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Tryton Magento Integration

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Sharoon Thomas

Jun 16, 2011, 9:23:16 AM6/16/11
to tryton

Hello Everyone,

Some of us at Openlabs has been planning and working on the Magento connector for Tryton from the past 9 months. From our initial research and lessons learnt from building magentoerpconnect [1] for OpenERP, we had identified key issues that needed solutions before we attempted to build a tryton connector and they were:

  1. Clean transformation of EAV [2] in magento to Tryton: In OpenERP we dynamically create new fields and extend the product table. However, this seemed to work well for small customers, but larger implementation of magento started meeting roadblocks. An example of the same was an implementation hitting the max col size of 1600 in the product table [3]. We addressed this with an object/document datastore backend for tryton - Mongo DB [4].
  2. The second issue was a clean API to connect to magento rather than raw XML RPC calls in between module code. This was also implemented in the magento python module [5].

And now we think its time to start working on the module and we request interested community members to participate in the project to build blueprints, write code, documentation and test the features. If you dont write code, you could still contribute with ideas, and manual testing. We have chosen github for project hosting [6] and the empty space (as of this writing) has been created. (For the mercurial fan boys : you can still push from hg to the git repo [7].)

For Team Openlabs

Sharoon Thomas








Rob Martin

Jun 16, 2011, 10:32:01 AM6/16/11
Sharoon, and the Tryton community,

I've paid only a little attention to the Magento Connectors projects for both Tryton and OpenERP, mostly noticing that the interest is strong and activity seems pretty vibrant. The thing is, I don't understand why, and I wonder if anyone might be willing to provide me feedback as to why they think it's important or valuable to connect Tryton to Magento? I know that Magento has features that Tryton does not, but it also seems there is significant overlap. What makes Magento bring to the project?


-- mailing list


Jun 16, 2011, 10:28:37 AM6/16/11
i think manage another software with different technology its more complicated than make a e-commerce solution with tryton

For experience on others cases make a middleware between two software will be dificult and maintain synced too.

The best in my opinion it is make application what comunicate with tryton and tryton core will be the heart of all.
For it exists proteus and proteus.js Only needed make a webapp what use proteus.

-- mailing list

Andres Vargas

Albert Cervera i Areny

Jun 16, 2011, 10:33:14 AM6/16/11
to, zodman

A Dijous, 16 de juny de 2011 16:28:37, zodman va escriure:

> i think manage another software with different technology its more

> complicated than make a e-commerce solution with tryton


> For experience on others cases make a middleware between two software will

> be dificult and maintain synced too.


> The best in my opinion it is make application what comunicate with tryton

> and tryton core will be the heart of all.

> For it exists proteus and proteus.js Only needed make a webapp what use

> proteus.

Although the solution is not trivial I agree. We suffer daily the problems originated by Magento and osCommerce connectors for OpenERP and I think an integrated solution would be better (even if commercially a little bit more difficult to sell).

Maybe Sharoon can provide us with feedback if this approach worked for them with Callisto.


> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Rob Martin <> wrote:

> > Sharoon, and the Tryton community,

> >

> > I've paid only a little attention to the Magento Connectors projects for

> > both Tryton and OpenERP, mostly noticing that the interest is strong and

> > activity seems pretty vibrant. The thing is, I don't understand why, and

> > I wonder if anyone might be willing to provide me feedback as to why

> > they think it's important or valuable to connect Tryton to Magento? I

> > know that Magento has features that Tryton does not, but it also seems

> > there is significant overlap. What makes Magento bring to the project?

> >

> > Rob

> >

> >

> >

> > On Jun 16, 2011, at 8:23 AM, Sharoon Thomas <>

> > wrote:

> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > Some of us at Openlabs has been planning and working on the Magento

> > connector for Tryton from the past 9 months. From our initial research

> > and lessons learnt from building magentoerpconnect [1] for OpenERP, we

> > had identified key issues that needed solutions before we attempted to

> > build a

> >

> > tryton connector and they were:

> > 1. Clean transformation of EAV [2] in magento to Tryton: In OpenERP we

> > dynamically create new fields and extend the product table. However,

> > this seemed to work well for small customers, but larger

> > implementation of magento started meeting roadblocks. An example of

> > the same was an implementation hitting the max col size of 1600 in

> > the product table [3]. We addressed this with an object/document

> > datastore backend for tryton - Mongo DB [4].

