2 cool kickstarters local makers might like

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Shannon Code

May 6, 2013, 11:05:35 AM5/6/13
to Triangle Arduino Discussion Group, Splat Space - Durham's Hackerspace
I've backed both of these in the past few days and can't wait till the hardware arrives, I figured people form these groups might be interested as well.

(Complete RigidBot 10"x10"x10") 3d printer

The Othermill is a portable, computer controlled, 3-axis mill that is specifically designed for use at home or in a small workspace. (Metal, Wood, PLA, PCB, etc...)

I am getting the 3d printer for ~$350 and the mill for ~$1000

I'll also be selling off some of my development hardware to fund these purchases, stay tuned for my online yardsale.

John Vaughters

May 6, 2013, 3:21:39 PM5/6/13
to triangl...@googlegroups.com
Nice Projects. This falls right into my expectations for a paradigm shift similar to pre-PC days. So much activity bringing down the cost of maker tools. Self regenerative tools even. You can use these new tools to help reproduce even better ones, taking down the cost of creating to unbeleivable lows.
For those of you old enough, you may remember being amazed that a 286 Clone PC in the early 80's was only $2000. It was mind boggling low. That would be about $3-4 K in today's dollars. Now you can get a decent desktop for $500 about $250 in 1980's dollars.
Truly amazing, Thanks for the links.
John Vaughters

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