Reminder: Triangle Arduino Hack Afternoon at SplatSpace 2-4pm Saturday May 18

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Pete Soper

May 14, 2013, 9:49:30 PM5/14/13
to Triangle Arduino
(Jim Pfister will be the SplatSpace host this month)

Arduino_logo_sm.pngInline image 1Inline image 2Triangle Arduino
 / Triangle Microcontrollers & Embedded Computing
Hack Afternoon
It's time again for our monthly "hack afternoon" at SplatSpace. Join your fellow Microcontroller/Embedded Computing hackers at 2pm on Saturday, May 18. We have the space until 4pm this month.

When: Saturday, 18, 2:00 PM         Where: SplatSpace

RSVP:(The SplatSpace meetup site needs an event for this date.)

Calling all microcontroller projects!! Quite a number of us are working on other microcontrollers besides the AVR with the Arduino code, even single-board computer projects (ie. Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone, ELLK).  Bring them by and work on them too!  Usually the circuits and interface code is the same no matter what chip you are working on, and everyone wants to see what you are up to.  This is your chance to ask others your questions, or mentor others through their questions.

What is an Arduino? See this link for more info:

What is a Raspberry Pi?  See this link:

Who is TriangleArduino? See this link for more info:!forum/trianglearduino

No prior experience is required to attend hack afternoon and you don't even need to own an Arduino. There are plenty of members who will be glad to let you look over their shoulder and ask questions. If you have your own parts, definitely bring them. SplatSpace does have a limited amount of parts and tools for public use. There is lots of space and everyone should have room to work on a reasonably sized project.

You don't need to be a member of SplatSpace in order to attend, but please do ask about membership options while you're there.  It's a great group of folks and if you're into Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or introductory electronics or embedded programming there's a good chance that you'll share interests with many of the other members and attendees.  Go here for directions to SplatSpace:

If you would like to purchase an Arduino board or any number of other electronics prior to the gathering, TechShop RDU has a select number of parts and kits available at their facility.  See their store list:

You can order a Raspberry Pi here:

If anyone has projects they'd like to collaborate on, feel free to start a conversation on the You can check out some project ideas at the following sites:
Divine High School:

Learn more and to RSVP:  (The SplatSpace meetup site needs an event for this date.)

-Pete Soper (standing in for Scott Hall)
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