> > 2. The second issue was a clean API to connect to magento rather than

> > raw XML RPC calls in between module code. This was also implemented in

> > the magento python module [5].

> >

> > And now we think its time to start working on the module and we request

> > interested community members to participate in the project to build

> > blueprints, write code, documentation and test the features. If you dont

> > write code, you could still contribute with ideas, and manual testing. We

> > have chosen github for project hosting [6] and the empty space (as of

> > this writing) has been created. (For the mercurial fan boys : you can

> > still push from hg to the git repo [7].)

> >

> > For Team Openlabs

> >

> > Sharoon Thomas

> >

> > [1] <>

> >

> >

> > [2] <>

> >

> >

> > [3] <>

> >

> >

> > [4] <>

> >

> >

> > [5] <>

> >

> >

> > [6] <>

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > mailing list

> >

> > --

> >

> > mailing list


Albert Cervera i Areny

OpenERP Partners

Tel: +34 93 553 18 03

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Rob Martin

Jun 16, 2011, 1:53:19 PM6/16/11
I would indeed be interested in hearing of Sharoon's experience with Callisto. Also, as I recall, OpenLabs used Django and Tryton for their own website.

Clearly Tryton is not providing a content management system appropriate for a full website, although with the GSoC project on rich text editing, it seems Tryton might be more ready to manage catalog pages. Much of the other functionality is exactly what an ERP system does, and Tryton does or will do - order entry and fulfilment, shipping, invoicing and credit card charges, etc. We're working a project with MODX for content management and OpenERP for the rest.

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-- mailing list

Sharoon Thomas

Jun 16, 2011, 3:57:11 PM6/16/11
Hello Everyone,

Thanks for your quick and frank feedback!

First things first - I belong to the same camp `Magento Sucks!!`-but it works and the recent acquisition by ebay [1] is a big example of this. There should be thousands of customers using magento and there is a large ecosystem of developers and community offering plugins and extensions like no other open source ecommerce project [2]. It is also available with so many hosting service providers on a one click install and this makes it even more popular.

OTOH, Magento's stock management is as fragile as having a static field against product, which stores the current stock and is subtracted every time something is sold. The stock update means, changing the value of this field to a higher value. This basically means - there is no inventory management - forget about purchase and financial management.

When I first began writing the magento openerp connector, there were several design concepts I got wrong, which was mainly from my perspective to smaller businesses with few products. The project received large contributions though limited to a handful of companies which was skilled enough to work on the project. Today its one of the largest and most complicated modules (-ve) of OpenERP, but its one of the 'hottest' and most vibrant sub projects of openERP. OpenERP partners (even the ones who have no idea what the project is) receive several enquiries everyday for implementing OpenERP for magento and its quite surprising that most often they are from large companies who made the mistake of installing magento and now need something to back it up. 

Now to the pro's and con's of an integrated solution:

We built Callisto for OpenERP and Nereid for Tryton - which makes OpenERP and Tryton into web frameworks respectively on which we built the e-commerce systems. However, the application of both is quite different from that of Magento. We have extremely specific implementations of both (I cannot disclose the sites at the moment on a public forum) which address specific custom requirements of the businesses we implemented them for and in-fact one of our customers for nereid has millions of products in their catalog. In both cases the customers were willing to make a substantial investment in the project because their requirements were not something that could be addressed directly by any of the existing open source e-commerce solutions and their requirements were fulfilled more by the ERP part than the e-commerce part. This motivated them to sacrifice the benefit of an e-commerce system like magento (where they would have got most of the plugins like payment gateways for free) and chose Nereid based e-commerce for their system.

