September 22,

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William Zambrano MD

Sep 22, 2024, 12:25:15 PMSep 22
to Tribulation Times
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September 22, 2024         

(Jas 4:1-3) From whence are wars and contentions among you? Are they not hence, from your concupiscences, which war in your members? You covet, and have not: you kill and envy and cannot obtain. You contend and war, and you have not: because you ask not. You ask and receive not: because you ask amiss, that you may consume it on your concupiscences.

YOUTUBEApocalyptic Warning Published by Vatican- Fr. Mark Goring, CC

VATICAN NEWSCardinal Zenari: In Syria, the bomb of poverty is killing hope

Cardinal Mario Zenari, a steadfast witness to Christ’s light in Damascus and a beacon of fading hope for the Syrian people, presided over Sunday Mass at Santa Maria delle Grazie alle Fornaci where he serves as Deacon. In his homily, and during his interactions with parishioners afterward, he vividly described the immense suffering of a nation worn down by over a decade of war.

“The Syrian people are exhausted,” Zenari lamented. “They struggle to see the light of the future.” The numbers speak of a tragic reality: 500,000 lives lost, more than 7 million internally displaced, and over 5 million forced to flee to neighboring countries. According to the United Nations, 16.7 million Syrians urgently need humanitarian assistance, and almost 13 million face severe food insecurity.

Drawing parallels between personal suffering and collective hardship, Zenari reflected on the crosses, both great and small, that people bear in their lives. Yet, in Syria, he noted, the weight of these crosses is almost unimaginable. He recalled haunting memories of past years, particularly the image of over a million Syrians trudging through rain and snow, fleeing violence with only what they could carry—a “Way of the Cross stretching for miles.” He then shared another poignant memory: a Good Friday in Homs, when bombs rained down on the city. A sacristan, amid the destruction, asked Father Michele where to prepare the liturgy, as even the churches lay in ruins. “Father Michele instructed him to take a long rope, encircle the devastated neighborhoods, and place a sign in the center reading ‘Calvary.’ Today,” the cardinal emphasized, “that rope extends far beyond Homs, stretching for miles across the entire Middle East.”

RELATEDWar, economic crisis threaten Lebanon’s Catholic schools

X10 of Cardinal Robert Sarah's most striking warnings to Western civilization

  • “A West that denies its faith, its history, its roots, and its identity is destined for contempt, for death, and disappearance.”
  • “The West does not for an instant imagine the unlimited consequences of its spineless cowardice with regard to its Christian artistic history”
  • "I am convinced that one of the most important tasks of the Church is to make the West rediscover the radiant face of Jesus."
  • "As a bishop, it is my duty to warn the West! The barbarians are already inside the city."
  • "Western civilization is in a profound state of decadence and ruin! Like Notre-Dame cathedral, it is crumbling. It has lost its reason for being: to show forth and lead others to God."
  • “The Church is the guardian of civilization. I am convinced that western civilization is passing at present through a mortal crisis. It has reached the extreme of self-destructive hate.”
  • "Abortion is the greatest tragedy of our time"
  • “Those who deny the values of their own tradition, culture and religion are condemned to disappear, for they have lost all their motivation, all their energy and even all the will to fight to defend their own identity.”
  • “What happens in the United States has repercussions everywhere. The entire globe looks to you, waiting and praying, to see what America resolves on the pressing challenges the world faces today. Such is your influence and responsibility.”
  • “The violence against Christians is not just physical, it is also political, ideological and cultural... Do we not see signs of this insidious war in this great nation of the United States?”
The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Humility

1. Antony was confused as he meditated upon the depths of God's judgments, and he asked God, 'Lord, how is it that some die young and others grow old and sick?  Why are there some poor and some rich?  Why are there those who are bad and rich and oppress the good poor?'  He heard a voice saying to him, 'Antony, worry about yourself; these other matters are up to God, and it will not do you any good to know them.'

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