Trinity Management Council Recommends Adaptive Changes to Trinity River Flow Management - For Immediate Release

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Abel, Kiana

Sep 19, 2024, 10:47:34 AMSep 19
to, Dixon, Michael D, Abel, Kiana

Trinity River Restoration Program
P.O. Box 1300, 1313 South Main Street, Weaverville, Ca. 96093
For Release: Sept. 19, 2024
Contact: Kiana Abel, (530) 623-1800,
Trinity Management Council votes to recommend adaptive changes to Trinity River Restoration Program’s environmental flow management for water year 2025
Eureka, Ca. – On Wednesday Sept. 18, The Trinity Management Council voted to approve adaptive changes to ecological water releases from Lewiston Dam into the Trinity River. The recommendation will be sent to the Secretary of the United States Department of the Interior for final approval. The Council approved a collaborative proposal developed between the Trinity River Restoration Program’s Flow Workgroup and representatives of Trinity County. Wednesday’s vote recommends a synchronized flow release and an increase to wet-season baseflows which uses existing water allocations designated to the Trinity River for ecological purposes.
The approved recommendation encompasses functional management, a strategy that combines recreational and ecological objectives with the end goal of improving habitat conditions for juvenile anadromous fish, like salmon and steelhead. At the preceding Trinity Management Council quarterly meeting in June, directive was given to the Trinity River Restoration Program’s Flow Workgroup to advance a collaborative proposal with program partners. From July to early September program partners came to agreement and the presented the proposal to the council on Wednesday. The proposal passed for recommendation to the Department of the Interior with 7 in favor and 1 opposed. Council membership includes the Bureau of Reclamation, the Fish and Wildlife Service, Hoopa Valley Tribe, Yurok Tribe, California’s Natural Resources Agency, National Marine Fisheries Service, the United States Forest Service and Trinity County.
There are two recommended additions to past practiced restoration flow releases
  1. Synchronized Flow Period (Dec. 15 - Feb. 15)
One potential synchronized dam release during a specific period that is determined (or triggered) by a winter storm event with a maximum of 10 boat fishable days lost due to dam releases.
The purpose of a synchronized flow action is to use flows to maintain and form river complexity. Additionally, synchronized flows aim to reduce the impact of sedimentation on salmon redds deposited from tributaries like Deadwood Creek during winter storm events.
  1. Wet-Season Baseflow Period (Feb. 16 – April 15)
An adaptive increase to prescribed Record of Decision dam releases during a specific period determined by a conservative monthly inflow projection for Trinity Reservoir from the [Bulletin%20120%20-%20WSI%20(]California Department of Water Resources (90% B120).
The purpose of adaptively managing river flows is to increase available food sources and habitat for juvenile salmonids while rearing (growing) in freshwater, prior to their migration to the ocean.
In early April, the Program plans to implement spring snow melt releases with remaining available water based on the California Department of Water Resources April 2025 water year determination.
If changes are approved by the Department of the Interior, the Trinity River Restoration Program will announce details regarding; flow action changes, ways to stay informed and notification timelines as they develop.
Ways to stay informed
If you have questions, please contact the Trinity River Restoration Program office at 530/623-1800 or by emailing your question to An up-to-date daily schedule of flow releases will be available at:
2025 Water Year Recommended Flow Management Timeline. Recommended additions are colored in blue and green.


Kiana Abel
1313 S. Main St., Weaverville, CA 96093-1300 | 530-623-1800 (desk) | 530-739-9761 (cell) |
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