Trouble with Extractisotopedata for multiple species and sites

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Gemma Galbraith

Dec 8, 2020, 12:10:23 AM12/8/20
to tRophicPosition
Dear Professor Quezada-Romegialli,

I am having some trouble with the extractisotope data function, similar to several other posts in the group but am yet to find a solution.

I can follow both the Lakes and Bilagay examples and codes with no trouble, only when I come to my data things don't seem to work.

I have structured my data (fish) in the same way as the examples and can plot the food web biplot with the ScreenFoodweb function. This tells my that my data are working for this ok.

When it comes to extract the isotope data however, I get an empty list object. If I remove the groupsColumn arguement, I do get a list object but there are values missing for baselines.

Any help on this would be hugely apriciated or if anyone else in the group conversations has found a solution?

Attached are some screen shots but I am also happy to send my data if required.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Gemma Galbraith | PhD Candidate
Marine Conservation Ecology Lab
College of Science and Engineering &
ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies
James Cook University
Townsville, QLD 4811 Australia

P: (+61) (0)432 164 723


Jul 29, 2021, 12:17:06 AM7/29/21
to tRophicPosition


I am also in the same boat, so looking for a similar solution :)
Did you get one Gemma?


Dalmiro Borzone Mas

Jan 30, 2023, 12:42:47 PM1/30/23
to tRophicPosition
Dear Dr. Galbraith & Amy
I guess they solved the problem in another way. However, today I was faced with the same problem; when I used the Extractisotopedata function I was getting an empty list. In short, I analyzed the function and found a problem with the inner functions (getValues and getBasalsources) not being able to select elements. So modify the inner functions with the function in your structure and it seems to work. I attach the modified function



#' Extract stable isotope data from a data frame
#' This function generates a list of isotopeData class objects parsing a data
#' frame of stable isotope values analysed for one or more consumers and one or
#' two baselines. The data frame can be organized in one or more communities (or
#' sampling sites, samples in time, multiple studies, etc.).
#' @param df data frame containing raw isotope data, with one or more grouping
#'   variables.
#' @param d13C string of the column that has d13C isotope values.
#' @param d15N string of the column that has d15N isotope values.
#' @param b1 string or vector with the text for baseline 1.
#' @param b2 string or vector with the text for baseline 2.
#' @param baselineColumn string of the column where baselines are grouped.
#' @param consumersColumn string of the column where consumers/species are
#'   grouped.
#' @param groupsColumn string of the column where groups/communities are
#' grouped.
#' @param deltaC vector of values with trophic discrimination factor for carbon.
#'   If NULL it will use Post's assumptions (56 values with 3.4 mean +- 0.98
#'   sd).
#' @param deltaN vector of values with trophic discrimination factor for
#'   nitrogen. If NULL it will use Post's assumptions (107 values with 0.39 mean
#'   +- 1.3 sd).
#' @param seed integer to get reproducible results. By default, seed = 3.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to this funcion.
#' @return a list with isotopeData class objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("Bilagay")
#' head(Bilagay)
#' isotopeList <- extractIsotopeData(Bilagay, b1 = "Benthic_BL",
#' b2 = "Pelagic_BL", baselineColumn = "FG", consumersColumn = "Spp",
#' groupsColumn = "Location", d13C = "d13C", d15N = "d15N")

