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William Zambrano MD

Jun 25, 2024, 3:32:46 PMJun 25
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READ THE BIBLE IN ONE YEARhttps://oneyearbibleonline.com/june-oyb/?version=63&startmmdd=0101

June 26, 2024         

(Mat 10:32-33) Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.

FATHER JEFFREY KIRBY HOMILYThe Consequences of Secularism

DR. PETER KREEFTThe Church and Secularism

EXCERPT FATHER JEFFREY F. KIRBYLet’s face it: There’s nothing unbiased about secularism

In the public forum, secularism presents itself as a neutral space, a type of safe answer to the challenge of pluralism. In truth, however, secularism is just one of many philosophical systems which seek to influence the human family.

Beyond its own marketing, secularism is a partisan system which is intolerant of transcendence and lacking in true acceptance of religious creed or spiritual experience. There is nothing unbiased in the secular system.

Secularism claims to possess a new way forward for humanity. It identifies rational thought, empirical investigation, and social harmony solely with itself. It casts a shadow on religion, ostracizes it, and identifies religious belief with violence, ignorance, and fantasy.

This juxtaposition can almost be summarized as “reason versus superstition,” with faith and religion absorbed under the designation “superstition.” Secularism tells the human person that she can live a completely good and happy life without God or spirituality, and the only narrative that she really needs is the one that she is writing for herself.

More pressingly, secularism asserts that it is the true destiny of humanity. It argues that only as humanity “grows up” and sheds its superstition, can it enter a new era with exalted things for all.

Tragically to the holistic nature of the human person, religion and her spiritual nature – so sacred and important to human life and such a source of its richness – are completely discredited and seen as useless holdovers of an antiquated and dark past in human history, which no longer has any relevance and can contribute nothing to human development.

Such a worldview seems partial to a will to power. It comes across as such a small world, impoverished of human transcendental aspirations and the capacity for virtue. In its supposed neutrality, it has no room for the depths of the human soul and the multi-tiered expressions of its beauty.

The world today doesn’t need a will to power. It doesn’t need extremism disguised as religion. It doesn’t need the emptiness or intolerance of secularism.

The pining of the human family today needs the panorama of love, truth, beauty, goodness, kindness, compassion, and gentleness. It needs all the avenues which point it to this elevated way of life, including religious belief and spiritual expression. And sometimes humanity needs a reminder, a simple witness, to this truth.

OPINIONFounding Fathers never intended U.S. to be secular or hostile to religion

The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Sober Living

32. Syncletica said, 'Let us live soberly, for thieves get in through our bodily senses. The inside of the house is sure to be blackened if the smoke that is coiling up outside finds the windows open.'

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"Have ANY Catholic Question? Just ask Ron Smith at: hfmin...@roadrunner.com

This month's archive can be found at: http://www.catholicprophecy.info/news2.html.

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