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This Week: Amplify and Sharing Your Story Chat; Webinar: You Have Footage, Now What? Ask the Pros!

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Kristy Graves

Feb 13, 2012, 9:04:19 PM2/13/12
Happy Monday, all!

How have the webinars and tweet chats been for you so far? Please, let us know! 

This is our last week in the training part of the challenge - one more tweet chat, one more webinar. Both around helping you getting your story out!
  • Tuesday, February 14, 11am Pacific - Tweet Chat - Amplify and Distribute Your Story - Follow/tag #TSDigs to join (More info here)
  • Thursday, February 16, 11am Pacific - Free Webinar - Post Production: You Have Footage, Now What? REGISTER
  • Archived recordings and blog recaps here
We're already starting to receive submissions. Keep 'em coming! If you haven't already started, that's okay. There's still time! You have until midnight, February 29 to enter.

Have a question on storyboarding, or lighting, or just not sure where to start? We have digital storytelling PROS from Lights. Camera. Help. on call to help. Ask them 24/7 in our forum, and they'll get your questions answered! 

One last thing... As you know digital storytelling is becoming increasingly important to nonprofits. Fortunately, technology barriers are lower than ever to create one, but sometimes knowhow or understanding can be a hurdle. Help us help our nonprofit community, and share TSDIgs with 3 (or 30, or 300!) organizations you know. This Challenge was created to kickstart and enhance organization's digital storytelling skills. Few ideas how:
  • RSVP and share this event to your FB Page 
  • Like and/or Share this post on LinkedIn
  • Write a short blog post with your favorite digital storytelling tip or video/photo (email, tweet, or Facebook us to let us know!)
  • Tweet: Heard about the @TechSoup Digital Storytelling Challenge? Nonprofit and benefit orgs – check it out! #TSDigs
  • Note: TSDigs is open to ANY social benefit organization, regardless of 501c3 status, and global entries welcome!
Thank you!

This year is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever. We're excited to see your submissions!

Kristy & Online Community Team

Kristy Graves
Digital Storytelling Challenge
Social Media + Online Community Team
m: 415.729.5129

Learn to turn your organization's passion into a powerful story this month with the TechSoup Digital Storytelling Challenge! Sign up for free webinars, trainings, and more. Enter by February 29! #TSDigs

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