thiel in Forbes magazine, also available online: "Life After Facebook." The article discusses Peter's work "bankrolling ideas he thinks will save the world" -- including seasteading!

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