extractIsotopeData <- function(df = NULL,
                               b1 = "Baseline 1", b2 = NULL,
                               baselineColumn = "FG",
                               consumersColumn = "Spp",
                               groupsColumn = NULL,
                               deltaC = NULL, deltaN = NULL,
                               d13C = "d13C", d15N = "d15N",
                               seed = 3,
                               ...) {
  # extractIsotopeData: no visible binding for global variable species fix
  # Check this
  # species = NULL
  arguments <- list(...) #might be names(as.list([-1])
  if("speciesColumn" %in% names(arguments)){
    consumersColumn <- list(...)$speciesColumn
    message("The Argument 'speciesColum' is maintained for compatibility with
        tRophicPosition =< 0.7.5. Avoid to use it in the future and use
        'consumersColumn' instead. Check the help for more details.")
  if("communityColumn" %in% names(arguments)){
    groupsColumn <- list(...)$communityColumn
    message("The Argument 'communityColumn' is maintained for compatibility with
            tRophicPosition =< 0.7.5. Avoid to use it in the future and use
            'groupsColumn' instead. Check the help for more details.")
  for (column in c(baselineColumn, consumersColumn, groupsColumn,
                   d13C, d15N))
    if(!(column %in% names(df)))
      stop(paste0("The column ", column,
                  " is not present in your data frame"))
  getValues <- function(df, item, column, isotope)
    df[df[,column] %in% item, isotope]
  getBaselines <- function(df, b1, b2, d15N, d13C) {
    dNb1 <- getValues(, b1, baselineColumn, d15N)
    dCb1 <- getValues(, b1, baselineColumn, d13C)
    if (!is.null(b2)) {
      dNb2 <- getValues(, b2, baselineColumn, d15N)
      dCb2 <- getValues(, b2, baselineColumn, d13C)
      return(list("dNb1" = dNb1, "dCb1" = dCb1, "dNb2" = dNb2, "dCb2" = dCb2))
    } else
      return(list("dNb1" = dNb1, "dCb1" = dCb1))
  getIsotopeData <- function(subset_df, deltaN, deltaC, consumersColumn,
                             group = NULL) {
    siDataListTemp <- list()
    extracted <- getBaselines(subset_df, b1, b2, d15N, d13C)
    extracted[["deltaN"]] <- deltaN
    extracted[["deltaC"]] <- deltaC
    attrb1 <- b1[b1 %in% unique(df[[baselineColumn]])]
    if (!is.null(b2)) { attrb2 <- b2[b2 %in% unique(df[[baselineColumn]])]
    } else { attrb2 <- NULL
    subset_df_temp <- subset_df[!subset_df[,baselineColumn] %in% c(b1, b2),]
    # for (consumer in unique(subset_df[[consumersColumn]])) { #original
    for (consumer in unique(subset_df_temp[[consumersColumn]])) { #modificada
      dNc <- getValues(, consumer, consumersColumn, d15N)
      dCc <- getValues(, consumer, consumersColumn, d13C)
      if (!is.null(group)) { consumer_group <- paste(group,
                                                     sep = "-")
      } else { consumer_group <- consumer
      data <- append(extracted, list("dNc" = dNc, "dCc" = dCc))
      siDataListTemp[[consumer_group]] <- data
      attributes <- list(class = "isotopeData",
                         names = names(data),
                         consumer = consumer,
                         baseline1 = attrb1,
                         baseline2 = attrb2,
                         group = group)
      mostattributes(siDataListTemp[[consumer_group]]) <- attributes
  if (is.null(deltaN)) {
    deltaN <- suppressMessages(tRophicPosition::TDF(author = "Post",
                                                    #type = "muscle",
                                                    element = "N",
                                                    seed = seed))
  if (is.null(deltaC)) {
    deltaC <- suppressMessages(tRophicPosition::TDF(author = "Post",
                                                    #type = "muscle",
                                                    element = "C",
                                                    seed = seed))
  siDataList <- list()
  if (!is.null(groupsColumn)) {
    for (group in unique(df[[groupsColumn]])) {
      subset_df <- subset(df, df[,groupsColumn] %in% group)
      siDataList <- append(siDataList, getIsotopeData(subset_df,
                                                      deltaN, deltaC,
  } else {
    siDataList <- append(siDataList, getIsotopeData(df,
                                                    deltaN, deltaC,


Dec 10, 2023, 11:15:40 PM12/10/23
to tRophicPosition
Hi Dalmiro, 
I ran your code but am not sure how to properly apply your function. 
Are you able to give an example of it in practice?


Message has been deleted


Apr 16, 2024, 11:02:27 PMApr 16
to tRophicPosition
I still do not have a solution for this, however it does seem to work when I remove one of the baselines and run a onebaseline model.
I wonder if it is because my number of reference samples is greater than my number of consumer samples.


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