In short I feel that both the connector to magento and integrated e-commerce solution addresses totally different requirements. An integration with magento does not add `The best e-commerce possibility for Tryton` but does make `A great ERP backend for magento`. Feel free to ask any of the questions you may have. I am also available on the IRC if you want to talk about this.


Sharoon Thomas

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-- mailing list


Rob Martin

Jun 17, 2011, 3:11:43 PM6/17/11
Sharoon, I'd enjoy the opportunity to chat with you on IRC. (Millions of products?!? Yes, I'd like to hear more.) I wonder if you could reserve some time for me sometime soon, maybe as much as an hour? Also, are you in Florida as your Twitter profile suggests? If not, I hope you might take into account my time zone is currently GMT-5 if you suggest a time to chat.

Thank you, especially for your final comment on Tryton and Magento. It's a brilliant summary and answers my question succinctly. This thread fits in with a series of blog posts I've been working on, considering the use of Tryton as a back-end for an ecommerce. I know you've already done this. (You've also already written a UPS connector for OpenERP, and I should be using that rather than writing my own, but I learn slowly and often with my fingers.)

Rob Martin

On 06/16/2011 02:57 PM, Sharoon Thomas wrote:
Hello Everyone,

Thanks for your quick and frank feedback!

First things first - I belong to the same camp `Magento Sucks!!`-but it works and the recent acquisition by ebay [1] is a big example of this. There should be thousands of customers using magento and there is a large ecosystem of developers and community offering plugins and extensions like no other open source ecommerce project [2]. It is also available with so many hosting service providers on a one click install and this makes it even more popular.

OTOH, Magento's stock management is as fragile as having a static field against product, which stores the current stock and is subtracted every time something is sold. The stock update means, changing the value of this field to a higher value. This basically means - there is no inventory management - forget about purchase and financial management.

When I first began writing the magento openerp connector, there were several design concepts I got wrong, which was mainly from my perspective to smaller businesses with few products. The project received large contributions though limited to a handful of companies which was skilled enough to work on the project. Today its one of the largest and most complicated modules (-ve) of OpenERP, but its one of the 'hottest' and most vibrant sub projects of openERP. OpenERP partners (even the ones who have no idea what the project is) receive several enquiries everyday for implementing OpenERP for magento and its quite surprising that most often they are from large companies who made the mistake of installing magento and now need something to back it up.�

Now to the pro's and con's of an integrated solution:

We built Callisto for OpenERP and Nereid for Tryton - which makes OpenERP and Tryton into web frameworks respectively on which we built the e-commerce systems. However, the application of both is quite different from that of Magento. We have extremely specific implementations of both (I cannot disclose the sites at the moment on a public forum) which address specific custom requirements of the businesses we implemented them for and in-fact one of our customers for nereid has millions of products in their catalog. In both cases the customers were willing to make a substantial investment in the project because their requirements were not something that could be addressed directly by any of the existing open source e-commerce solutions and their requirements were fulfilled more by the ERP part than the e-commerce part. This motivated them to sacrifice the benefit of an e-commerce system like magento (where they would have got most of the plugins like payment gateways for free) and chose Nereid based e-commerce for their system.

In short I feel that both the connector to magento and integrated e-commerce solution addresses totally different requirements. An integration with magento does not add `The best e-commerce possibility for Tryton` but does make `A great ERP backend for magento`. Feel free to ask any of the questions you may have. I am also available on the IRC if you want to talk about this.


Sharoon Thomas

Advert�ncia Legal: aquest missatge i, en el seu cas, els fitxers adjunts poden contenir informaci� privada i/o confidencial. Si vost� no �s el destinatari del missatge, si us plau, elimini i notifiqui'ns-ho immediatament, no el reenvii ni copi el seu contingut. Si us plau, avisi'ns d'immediat si vost� o la seva empresa no admeten la utilitzaci� del correu electr�nic via internet per a missatges d'aquest tipus. NaN Projectes de Programari Lliure, S.L. no garanteix la confidencialitat, integritat, rapidesa o correcte recepci� del present correu, ni es responsabilitza de possibles perjudicis derivats de la captura, incorporacions de virus o qualsevol altre manipulaci� efectuada per tercers. No s'autoritza la utilitzaci� amb finalitats comercials o per a la seva incorporaci� a fitxers automatitzats de les direccions de l'emissor o del destinatari.

