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Manual invoicing

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Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto

Jan 8, 2019, 5:40:56 AM1/8/19

Dear comunity

I have an issue on the invoice localization module, I will explain to you

On Peru we have two invoicing processes:

  1. Electronic, where Tryton is perfect in order on use the stand numbering process
  2. Mecanical, where we dont use tryton numberingm since the invoices are pre printed and filled manually, this proceess is used as alternative when there are issues with the software applications or energy fall, then the invoicers could invoice sells using pre printed invoiced, but this invoiced must be loaded later to the software app using its own number on the pre printed invoice

Since tryton set number on an automatically process, I need to find a way to load this pre printed invoiced and keep its numbering in order on use this number for accounting processes and reports, then a suggest could be

  1. Enable invoice type as mecanicall, when the number is requested
  2. since the invoice has a number, the set number won be used on this kind of invoices

On an initial proposal, I was thing on just create the accounting movement, however he custommer give a similar to it:

“looks good but, what happend when we try to prepare a report for invoices or payments or something like that; these invoices will be lost, and we couldn’t track them, neither have a report from them.”

That is the reason that I am thinking on a way to set the number manually, but I want to implement it on a manual but trytonic way, keeping comunity rules

I was looking some experiences on other projects like this issue or suggest for a better implementation

Note: Manual invoiced are named as contingency reports and must be reportes as that, as a contingency report

Best regards

Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto
    Agile Coach | Python Software Developer | Tryton ERP Consultant
    Claro RPC +51 989550602
    Skype: csotelop
    GNULinux RU #379182 | GNULinux RM #277661

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Dominique Chabord

Jan 8, 2019, 12:43:32 PM1/8/19
to tryton
Le mar. 8 janv. 2019 à 11:40, Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto
<> a écrit :

> Electronic, where Tryton is perfect in order on use the stand numbering process
> Mecanical, where we dont use tryton numberingm since the invoices are pre printed and filled manually

This exists in many countries. What about a field to reference the
paper original document in the invoice form ? and optionally, write the
electronic invoice reference on the paper invoice ?
In invoice template, you can add a special text in case a paper
invoice was made.

> Since tryton set number on an automatically process, I need to find a way to load this pre printed invoiced and keep its numbering in order on use this number for accounting processes and reports, then a suggest could be

No change would be necessary with the above proposal.

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