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William Zambrano MD

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June 28, 2024         

(Mat 5:9) Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

FOX NEWSCatholic Church struggles to maintain Christian presence in Holy Land amid war, political turmoil

UCANEWSVatican urges Middle East parties to accept peace plans

CATHOLIC SUNUnder olive tree planted as sign of peace, pope begs God to help Holy Land

ACNArchbishop in Lebanon: ‘We find ourselves in a state of war!’

ACN and the local Church are calling for prayers, so that peace may be restored in the region. Daily rocket fire in southern Lebanon is plunging people into deeper poverty than they were already suffering as a result of the financial crisis in 2019. The Church is standing with them, providing practical help for their needs and providing an accountof courage.

Because of the war in Gaza, daily rocket fire is hitting southern Lebanon. Places near the Israeli border are particularly affected.

“The eyes of the world are on Gaza, but something that the media rarely reports is that this has resulted in an armed conflict taking place in southern Lebanon,” said Marielle Boutros, project coordinator of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in Lebanon. “As with the people in Gaza, this is not the first war that the people in southern Lebanon have had to experience. They can’t cope with the noise of the rockets anymore and are traumatized. They really need our prayers.”

The Maronite Archbishop of Tyre, Monsignor Charbel Abdallah, whose archdiocese is one of the oldest in the world, told ACN that despite “finding ourselves in a state of war,” most people who had fled to Beirut or further north have now returned because they were short of money, and their relatives did not have the capacity to accommodate so many people. In the ten parishes near the Israeli border, which make up almost the entirety of the archdiocese, 70 percent of people have come back. “The parishes of Alma el Chaeb and Quzah are, however, still nearly empty, because they lie entirely in the area of the air strikes; a large number of houses there have been completely destroyed.”

Livelihoods ruined for years

According to the archbishop, the people in these ten parishes can no longer bring in their harvest, because their fields are now a conflict zone. Plus, many fires caused by phosphorus bombs have destroyed cultivated fields and fruit trees, which will have negative effects for years to come. Archbishop Abdallah laments that all these people, who have been robbed of their one source of income, are not receiving any help from the state: “In the face of these many needs, the state is completely absent. The people are becoming poorer and poorer and can no longer live dignified lives. Because of extreme inflation, the social security funds for hospital stays, visits to the doctor, or medicine are hardly present.”

Archbishop Abdallah Despite this, Boutros is deeply impressed by the courage and faith of ACN’s many project partners in southern Lebanon. “None of them – whether bishops, priests, religious brothers, or nuns – have left the region in the face of constant danger. They feel responsible for staying with the people in their need and offering them support and comfort.” Even the priests of the two parishes in Alma el Chaeb and Quzah, who find themselves amid the air strikes, are still there to strengthen the few remaining believers.

Archbishop visits parishes despite mortal danger

Every Sunday and sometimes during the week, Archbishop Abdallah visits the parishes affected by the war, though twice already during his visits, bombs landed nearby. After Mass, he meets the faithful “to talk about the situation.” The archbishop and his pastoral staff try to give witness to their faith through action, before they do so with words: “We try to keep the spiritual life of the parishes going by celebrating all the usual festivals: the festivals of the liturgical year, the festivals of patron saints, and First Communion. After the celebrations, we listen to the people to see what needs they have and to help them with our modest means.” Archbishop Abdallah has found that these visits “encourage the people enormously; they sense that they have not been left in the lurch by the Church.”

But to help them, the local Church, which is one of the poorest in the country, is dependent on outside support. “Fortunately, Catholic organizations like ACN and other NGOs are present,” reports the Maronite archbishop, who is very grateful for the longstanding help of ACN. “Every month, ACN provides food parcels to thousands of needy families and thereby gives vital support. Beyond this, hundreds of sick people receive monthly help to buy medicine. The charity has also equipped a health center in one of our big parishes to support the local families. Many thanks to all the benefactors for their generosity! Please pray for us. Pray that this war in the Middle East ends as quickly as possible!”

REPORTIsrael Readies Troops for a Potential Escalation in Lebanon

The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Sober Living

35. Hyperichius said, 'Let your mind be always on the kingdom of heaven, and you will soon inherit it.'

Prayer request?  Send an email to: PrayerR...@aol.com

"Have ANY Catholic Question? Just ask Ron Smith at: hfmin...@roadrunner.com

This month's archive can be found at: http://www.catholicprophecy.info/news2.html.

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