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Invoice amount rounding and sales tax reverse calculation

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Artem Braga

Aug 14, 2018, 10:00:43 AM8/14/18
to tryton

Rounding factor in Tryton can set up the rounding of currency unit up to 0.05. With the sale price list it is possible to set up the product sale price with tax included (sales tax will be reverse calculated).

Typically tax rules require, that sales tax amount is not rounded and is calculated on the invoice with the precision of 0.01 units of currency.

Is there any way to round the total invoice amount up to the nearest 0.05 and to reverse calculate sales tax on the rounded total invoice amount with the precision of 0.01?

Thank you.

Cédric Krier

Aug 14, 2018, 10:35:06 AM8/14/18
to tryton
On 2018-08-14 07:00, 'Artem Braga' via tryton wrote:
> Is there any way to round the total invoice amount up to the nearest 0.05 and to reverse calculate sales tax on the rounded total invoice amount with the precision of 0.01?

No, computation of unit price from price tax included is per line.

Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Cédric Krier

Aug 14, 2018, 11:30:05 AM8/14/18
to tryton
On 2018-08-14 16:30, 'Cédric Krier' via tryton wrote:
> On 2018-08-14 07:00, 'Artem Braga' via tryton wrote:
> > Is there any way to round the total invoice amount up to the nearest 0.05 and to reverse calculate sales tax on the rounded total invoice amount with the precision of 0.01?
> No, computation of unit price from price tax included is per line.

But this remember the Swiss rounding problem:
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