Fwd: Climate Change and Beaver Talks

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Jackson, Deanna

Feb 10, 2017, 11:23:26 AM2/10/17
to upd...@trrp.net

SAVE THE DATE- February 27


As some of you know, Kent Woodruff from the US Forest Service (in Washington) will be in Weaverville on Monday February 27 to show a film he created about climate change. There will be 2 film showings in Weaverville at the Performing Arts Center (12:00 and 6:30 pm). Following the film, there will be group discussions about climate change and actions we can take as resource managers to adapt and decrease the impacts. All are welcome and encouraged to attend (these events are also open to the public). See attached flyer. Special thanks to the TRRP and TRCD for helping sponsor/plan this event!  I am also in the process of planning a brown bag lunch at the Redding Forest Service office (just for FS employees) on Thursday March 2.


I want to maximize Kent’s time in our area, as we can all gain from his experience and knowledge as a biologist and working with beaver. He has managed the Methow Valley Beaver Reintroduction Project for the past decade. On Monday Feb 27 between the two film events (2:30-4:30 pm), he will give a presentation/discussion focusing on beaver-  reintroduction, as well as other beaver restoration techniques, including beaver dam analogs (BDAs). I am sending this email to people from the Forest Service and other local natural resource entities who I think would be interested in learning/talking more about this exciting subject (feel free to share with those I missed). If possible, please let me know if you plan to join.



Thanks and I hope to see you!

Carla De Juilio






Forest Service Shield

Carla De Juilio
Wildlife Biologist

Forest Service

Shasta Trinity National Forest

p: 530-623-1715 (Weaverville)

530-628-1227 (Hayfork)

360 Main St
Weaverville, CA 96093/

111 Trinity Street (P.O. Box 159) 
Hayfork, CA 96041

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One Stick at a Time Event Flyer_Feb_27_17.pdf
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