Trinity disk quota error

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Jake Nash

Mar 6, 2024, 9:50:36 PMMar 6
to trinityrnaseq-users
Hi there,
I am attempting to use Trinity to do a large metatranscriptomic co-assembly (~420 M read pairs of 150bp). I ran the following command:

Trinity --seqType fq \
--left /anvil/scratch/x-jnash12/AUE2021_9Assemblies/ConcatenatedFiles/${i}.repaired_R1.fq \
--right /anvil/scratch/x-jnash12/AUE2021_9Assemblies/ConcatenatedFiles/${i}.repaired_R2.fq \
--CPU 128 \
--max_memory 1000G \
--output /anvil/scratch/x-jnash12/AUE2021_9Assemblies/TrinityAssembly_${i}

Trinity failed in the Chrysalis step, I think because it reached its disk quota limit:

Error, cannot write to file /anvil/scratch/x-jnash12/AUE2021_9Assemblies/TrinityAssembly_HA/read_partitions/Fb_9/CBin_9787/c979406.trinity.reads.fa at /usr/local/bin/Trinity line 2488, <$fh> line 376771607.

When I type myquota into my machine, it says I am at 100% of my file limit, which is 1 million files (though only 20% of my memory limit)

A couple questions:
1) Is there a way to change the number of files Trinity generates to not exceed the 1 million file limit?
2) If not, do you have any estimate of how many files Trinity is trying to generate so that I can request a higher limit from my system managers?

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