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Babbling Brook Mix

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James M. Atkinson

Jan 14, 2012, 10:40:56 PM1/14/12
Good Evening Folks,

Here is a little sample of some of my TSCM Audio Countermeasures projects.

It is only 50 minutes long and is 1 GB is length, so it is pretty small.

Put it on your iPad or iPad and plug in some powered speakers and you
will destroy the ability of anybody to eavesdrop on you, and you will
bring even the most sophisticated eavesdropping system right down to
their knees. Then set the track for an endless loop, and either have
your confidential meeting or start running your sweep.

You will need to be very close to the person you will be speaking with,
then you place this audio on speakers that fill the room with sound, and
you can watch the eavesdroppers heads explode, and their eavesdropping
hardware essentially burst into flames. Even the most sophisticated
adaptive filtering hardware and software the FBI and CIA used can not
defeat this audio jamming track when you use it right.

This is actually a fairly narrow babble tape, but it will get you
started. To mix down a proper tape I also need a 15-30 audio recording
of each person who will be at the meeting reading form a news paper or
book non stop (two hours of this is ideal). Then I will take each person
create four vaiations of each persons voice to compensate for normal
pitch changes and mix this into a single track for them. Then I
normalize the track in amplitude to match all the other tracks that I
create for the other people on the tape in the same way. Each track is
slowly build one at a time, and to include the voices of every person
who will be in the meeting on the babble tape. This is called "Active
Speaker Tracks" then I do the same with people who will not be at a
meeting called the "Inactive Speakers Tracks" and bring this in.

Then I bring in what is walled the "Background track" which is what you
hear in this audio file (this is the base of background track). This
base track also contains "pips" of coded time bursts that are used to
calculate the distant to a bugging device and this is hyper efefctive.
I have also placed sub-sonic and hyper-sonic signals and short periodic
peaks that will shut down the automatic gain control circuits in many
eavesdropping of bugging device.

This is strictly a demo of my work, for your enjoyment.

When I create these for clients it requires several days of work as I
want a 4 hour file, that loops, and the file will have 64 channels mixed
down to single MP3 or .wav file, I also create babble tape for one
specific customer at a time, and often they will purchase a half dozen
different files for different situations, and that are devastating

I give away single base file like this, and if a customer wants one of
their own then I change $2500 per 4 hours, on a 64 track custom babble
tape, including the voices of the people they are trying to protect, so
get in touch with me if you woudl like a customer version of his made
for you.

This file is dangerous, very dangerous, use it with grade caution

Enjoy, and let me know is you need more.


James M. Atkinson
President and Sr. Engineer
"Leonardo da Vinci of Bug Sweeps and Spy Hunting"
Granite Island Group
(978) 546-3803

James M. Atkinson

Jan 24, 2012, 12:41:57 AM1/24/12
In a recent laboratory test, this babble mix utter blew away all other
forms of white noise generators and white noise masking systems, and
Acoustic Noise Generators, just blew them away, and this is actually a
pretty simple one, it I make one that is specific to a person, place, or
such it can be way more confounding to the spy.

For a fully tweaked out babble file I include the persons voices who
will be in the meeting that you are trying to protect, and this is
lethal to the eavesdropper, because I do all kind of cute things to the
audio to foul up pitch, speed, and tempo, and I when I mix it down to
two tracks the tweaks can not be heard, but you sure can see then on
test equipment.

When properly tweaked one of these files will become an "Anti Adaptive
Audio Filtering" file, not this one specifically, but one which includes
the actual speakers voice, and will destroy and derail even the most
determines eavesdropper.

Of you just need a general purpose babble file the one listed in the
link is perfect, if you want one tweaked out properly to you voice or to
the meeting, or even to the tone and dimensions of a specific room I can
do this as well.

This is a dangerous file, all you need to make it work is a cheap MP3
Player, and some powered speakers and for under $75 in electronics you
get performance that exceeds what a $4000 Acoustic Noise Generator is
capable of.

The U.S. Government taught me well.


Its from Onion

Jan 24, 2012, 2:39:45 AM1/24/12
to tscm-l2006
Bad link for me.

> Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 00:41:57 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [TSCM-L] {6030} Babbling Brook Mix

mics contact

Feb 6, 2012, 7:51:13 AM2/6/12
to TSCM-L Professionals List

The way you propose the use of the 'babble-noise file' may not be the
best piece of advice. It will only help agains someone who is using a
simple 10$ transmitter and not against a serious adversary.

> Then set the track for an endless loop, and either have your confidential meeting or start running your sweep.

The problem is that if you repeat the track, it is the equivalent of
using a 'one time pad' twice in cryptography. It is fairly simple to
look for a differ in audio files once the start of the loop has been
identified and subtract the audio files from each other. What remains
is the conversations.

>You will need to be very close to the person you will be speaking with, then you place this audio on speakers that fill the room with sound, and you can watch the eavesdroppers heads explode, and their eavesdropping hardware essentially burst into flames.
>Even the most sophisticated adaptive filtering hardware and software the FBI and CIA used can not defeat this audio jamming track when you use it right.

A set of two speakers will be relatively easy to defeat. If the
adversary uses various microphones in phase, it becomes yet again
quite simple to 'zoom in' on a specific part of the room. You simply
calculate the time a signal travels to each microphone and compare the
results. If you have enough microphones you can just 'zoom in' to any
part of the room and filter out any other signal that is away from
your target. And having a file in a loop makes it even simpler to

> This file is dangerous, very dangerous, use it with grade caution

I am not convinced but applaud you for your efforts in sharing what
you think works best. I hope my advice makes it to the other members
of this list.

All the best,

Mic S.
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