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Joint Triangle Area Robotics/Arduino(embedded computing) Interest meeting Monday May 6th

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Pete Soper

May 1, 2013, 11:53:28 PM5/1/13
to Triangle Area Robotic, Triangle Arduino, Splat Space, Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion
   In lieu of the robotic and embedded computer interest meetings that had been happening at the now defunct TechShop on the 1st and 2nd Mondays of each month there will be: ONE joint meeting this Monday evening as follows:

    May 6th from 7-9pm
    Room 1005 of the NCSU Engineering Building One.
    Centenial Campus, NCSU off Varsity drive off Western Blvd off US1 South.

   Please consider attending to meet and chat with other enthusiasts and take part in discussions of the best arrangements for stable, regular meetings in coming months separately or by a merger of groups, possibly in conjunction with the area IEEE robotics chapter, etc.
  Thanks to Grayson Randall of IEEE for arranging and hosting this bridge meeting and to the many others helping explore long term meeting venues and and sharing interests and encouragement to keep these groups functioning.

   Here's the corresponding IEEE meeting announcement:

   Rereshments will be provided courtesy of IEEE. Extra snacks would be welcome!

See you Monday!

If something comes up here are contact numbers:

    Grayson Randall 919-612-0481
    Pete Soper 919 270 9433

See yas Monday!

   Grayson and Pete


Phillip Rhodes

May 2, 2013, 12:10:42 AM5/2/13
to, Triangle Area Robotic, Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion
Will the Arduino "hack afternoon" still be happening at SplatSpace?
Will the Robotics group be adding any Splatspace activities, or
perhaps joining in on the existing "hack afternoons"? (if they are

I'm hoping the answer is "yes" as NCSU is quite a haul for me from
Chapel Hill... and SplatSpace is a great place to work on robots and
embedded computer tech. :-)
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Pete Soper

May 2, 2013, 12:31:16 AM5/2/13
to, Phillip Rhodes (Fogbeam Labs), Triangle Area Robotic, Triangle Arduino, Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion
Good to hear from you, Phil. Hopefully the last frost advisory where you're working in Chicago is not more than a month or two away. :-)

On 5/2/2013 12:09 AM, Phillip Rhodes (Fogbeam Labs) wrote:
Will the Arduino "hack afternoon" still be happening at SplatSpace? 
Absolutely. This "3rd Saturday" mtg at Splat Space is not affected by the TechShop situation. It is associated with "that group of folks belonging to trianglearduino Google Group", but apart from the requirement that a Splat Space member must be present at a meeting at all times along with safety-related procedures, this venue seems pretty stable, and as a reminder, it's open to the public, most especially TAR members. It's been a shame that Scott Hall hasn't been able to attend for some time because of working out of town, but various Splat Space members (notably Geoff Tatersfield) have pitched in to host these meetings. So this is a pretty reliable meeting , but to be clear, it has no current connection to TAR.

Will the Robotics group(TAR) be adding any
Splatspace activities, or perhaps joining in on the existing "hack afternoons"? (if they are staying)?
This is not clear at all. Wether the TAR folks would find getting together at Splat Space easier than at NCSU remains to be seen.

I'm hoping the answer is "yes" as NCSU is quite a haul for me from Chapel Hill... and SplatSpace is a great place to work on robots and embedded computer tech.  :-)



On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 10:53 PM, Pete Soper <> wrote:
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Phillip Rhodes

May 2, 2013, 12:44:03 AM5/2/13
to,, Phillip Rhodes (Fogbeam Labs), Triangle Area Robotic, Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion
If all goes well, I'll be back in the Triangle area "full time" again
around the end of May. So then I can get back into some Arduino
hacking, and - hopefully - start getting involved with TAR.

Interestingly enough, my interest in robotics has increased
dramatically just recently, for reasons I really never would have
guessed even a few weeks ago. So, yeah, I'm really looking forward to
learning more and starting to build some cool stuff!

> "trianglearduino" group.
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Phillip Rhodes

May 2, 2013, 5:36:54 PM5/2/13
to,, Phillip Rhodes (Fogbeam Labs), Triangle Area Robotic, Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion
> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Nathan Yinger <> wrote:
> Now I'm curious about what causes a sudden, unexpected, and dramatic
> increase in robotics interest.

Well, I can explain my scenario, although it may be somewhat unique.
First, let me say that, while I have not attended any TAR meetings to
date, I have been interested in robotics for a long time anyway. But
it was casual interest of the general "I'm a geek and like building
stuff" nature.

But now, I have a startup that I've founded, and we are working on
manufacturing as a big target market for our software. Once I made
that decision in my head, it was natural to start looking at the
manufacturing vertical more closely, which led to reading more about
industrial automation, robotics, process control, etc. And now
seeing the overlap between two of my interests, and seeing that they
intersect in an area that I had not given much thought to before,
suddenly has me really excited to dive deeper into the robotics world
myself. It won't directly impact our business (probably), but
increasing my knowledge of that world, even at a #DIY level, probably
can't hurt. And since there *is* some #opensource Industrial
Automation software out there, I guess in the back of my mind I'm
chewing on the possibility of building a few small robots of my own to
simulate some actual industrial machines, just so we can play around
with some ideas for integrations and what-not.

Like I said, kind of a weird scenario, but what can ya do? Heck, maybe
I was just quietly looking for a convenient excuse to get all jazzed
up about robots, who knows? :-)

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