This is an announcement of the next Triangle Amateur Robotics meeting,
but I am cross-posting it to the Triangle Arduino group and TriLUG due
to the meeting content (Raspberry Pi!)
The June 3rd meeting will be a combined meeting with the IEEE Computer
Science chapter and the IEEE Robotics and Automation chapter and will
feature a panel discussion on the Raspberry Pi. The full meeting
notice can be seen here:
The meeting will be held at the same location as last month, which is
at the NCSU Engineering Building 1 on Centennial campus, room 1005. If
you need directions, the meeting notice above includes a map of the
surrounding area and the building location.
Pizza and refreshments will be served at 6:30pm to allow time to
socialize, and the panel discussion will begin at 7pm.
If you have a Raspberry Pi project you are working on, please bring it
to the meeting to show to everyone. And if you have any pressing
questions about the Raspberry Pi, this will be the place to ask them!
Btw, I will be bringing my latest Nearspace payload, which consists of
a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, 5W FM APRS transmitter, 5W ATV video
transmitter, lots of onboard sensors, 2 cameras, and a SPOT location
device. This payload successfully flew and was recovered from a
flight to over 87,500' on Memorial Day (checkout
for a teaser photo and to read the twitter feed about the launch and
In addition, my Raspberry Pi camera module arrived on Saturday - I
have not had time to do anything with it yet as I was prepping for the
nearspace launch, but I hope to at least have some first impressions
of it by the Monday meeting.
So who else will be bringing projects?