A month or so back, there was a group that did an order for ATtiny85s.
I am planning on ordering 10 ATtiny84s from Digikey and thought I would
offer the same deal as before.
86.4 cents each until we get to 100, at which point we get 76.8. Shipping will be split across everything
that gets ordered. My estimate for shipping is $5.23 or maybe $10.33. So, to be conservative, add 0.10
per chip for shipping.
I plan to place the order Tuesday morning. Let me know if you are interested and what quantity.
Also if you only want to participate if we hit 100. And, if you want to include other stuff, I would consider that.
---> Paul
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OK, we have 68. 21 more and we hit the breakeven point where it costs the same to order 100.
Let me know by Monday.
---> Paul
OK, we are over 100!
76.8 cents each.
If anyone else wants any or my numbers below are wrong, let me know today.
I will be placing the order in the morning.
---> Paul
Jason | 15 |
David | 13 |
Shannon | 10 |
Carl | 10 |
Gene | 10 |
Paul | 10 |
Ron | 10 |
Geoffrey | 15 |
Mickael | 10 |
Steve | 10 |
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Great! I've got a tenspot with your name on it!
I would like 10, if it is not to late. I just got back into town and checked my email.
If the order has been placed, no problem.
Richard Prevette
919 541 0899 (w)
919 550-9657 (H)
Thanks ….
___________________________________________________________________ |
The order has shipped from DigiKey.
Tax was $8.53
Shipping was $6.36
I have split tax and shipping based on cost of goods ordered
| tax | shipping | per |
| $ 8.53 | $ 6.36 |
ATTiny84 | $ 105.22 | $ 7.48 | $ 5.58 | 0.863329 |
Other stuff | $ 14.78 | $ 1.05 | $ 0.78 |
Loaded cost for ATTiny84 is 0.863329
Name | Qty | Cost | Cost+tax+shipping |
Jason | 20 | $ 15.36 | $ 17.27 |
David | 13 | $ 9.98 | $ 11.22 |
Shannon | 17 | $ 13.06 | $ 14.68 |
Carl | 10 | $ 7.68 | $ 8.63 |
Gene | 10 | $ 7.68 | $ 8.63 |
Paul | 10 | $ 7.68 | $ 8.63 |
Ron | 10 | $ 7.68 | $ 8.63 |
Geoffrey | 15 | $ 11.52 | $ 12.95 |
Michael | 10 | $ 7.68 | $ 8.63 |
Steve | 10 | $ 7.68 | $ 8.63 |
Mahesh | 10 | $ 7.68 | $ 8.63 |
Pete | 2 | $ 1.54 | $ 1.73 |
| 137 | $ 105.22 | $ 118.28 |
We had a late request for 10. If anyone wants to share a couple with Richard Prevette, let me know.
I plan on being at the Robotics meeting on 7/3 and at the Arduino meeting on 7/10.
Michael North picked up yours last night. He paid $17.27 for them.
NOTICE: This list is OBSOLETE. For details about the replacement TriEmbed list go here: