Sacred Heart of Jesus,

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William Zambrano MD

Jun 6, 2024, 4:51:49 PMJun 6
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June 7, 2024         

(Joh 19:33-35) But after they were come to Jesus, when they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers with a spear opened his side: and immediately there came out blood and water. And he that saw it hath given testimony: and his testimony is true. And he knoweth that he saith true: that you also may believe.

BISHOP DONALD J. HYINGUnderstanding the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and What it Means

WELCOME HIS HEARTSix Papal Quotes on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

We can place our trust in the Sacred Heart with our daily needs, struggles, and desires. We can turn to this all-merciful heart for strength, comfort, and love. The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is the solution to our brokenness and that of the world. When we enthrone the Sacred Heart in our home, we are able to allow what once was annoying and stressful to transform us. The closer we are to Jesus, the more we will grow in holiness. Jesus invites us to promote the Kingdom of Love through this most adorable and loving Heart.

These six quotes are from Popes who had a personal devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and promoted this devotion world-wide. St. John Paul II’s favorite invocation from the Litany of the Sacred Heart reminds us of our greatest desire, “Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holiness.” May we seek out this merciful Heart and come to appreciate this true path to holiness.
  1. “Father Mateo, not only do I permit you, but I command you to give your life for this work of social salvation to spread the devotion Enthronement of the Sacred Heart throughout the world.” -Pope Pius X, 1907
  2. “You do well, beloved Father Mateo, to take up the cause of human society, by first stirring up and spreading the Christian spirit in Families and Homes, and by establishing in the center of our families the love of Jesus Christ to reign and rule therein.” -Pope Benedict XV, 1916.
  3. Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart is the extraordinary remedy for the extraordinary needs of our time.” -Pope Pius XI, 1928
  4. It is altogether impossible to enumerate the heavenly gifts which devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has poured out on the souls of the faithful, purifying them, offering them heavenly strength, rousing them to the attainment of all virtues.” – Pope Pius XII, 1956.
  5. “In the Sacred Heart, every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden. The Heart of the Lord Jesus is the starting-point of the holiness of each one of us. From the Heart of the Lord Jesus let us learn the love of God and understanding of the mystery of sin. Let us make acts of reparation to the Divine Heart for the sins committed by us and by our fellow men. Let us make reparation for rejecting God’s goodness and love. Let us draw close each day to this fount from which flow springs of living water. Let us cry out with the Samaritan woman “Give us this water”, for it wells up to eternal life.” -Saint Pope John Paul II, 1984
  6. “Do not be afraid to present to him (Jesus) all the intentions of our suffering humanity, its fears, its miseries. May this Heart, full of love for men, give everyone hope and trust.”…I invite you to discover the riches that are hidden in the Heart of Jesus.” – Pope Francis, June 17, 2020
FATHER JOHN A. HARDON, S.JHow to Live in the Presence of God

Antonio Cardinal Bacci: Meditations For Each DayLiving in the Presence of God

1. The ability to live always in the presence of God is the foundation of the spiritual life. It is an unquestionable fact that we are always in the presence of God. “In Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) But we must be aware of this divine presence. If we really live all the time in the presence of God, we shall be able to avoid sin, practise virtue, and enjoy God's close friendship. How can we offend God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Judge, if we remember that we are being watched by Him? “If we reflect on the presence of God,” says St. Thomas, “we shall hardly ever sin.” (Opusc., 58:2) “If we keep ourselves always in the presence of God,” writes St. John Chrysostom, “we shall think no evil, say no evil, and do no evil.” (Hom. 8 ad Phil., 2)

When we are always aware of God's presence and realise that He is absolute truth, goodness and beauty, we shall be moved to love and imitate Him. “Walk in my presence and be perfect.” (Gen. 17:1) Because God is our only true good, we shall try by every means in our power to live close to Him and to offer Him all the thoughts, desires and actions of our day. The rare moments of formal prayer will not be enough for us then, but we shall long to be in constant communication with God.

When boiling water is moved away from the fire, it gradually loses its heat. It is the same with us, St. John Chrysostom remarked, when we move away from our awareness of God. We must live in His presence all the time and must check ourselves immediately if we notice that we are slipping away from this ideal.

2. The masters of the spiritual life advise us as to the best way to cultivate an awareness of the presence of God. (Cf. S Alphons., Al Divino Servizio, III, 3) This may be done by employing the intellect to form the concept of God's nearness and by using the will to offer to Him ourselves and everything around us with acts of humility, adoration and love. The intellect, enlightened by faith, tells us that God is everywhere. “Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.” (Jer. 23:24) We should see Him in all His creatures which reflect His eternal glory. “Learn to love the Creator in the creature,” says St. Augustine, “so that you may not become attached to created things and so lose Him by Whom you yourself were created.” (In Ps. 19)

When we wish to revive in our minds a sense of the presence of God, we should not picture Him as a distant Being, but as our own God Who condescended to dwell within us. We should then listen to His inspirations and humbly venerate His divine majesty which resides in our souls. “Do you not know,” asks St. Paul, “that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16) God is everywhere, but He dwells in a special manner in our souls. It is difficult for us, however, to live with our minds constantly concentrated on Him. If we were able to do so, this would be an anticipation of the happiness of the Blessed in Heaven. But we should have a habitual intention, which we should renew as often as possible, of living in the presence of God and of offering Him all our desires and actions. Then our whole life will be a continual prayer of great value in the sight of God.

3. My dear Mother Mary, you who lived in the intimate presence of God, obtain for me also this great grace, so that I may avoid sin, do good, and love God upon earth in the hope of enjoying Him forever in Heaven. Amen.

The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Sober Living

23. Poemen said that someone asked Paesisus this question, 'What am I to do about my soul? I have become incapable of feeling and I do not fear God.' He said to him, 'Go, and live with someone who does fear God: and by being there, you to.'

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