Favorite H-Bridge chip

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Charles West

Jan 16, 2014, 5:25:47 PM1/16/14
to triangl...@googlegroups.com

I'm working on a project where I need to get bi-directional control on 8 small dc motors.  In the past I've just made H-bridges from discrete Darlington transistors, but I think that that would be too bulky for this project.  However, I'm not quite sure what chips would be best to use.

These (and similar) chips seem popular:

If I may ask, is that what you use or is there some other chip that you prefer?

Charlie West

Rodney Radford

Jan 16, 2014, 5:27:56 PM1/16/14
to trianglearduino
What are the specs of the motors you plan to drive - voltage and current - as that will partially limit the choices.

Also do you have any preferences on form factor for the IC - through hole, SMT, etc?

And how many do you plan to build - just one, or are you planning to make several?

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