Tributary troubles

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Patrick Martin

Feb 25, 2013, 1:08:55 AM2/25/13
First of all, Tributary looks really awesome.  I am a huge fan of Bret Victor's Inventing on Principle talk, and you've made great progress in that direction.

However (isn't there always a however?), I am having difficulties with it using Chrome or Firefox on Windows 7.  I seem to remember from your videos that you were using OSX.  Should I switch over to Linux or OSX for best results?

My best box is WIN7, though I do have a wide variety of other (less conveniently placed) boxes to choose from.

Specifically, the issues I have encountered so far was:

When I try to create another file, clicking the +, it allows me to enter the name of the file, however, thats it.  It doesn't allow me to edit its contents.

Also, things move off the workable screen both at the top and bottom.  Not always, but frequently.

I also notice that things are not nearly as live as what your videos showed me.  Is this a symptom of network latency?


- Pat

Ian Johnson

Feb 25, 2013, 1:41:24 AM2/25/13
to Patrick Martin,
Hi Pat,

The operating system shouldn't matter, but there could be a bug. I've only been testing on OS X mainly, and some ubuntu but not often. 

So when you create a new file, the only way to tell it you are done is to hit enter, this is a UX failure and we should make it finish if you click anywhere else. I've created an issue on github for this and will try to get to it soon.

By workable screen do you mean the left hand side display or things in the code editor? With an SVG you only have as much canvas as the size of the window so you can go off screen and there is no built in scrolling. if you use HTML mode you can set overflow: scroll on the #display div.

How do you mean not as live? When you use the scrollbar on parameters it is not as fast? can you give an example tributary you tried that didn't behave as you expected? Most of my example tributaries don't depend on the network (once they are loaded) so it may be other things like a computationally expensive example (tributary rerenders everything on every change to the code)

glad you are trying it out, please let me know so we can make it better!

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Ian Johnson - 周彦

Ric Diesel

Jan 24, 2014, 9:27:16 PM1/24/14
howdy, win7, chrome, xampp. 

using to build d3, dc, crossfilter skill set.

click the + to create a new file name my.json don't hit the enter key. change focus. the file is not allocated. there is no where to type your data.
this makes more fun than need be. 

the chrome window is full screen. the "configure, close library, fullscreen" button float to a position that they can not be seen. none of the slider show the screen. i don't believe that the edit panel is resize able. this not a problem with chrome being partial sized. has two js files. click on one. which one is open? you get to look at the code.

would love to see keyword look against inlets.

keep up the hard work.

Ian Johnson

Jan 26, 2014, 9:13:04 PM1/26/14
to Ric Diesel,
On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 6:27 PM, Ric Diesel <> wrote:
howdy, win7, chrome, xampp. 

using to build d3, dc, crossfilter skill set.

click the + to create a new file name my.json don't hit the enter key. change focus. the file is not allocated. there is no where to type your data.
this makes more fun than need be. 
yes, we want to overhaul the file system stuff to make it much simpler, as well as add in a specific place to put data in. 

the chrome window is full screen. the "configure, close library, fullscreen" button float to a position that they can not be seen. none of the slider show the screen. i don't believe that the edit panel is resize able. this not a problem with chrome being partial sized.
hmm, were you zoomed in? i haven't tested much against full screen and will probably need to debug this. my guess is a css positioning thing. has two js files. click on one. which one is open? you get to look at the code.
good point, we need to address this! 

would love to see keyword look against inlets.

do you mean search? i really want to do this, and have an idea to use elasticsearch, but haven't had time to look into it.

keep up the hard work.

thanks! and thanks for sending this email, appreciate the time you took to get involved!

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