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October 29,

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William Zambrano MD

Oct 28, 2024, 2:19:33 PM10/28/24
to Tribulation Times
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October 29, 2024         

(Jer 31:15) Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.

CRISIS MAGAZINEPolitics and Truth: America Is at War With Babies

GUEST EDITORIALGrief is the Signature of Loss by Anne Lastman

CHARLOTTE LOZIER INSTITUTEFact Sheet: Abortion and Mental Health

MOREWounded Women: The Consequences of “Choice”

HLIHealing Is Possible: Get Help After Abortion

If you have aborted your baby and you regret it, please know that you are loved. You are worthy. Our God is merciful. He knows your pain. And He is waiting for you with arms stretched wide, hoping you will return to Him. He forgives you, and He wants you to forgive yourself.

It can be a long and lonely road to travel alone. That’s why there are many resources to help you heal and find peace after abortion.

Rachel’s Vineyard offers weekend healing retreats and post-abortion counseling to heal both mothers and fathers. According to its website: “Participants, who have been trapped in anger toward themselves or others, experience forgiveness. Peace is found. Lives are restored. A sense of hope and meaning for the future is finally re-discovered.”

The Sisters of Life offer healing for women. They “vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of every human life” by praying, fasting, and serving others. Their goal is to uphold the dignity of each person and to help post-abortive women heal. They do this by meeting the women in person and on the phone, and then later on retreats or during monthly gatherings and days of prayer.

PATH—or Post Abortion Treatment and Healing—is a community of people who offer healing to both men and women after abortion.

Entering Canaan Ministry ministers to women, men, and even siblings as they work to heal from the pain of abortion.

The Silent No More Awareness Campaign offers healing by allowing people to share their abortion stories and receive and offer support to others.

Individual dioceses also offer healing services, so check your local parishes for in-person or online groups to join.

The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Humility

28. Mathois said, 'The nearer a man comes to God, the more he sees himself to be a sinner. Isaiah the prophet saw the Lord and knew himself to be wretched and unclean (Is. 6:5).'

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