La informaci� continguda en aquest missatge de correu electr�nic �s confidencial i pot revestir el car�cter de reservada. Est� dirigida exclusivament a la persona destinat�ria. L'acc�s o qualsevol us per part de qualsevol altra persona, no estan autoritzats i poden esdevenir il�legals. Si vost� no �s la persona destinat�ria, li preguem que procedeixi a esborrar-lo i a no fer-ne cap us ni transmetre'l a tercers. Si ho considera oport� pot avisar al remitent que el missatge ha arribat a un dest� no desitjat.

Advertencia Legal: este mensaje y, en su caso, los ficheros anexos pueden contener informaci�n privilegiada y/o confidencial. Si usted no es el destinatario del mensaje, por favor, b�rrelo y notif�quenoslo inmediatamente, no lo reenv�e ni copie su contenido. Por favor, av�senos de inmediato si usted o su empresa no admite la utilizaci�n del correo electr�nico v�a internet para mensajes de este tipo. Nan Projectes de Programari Lliure, S.L. no garantiza la confidencialidad, integridad, rapidez o correcta recepci�n del presente correo, ni se responsabiliza de posibles perjuicios derivados de la captura, incorporaciones de virus o cualesquiera otras manipulaciones efectuadas por terceros. No se autoriza la utilizaci�n con fines comerciales o para su incorporaci�n a ficheros automatizados de las direcciones del emisor o del destinatario.

La informaci�n contenida en este mensaje de correo electr�nico es confidencial y puede revestir el car�cter de reservada. Est� dirigida exclusivamente a la persona destinataria. El acceso o cualquier uso por parte de cualquier otra persona, no est�n autorizados y pueden llegar a ser ilegales. Si usted no es la persona destinataria, le rogamos que proceda a borrarlo y no hacer ning�n uso de �l ni transmitirlo a terceros. Si lo considera oportuno puede avisar al remitente que el mensaje ha llegado a un destino no deseado.

-- mailing list

-- mailing list

Raimon Esteve

Jun 19, 2011, 8:02:46 AM6/19/11

Some little customers first start only e-commerce solution (installed
by friend, tic employee or could datacenter (next, next, install).
They are management products (500, 1000, aprox, not more) and orders
(10, 20, 30, not more every day). Some months latter (or a year
latter), they need a ERP because this e-commerce are not control:
orders -> stock, account (not only invoice), stock in -> product and

Mgn is a popular e-commerce App because default it's available a lot
of functions and contributions. Also, Mgn architecture is MCV and it's
available inherit definitions. Mgn is cool, but if you develop by
python, you hate it! ;)

In Spain, other e-commerce popular is PrestaShop (OSC advanced). It's
more easy install, not need powerful server and more easy to use that

It's important Tryton available this modules because is a next steep
of ERP integration. But it's 100% available all process same ERP that
e-sale and you need custom ERP and custom e-sale: two tasks!

We searched solutions on Python e-commerce: Satchmo (1) and LFS (2)
it's good projects, but it's same that Mgn or others e-commerce: need
a connector.

Connector i'ts a good idea because integrated two app, but need
maintenance and it's available some errors (for example, total amount
sale order mgn and OpenERP not is exact some times).

We started a e-sale app integrated 100% to OpenERP because we need a
GPL app and source available for customizations (for example, in Spain
we are Servired, a service payment with credit card).

We started develop Zoook (3), a Django App use OOOP (4) (we create a
fork this library waiting creator merge our developments). If you want
more information that, you can see some videos (5) and comparison
Mgn-Zoook (6) (spanish available, sorry).

I hope a year, we started Zoook by Tryton, but this year, we will work
others modules we need spanish l10n before e-sale Tryton App.







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